Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Game Rules

These are just some basic rules and information for the game.


Game Style: Ideally, Terra Nullius is episodic in nature. I plan on only running heroic tier campaigns in it initially. Each campaign is a "novella" in the overall world. Each campaign would explore a different aspect of the world and might even take place in a different time period (Terra Nullius' past or future). A campaign might last the whole length (1-10) or it might just go for a couple of levels depending on the interest the players have in their current characters. Ideally, a single campaign's length lasts six months to a year, though I could do shorter one-shot stuff if there is a demand for it. 

The game is sandbox, in that your character's actions and goals help steer the story. NPCs will give you all sorts of hooks. Feel free to pursue them or ignore them. I would like the team to more or less have some bonding element, and I'll probably provide one if you guys don't figure it out yourselves. In the past, I have done a lot of combat with my game. I'm going to try and make this one more RP-focus, but there will be combat. So make sure your character can contribute in some meaningful way. 

Conduct: I expect all PCs to be respectful to both me and to fellow players out of character. That means no disrespecting gender, sexuality, religion, etc. Generally, don't say offensive things. We’re all adults here, play nice. If you find something that someone does as offensive, tell me, we’ll address it between those involved. I want everyone to be comfortable and having fun. In that vein, try to leave your baggage at the door. D&D should be a fun activity. I’m playing D&D to have fun. I hope you are too. It can be easy to forget that.

Now in the actual can be crude, vulgar, etc. if it's within your character’s personality. Some NPCs will be like that. Don't take anything I do in the game personally, please. I am not out "to get you" or anyone else. I'm here to have fun. If you find something offensive in character, let me know and I’ll try to fix the problem. Don’t be mean to another player in character because you don't like them out of the game and try to justify it with "that's what my character would do." Just be civil!

The game's "rating" for the most part is between PG 13 and R. If gore, cursing, or other things offend you, tell me now. If any certain issues, such as rape, murder, etc. offend you, let me know. I am not a mind reader here and I tend to use all tools at my disposal for storytelling. If there is something that offends you and you tell me about it ahead of time, I can avoid using it. 

Game Time: I would like to do Wednesdays. We play at 7:00 PM EST, 4:00 PM PST. If you live in another time zone, I’ll help you figure it out if you need it. We’ll play until 12:00 AM EST, 9:00 PM PST. My goal will be to try to end earlier than that, though. If these times don’t work for you, let me know and we’ll see what we can work out as a group. 

Attendance: Things come up in real life so if you can't make every game, hey no big deal. Please let me know ahead of time that you won't be making a session. You can do so by email or by text. If I for some reason can't run a game, I will try to let the PCs know ahead of time via email. Only a real emergency could stop me from not letting you all know in advance. If I'm late, please wait 15 minutes before leaving to do something else.

In addition, choose one of the following for when you're absent:
-Pick another player and assign them as your back-up. If you're not present, they'll play your character. Make sure they're comfortable with this, and let me know who your back-up is.
-If you don't want to pick another player as a back-up, I will NPC your character. Most NPC'd PCs tend to stay in the background and not say or do much unless asked to. 

Combat: Combat comes up. I want you guys to know what your character can do ahead of time and be ready on your turn. I know things can change on the fly, but be flexible. I don't want turns to take forever; I don't want combat to be slow and boring. If you have a question about the combat or something going on, please PM me with it and I'll answer it. If you think it is something everyone should know, ask me in the OOC room. Please do so before your turn comes up if possible. I encourage chatter (OOC and IC) to plan out what you guys are doing as a team.

Initiative: At the start of the game, I'll have PCs roll five initiative rolls and save them. I'll order them and use them when we hit encounters where initiative matters. When I run out of viable initiative sets, I'll call for more rolls. This is so we don't waste ten minutes with rolling initiative and ordering the rolls in the middle of a game.

Sheets: Make sure I always have a copy of your current character sheet. I don't care if you use Excel, Word, or an online sheet. Just make it easy to read. 

Blog: Click here. 

Forums: Click here. 

MIRC Chat Room: We play in #TerraNullius. We do OOC stuff in #TerraNulliusOOC. 

Maptools Information: I’ll get this out once I’ve figured it out… I’m a newbie when it comes to running in Maptools. I’m not good at making maps; most of mine will be “borrowed”. Sometimes we may just use a grid. I will make use of “theater of the mind” for some combats if it’s just a quick, easy, and dirty sort of thing. 

Character Details: I’m not expecting pages of stuff from each of you; just a few paragraphs. I would like the following from each PC.
-A general history of your character's life with one or two important major events with that. I understand that this is a new campaign setting, so you don’t have all the details. Just talk to me and we'll work out the finer things if we need to.

-Information on your character's general personality, so I know how you might behave in-game.

-One or two important NPCs that have impacted your character's life in some way. These NPCs can be alive or dead currently. Work with me on developing them. I’ll probably use them in-game if possible.

-One major life goal your character wants to fulfill. What do they spend their nights dreaming of? What do they think of when they drift off into a daydream? Do they dream of being rich, being the greatest swordsman alive, or settling down with a spouse? What drives your character? This will be what I use to determine plot hooks, etc. I need to know what interests your character. 

Feedback: Leave me feedback anytime via email or by instant messenger. It can be about the game, how I run, about homebrewed material, or anything at all. If you got questions at any time, hit me up with them.

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