Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Welcome - Campaign Preface

Welcome to the blog for the 4e campaign of Terra Nullius.

I’ve been a DM for roughly ten years now. In D&D (3.5), I ran Red Hand of Doom, Expedition to Castle Ravenloft, and World’s Largest Dungeon multiple times offline and online. I ran an online Ravenloft campaign that I am now calling The Immortals: Dalen’s Descent. That campaign dealt with a bunch of Outlanders from different worlds being transported to Ravenloft. In the country of Mordent they stopped a plot by some bad folks to escape Ravenloft and move onto other worlds. By the end of the campaign, one PC (Dalen) became the new Dark Lord of Mordent.

I’ve got D&D (4e) experience too. I’ve played it since the edition came out. I ran a 4e campaign offline for a few levels before handing the campaign off to a friend when I moved away. I’ve ran an online 4e Eberron campaign called The Road of Mourning that went from 1-30. That campaign mostly dealt with a bunch of different quests that accumulated in the players trying to repel aberrations who were invading from Xoriat, the Realm of Madness.

I bring all this up because in the past, I’ve mostly ran modules or created my stories in existing campaign worlds. There is one exception to this. I’ve ran dozens of offline campaigns for my friends back in Ohio that took place in an unnamed world. It was always assumed to be the same world from campaign to campaign, but it never had a name and I never detailed anything in it to make it different than other fantasy worlds. Nevertheless, they fought dragons, liches, and all other manner of creatures while embarking on different quests. It was a lot of fun running those games and starting from scratch each time.

Terra Nullius is the spiritual successor to that unnamed world. It is my first attempt to create my own living, breathing campaign setting with its own lore, history, people, etc. There are some traditional fantasy elements to it, but I’m trying some out of the box things with it too. I want to do things no other D&D campaign (or any fantasy world for that matter) is doing. I’m very excited about it. I want to get my players excited about it too! I want to see the characters you come up with and what decisions you make in this world. I want us to share in this experience, have fun, and develop and play in this world together.

I want to thank Robert (Pers) for giving me the initial push I needed to get this project started and for all the brainstorming sessions we have done on the campaign setting.

I want to thank Chris (Avalon), Gavin (Chrono), and Josh (Degratin) for their friendship, for having DMed for me, and for playing with me in the past. You guys (you too Rob) have all given me great games!

I want to thank Andrew (Xeowolf) and Kit (Fox) for their friendship and support. You’ve both been my friends for a long time and have always given me help when I needed it.

I want to thank John (Thamior) and Max (Shard) for giving me feedback on some of the homebrewed elements of this game.

I want to thank my friends (Craig, Dan, Dave, Dusty) back in Ohio for getting me started in D&D.

I want to thank anyone I’ve ever played with, DMed for, or been DMed by! You’ve helped better me in some way.

I also want to thank Chris Dias of Dias Ex Machina Games. His company's books (Amethyst, Ultramodern4, NeuroSpasta) are a great help to this campaign.

And finally, I want to sincerely thank each and every one of you that plays in this game.

Now, the fun starts!
-RJL (LazyDM)

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