Sunday, November 10, 2013

Session 19 - The Reactor (Part 3)

Key Points:
  • So after Roan got his radiation cleared, the nurse android only has one charge left of RAD-X spray.
  • Kembu and Del had a short, private conversation in MED-1 while Kembu was getting his diseases cured.
  • Managirl tinkered with the surgery android and discovered some hidden notes within its chassis...
    • The notes were written by a Dr. Abel. They go over the efforts to clone / recreate a creature called an intellect devourer from an ancient DNA sample. The experiment was a success--but it was revealed that Abel allow the intellect devourer to consume and inhabit the brain of an intern.
    • Klein revealed that Dr. Abel was a colleague of hers that worked on Project Rebirth. She has a distaste for him. She claims he is incompetent.
  • Roan and Del found a yellow card in the medical facility, but learned that the drawer it was in has an alarm to it. They decided to leave it for now until they could disable the alarm.
  • Manu-Nui kept watch in the hallway and was ambushed by a displacer beast. The group drove off the beast before it did any lasting damage, and it was ultimately decided to let it flee, even if it posed a danger.
    • The displacer beast had a green-hue to its purple fur. That, and its malnourished form, suggest something is wrong with it.
  • Roan asked where the security room was, and Manu-Nui consulted with the facility. It revealed the path to the nearby POLICE HQ.
    • Entering the lobby of the police HQ, the group encountered three police robots.
    • By presenting the orange keycard, the robots mistook Roan for someone called Officer Daniels.
    • According to the dates given, the trouble that occurred in the facility went down 6 months ago.
    • The robots insisted that the group didn't mess with things like the secretarial desk.
    • The group learned that each police robot had a red card key.
    • The group explored the nearby prison cells where a single prisoner had died of starvation. The food produced in the cell was rotten.
  • Some of the police robots decided to go out on patrol.
    • Kembu and Managirl followed after one of them, and while it was checking out a deserted cafeteria, Managirl distracted the police robot while Kembu killed it with his sword.
    • With it killed, an alarm triggered throughout the facility.
    • Five police robots attempted to descend upon Kembu in the cafeteria.
    • Manu-Nui attempted to kill the robots, attacking them to put them out of their misery, but he failed.
    • Roan posed as Officer Daniels in order to try and dissuade the robots from attacking Kembu.
    • Del tried to pose reason and logic in her diplomacy with the robots. Despite a reasonable and passionate plea, the robots couldn't process it--given that it wasn't in their programing.
    • Kembu and Manu-Nui, at Roan and Del's insistence, surrendered to Roan.
    • Managirl collected the red card key from the slain police robot.
  • Kembu and Manu-Nui were put in a cell where Del kept over watch of them. The robots were appeased, and went back on patrol.
    • Manu, Kembu, and Del had a short conversation--apologies were had and details about Manu's history were probed.
  • With the red card key, Roan, Managirl, and Klein investigated further within the POLICE HQ.
    • In a room for the chief of security, the group found the head of security (who had shot himself) and left a note that read: 'Leave the soul alone'.
    • Using the red card key, Managirl found several goodies in the head of security's locker. It included: a suit of power armor, the rags of a high ranking uniform with gem encrusted medals, and a high-tech laser pistol.
    • She also collected the handgun the man used to kill himself...
  • Roan used the security monitor to find the nearby computer central. Through, he found a manual he couldn't really read, but he managed to discover a document with a cheat sheet of how to operate the console. With the console, he deactivated the police robots.
    • At the central console, he discovered a DVD that read: 'PLAY ME, YOU GENESIS FUCKS'.
    • The computer central was a graveyard of bodies that had been eaten, ripped apart, and shot.
  • Roan returned to the chief of security's room to find Managirl looking over the goodies. The others rejoined them as the police robots were disabled.
  • Dr. Klein used the computer terminal to determine that the only card still being actively used belonged to Dr. Abel. Managirl theorized that the intellect devourer killed him and took him over. Klein noted that Dr. Abel is likely mutated beyond belief at this point, and possibly insane.
  • The group, wanting to learn what happened here, settled in to watch the last video that the chief of security watched. Labeled 'Geiger Delivery', the video features a team of GENESIS security delivering a prisoner to the Quiet Mountain Mana Reactor facility...
Reactor Rooms Cleared:
  • Medical Bay. [MED I, MED II.] - LEVEL 1.
  • Southern Game Room. - LEVEL 1.
  • Southern Lounge. -LEVEL 1.
  • Storage Rooms. [12B, 12 C.] - LEVEL 1.
  • Southern Western Hallway. [1] - LEVEL 1.
  • Northwest Dining Room. - LEVEL 1.
  • Computer Central. - LEVEL 1
Reactor Items Found:
  • 2 Gems. [Managirl]
  • 3 war medals encrusted with gems. [Managirl]
  • Security Cards: x2 Violet, x1 Orange, x1 Brown, x1 Black, x1 Red, x1 Yellow.
  • Laser Pistol [LEVEL 5 RARE. HANDGUN.]
    -This weapon requires no ammunition and cannot use ammunition.
    -Malfunction: When you roll a 1 on an attack roll with this weapon, you instead attack a random target (including yourself) within 5 squares of you.
    -This weapon deals fire damage instead of normal damage.
    -At Will Attack Power (Fire), Standard Action, Ranged 20, Target: One Creature. Your level + 5 vs Reflex for 2d8 fire damage.
  • Powered Armor. [LEVEL 10 RARE. PLATE ARMOR.]
    -You can seal or unseal the armor as a minor action. While sealed, the armor provides 8 hours of breathable air. Once the air is used up, it replenishes after 6 hours.
    -You gain blindsight and tremorsense, with a range equal to your current enhancement bonus.
    -Your Strength score is considered 5 points higher for the purposes of determining encumbrance.
    -Malfunction: When you roll a 1 on an attack roll, you are restrained and begin suffocating. You or an adjacent ally can use a standard action to make an Athletics check (hard DC of the item’s level) to end this effect. You cannot seal or unseal the armor until this effect ends.

    Utility Power Encounter (Minor Action)
    -Effect: You gain a fly speed equal to your speed until the end of your next turn.
Current Objectives:
  • Discover the secrets of Quiet Mountain.
  • Complete the Middleman's Second Job: Dr. Klein.
  • Complete the Middleman's Third Job: ???
  • Receive the Middleman's Answers.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Session 18 - The Reactor (Part 2)

Key Points:
  • The group decided the first order of business was to get to the med-bay, but along the way, they planned on checking the rooms they passed in order to make sure nothing sneaked up on them.
  • The group investigated the southern lounge...
    • There were remnants of bones, broken furniture, fires, rubble, etc.
    • Roan found an Orange Keycard in one of the pieces of broken furniture.
    • Manu-Nui proposed the bones were part of a tribal offering from one of the residents who worshiped the machines here.
  • The group investigated the southern game room...
    • There was nothing of note here besides arcade games. Most of it had been picked clean.
    • Manu-Nui said a small prayer to the machine called Galaga for its aid. It did not answer him.
  • As they made their way to the first intersection, the group stopped to investigate some storage rooms...
    • Inside the storage rooms, there were tribes of strange creatures called vegepygmies. These plant like, small-sized humanoids, are an unknown species and likely a result of mutation here or a terrible Genesis experiment. They had strange dogs with them that they rode on. Called thornies, these dogs were also plant like.
    • Vegepygmies don't possess the vocal components necessary to communicate verbally, so most of their communication was non-verbal. As a group, they're very vicious and driven to kill.
    • Combat broke out between the group and one unit of vegepygmies with another group arriving later as reinforcements. Almost two dozen were killed in total by the group. Two sets of hunters and their mounts escaped at one point. To where? Who knows.
    • Manu-Nui seemed reluctant to fight the creatures, though he defended the group. Roan got several good shots off that prevented a charge by a rider, while Del and her wall of fur kept many of the creatures busy while her grasping tides delayed a rider. Kembu took the brunt of the attacks, but he slayed several hunters by himself.
    • Disturbingly, when some of them were killed, one of two things would happen. Either another vegepygmy would be born from the remains of another, or they would explode into a brown russet mold. The mold only infected Del throughout the combat.
  • As combat ended, events began to occur...
    • The foghorn of the reactor began blaring. It caused the remaining vegepygmy to seek shelter with Manu-Nui (who likewise took cover in a curled up ball).
    • The mutations worsened and improved in some cases. Del improved from her radiation, while Managirl (growing yeti fur) and Kembu (growing a rubbery skeleton) grew worse and Roan himself began feeling some of the effects (displaced in time).
  • The foghorn separated the group...
    • Kembu, Roan, and Klein entered the 'other' world where they heard the woman calling for Roan again along with spotting a dozen strange bloodied nurses who had the faces of people familiar to the individual gazing upon them.
    • Roan discovered his new mutation could shunt him back into the real world, but if he should shunt back to the other world, it might only be temporary. Experimenting this, he shunted back to the real world.
    • Kembu and Klein were nearly over run by the nurses (who seemed to move based on sounds) and some unknown creature lurking around. Kembu went back, and Klein was nearly attacked, but ultimately she was pulled back into the real world by Managirl.
  • The real world group waited for the other world group to rejoin them...
    • During that time, Managirl coped with her yeti fur.
    • Del offered the remaining vegepygmy some food. The creature seemed to take a liking to the group, especially Manu-Nui.
    • Managirl tried detecting the others through their mana signatures. Manu-Nui tried pulling them back, but failed on his first attempt. On his second attempt, he only pulled out Klein's Claw. The vege pygmy worshipped Klein's Claw and even gave the group offerings (two keycards).
    • When back in reality, Roan questioned Managirl in order to ensure that she was real and not some trick.
  • The group ultimately reunited, shocked and terrified in different ways. Klein especially.
    • The vegepygmy tried to get the group to go down a right path leading to a cafeteria, but they ultimately refused, so the creature parted ways from the.
    • The group decided to get to the Med-Bay...
  • In the Med-Bay...
    • The group discovered a run-down med-bay with two rooms for emergencies.
    • In MED-1, the group found a helpful female android nurse who could take care of diseases and wounds with the RAD-X spray Klein talked about.
    • In MED-2, the group find a male android doctor who tried to perform emergency surgery on Kembu, but was ultimately defeated by Roan and Kembu.
    • There is another door in these offices, but it requires a Gray Keycard.
    • Everyone so far is cured of all wounds and diseases, aside from Roan who has yet to make a decision whether or not to give up his new 'power' from the radiation.
    • The surgery android is disabled, and Managirl plans to tinker with it.
    • The nurse android has only two of five charges left of the miracle spray.
    • And because I missed it, there is another door in the medical area that requires a Yellow Keycard.
Reactor Rooms Cleared:
  • Medical Bay. [MED I, MED II.] - LEVEL 1.
  • Southern Game Room. - LEVEL 1.
  • Southern Lounge. -LEVEL 1.
  • Storage Rooms. [12B, 12 C.] - LEVEL 1.
  • Southern Western Hallway. [1] - LEVEL 1
Reactor Items Found:
  • Two Gems. [Managirl - Broken repair bot.]
  • Black ID Card. [Klein - Bought from Hengeyokai.]
  • Violet ID Card. [Managirl - Darkmantle hallway.]
  • Orange ID Card. [Roan - Furniture room.]
  • Violet ID Card. Brown ID Card. [Klein - Offering from the vegepygmy.]
Current Objectives:
  • Discover the secrets of Quiet Mountain.
  • Complete the Middleman's Second Job: Dr. Klein.
  • Complete the Middleman's Third Job: ???
  • Receive the Middleman's Answers.