Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Game Timeline

Year: 346 AU.

April 4th (Thursday):  
-Kembu arrived in Babylon and was asked by Lisa Trent to find Brittany Trent.
-Roan was released, and he began his hunt for his target: Leonhardt Nacht.
-Managirl delivered a package (high-tech firearm) to Leonhardt Nacht.
-Kembu, Roan, and Managirl each receive an offer from the Middleman.

April 5th (Friday):
-Trajan goes to the homeless shelter, and later learns Tanner was kidnapped.
-Del arrives in Babylon and begins her search for Genesis.
-Del and Trajan each receive an offer from the Middleman.
-Middleman Meeting.
-Job One: Testing Scenario.

April 6th (Saturday):
-Job One: Completed.
-Job Two: Received.
-Met Dr. Vesper Klein.
-Arrived in Raske at nightfall.
-Fought the Ghost of Raske.

April 7th (Sunday):

-Began the search for the Ghost of Raske.
-Raske Investigation.
-Cabin in the Woods.
-Mephit ambush in the woods.
-The Red Eye Inn burned.
-The Red Eye Inn battle and rescue effort.
-Rukkevinta killed by Nerva.
-Nerva's ultimatum. 
-Crisis averted, Nerva captured.
-Nerva given over to Klein for imprisonment and research.
-Oku rewards group for defeating Nerva.

April 8th (Monday):
-Roan talks to Oku. The group talks to Oku.
-Trajan suggests letting Igam go free, in hopes of turning her against the other Red Wolves, since Igam seemed unlikely to talk.
-Klein and Kembu talk.
-The group checks out the town's police records.
-Group sets out from Raske.
-Group encounters a military toll booth.
-The group arrives at the Kasai Caravan.
-The group enjoys different activities at the Kasai Caravan. [See game logs or session summaries for additional details.]

April 9th (Tuesday):
-The group leaves the Kasai Caravan.
-The group encounters Earthquake members Ruby, Jaunt, and Tucker at the Battle of the Bridge.
-Tucker is killed, his body is collected by Klein for research.
-Jaunt is captured by the group. Ruby escapes.
-Group is interrogated by ROGUE Agent Johnson.
-Group meets KNIGHT Luna.
-Group meets, and escorts, Sarah Bloom from the gas station to Quiet Mountain.
-Group arrives in Quiet Mountain.
-Managirl delivers package for Hengeyokai Caravan, nearly gets shot.
-Members of the group experiences the supernatural events plaguing Quiet Mountain.
-Group learns that the townspeople are (for the most part) not aware of the supernatural events.
-Kembu learns that Lenny knows of the supernatural events, and that he has died in them numerous time. He warned to seek out the carousel if lost within the paranormal event.
-Group attends Sarah Bloom concert.

April 10th (Wednesday):
-After acquiring supplies, the group rides up to the Mana Reactor.
-Along the way, the group is ambushed by mountain yetis. Most of the yetis are killed, but the abominable snowman captured an unconscious Trajan and brought it to its mate. Trajan was eaten alive.
-The group attempts to recuperate and heal after losing a friend, but ultimately decide to push on with Klein's mission so that Trajan's death wouldn't be in vain.
-Group arrives at Quiet Mountain Reactor Facility.
-Group meets newcomer, Manu-Nui, a strange elemental like creature.
-Group learns the secrets of the Quiet Mountain Reactor Facility. Together, they complete their mission by killing Dr. Abel, recovering Klein's data, and saving her protege (Elias Kincaid).
-Group learns about Project Rebirth and Project Apex.
-Group rests in the Quiet Mountain Facility and plan to leave it in the morning

April 11th (Thursday):
-The group evades Genesis capture and escapes from Quiet Mountain.
-The group picks up Sarah Bloom the hitchhiker again.
-The group returns to the Kasai Caravan once more.
-The group takes care of various business at the caravan. (Roan relaxes, Kembu sends a message to his master, Managirl picks up another job, Del helps Klein with Kincaid, Manu takes in the sights).

April 12th (Friday):
-The group leaves the Kasai Caravan.
-The group accidentally leaves behind Sarah Bloom.
-The group receives a threatening message from EARTHQUAKE. "JOIN BEFORE THE FALL."
-Manu-Nui absorbed some of the mana radiation from the injured Kincaid--assisting with the man's long term health.
-The group stopped at Raske. Managirl picked up something she ordered from the tailor there.
-While in Raske, the group came across Ruby (EARTHQUAKE MEMBER). She had escaped them at the Battle of the Bridge. She revealed that she had quit EARTHQUAKE, but her last job was to give the group the message she left for them at the caravan. She gave the group an EARTHQUAKE contact they could meet up with in Babylon.

April 13th (Saturday):
-The group returns to Babylon. They discover a large number of people are trying to get into the city for the Genesis Foundation Parade.
-The group drops off Klein and Kincaid--officially completing their second mission for the Middleman.
-Kembu retires to Lisa's Home where he meets the Watchdog. In exchange for services rendered by the Watchdog, Kembu allows the man to delve into his memories for his sword fighting style.
-Upon hearing that Managirl has received another delivery for Nacht, Roan, Manu, Del, and Managirl head to Nacht's hideout.
-The delivery goes bad and Nacht nearly kills Managirl. The group assaults the hideout. Nacht escapes, but Roan is on his tail. The group kills the majority of Nacht's henchmen with the assistance of a cat hengeyokai named Mei-Xing.
-Roan corners Nacht at the Eight Ball Bar. The group shows up, but so does a group of Mixtli Coatal cartel dwarves lead by Felicia (gnome).
-The group is joined by Setter Blackpaw. Setter completed his second mission for the Middleman earlier in the evening and after the destruction of his last team, was reassigned to this one.
-Manu Nui dies in the Battle at Eight Ball Bar.
-The group has to leave Nacht behind in order to escape.
-The group rests at the Hydra Hotel in order to regroup and recuperate... 

April 14th (Sunday):
-The group meets Kembu's ward: Lisa.
-The group meets Managirl's father: Sylar.
-Lisa is left in the care of Sylar.
-The group meets up with the Middleman to discuss their next mission.
-The group receives the mission: retrieve Pandora's Box for Mr. Rickenato.
-The group meets with EARTHQUAKE members Apollo and Artemis. EARTHQUAKE wants to use the Runners for a mission, but the Runners refuse. The two groups discuss means, actions, and intents. Apollo and Artemis agree to carry the group's ideas to their boss.
-The Genesis Foundation Parade begins.
-The group meets with the eccentric Mr. Rickenato and receive details on their third and final mission.
-Roan is framed for the assassination of the President's Wife.
-The group defeats the first two Olympians: Dionysus and Hermes.
-The group enlists Gwen Morrison's help in proving Roan's innocence.
-The group takes an extended rest...

April 15th (Monday):
-The group awakes in the evening / late night to pursue Rickenato's mission.
-The group heads to Bulette's Brawl. The group wins several contests; receiving prizes and the like.
-The group convinces Rickenato's contact, Gnoll, to work with them.
-The group defeats the third and fourth Olympians: Aphrodite and Hephaestus.
-Emily the MAGE is killed. Paul the KNIGHT and Niklas the ROGUE agree to work with The Runners.
-The group strikes a deal with Niklas (who is acting on the behalf of Gwen Morrisson): defeat all the Olympians, and get to keep their loot, as well as be proven innocent in the eyes of Genesis in the assassination on the First Lady.
-Gnoll tells the group where Prometheus' deal is going down: at a convention the following day. Gnoll does this in exchange for Setter to promise to fix a fight for Gnoll, and to battle Gnoll himself.
-Aria visits the Masamune to receive a new katana; accidentally runs into ROGUE Agent Lukas Baer.
-Kembu finds his master; and receives advice on how to free his sword of its curse (which involves getting a trinket with ties to the Wylds).
-Kembu and Managirl "break up".
-Death Otter interrogates Aphrodite; learns a potential location for Athena. Learns a little more about the Olympians plans.
-The group rests at a Genesis hideout.
-Kembu and Aria bond a little.

April 16th (Tuesday):
-In the early morning, Death Otter and Managirl have an intimate encounter.
-Some members get in the spirit of the convention and decide to cosplay.
-Through a combination of the group's efforts, Prometheus is located.
-Setter arranges a deal with Prometheus. 1.25 million GP and short-term as well as long-term protection. Prometheus accepts.
-Nacht is discovered by Roan to be Prometheus' buyer, and he is none too happy about Prometheus flaking out on the deal.
-Zeus' sister, Demeter, one of the Olympians, appears with a group of assassins in an attempt to capture Prometheus and eliminate the Runners. But, how did she know where they'd be...?
-Kembu kills Demeter; finds his cursed sword is growing more powerful with every kill and seems able to act against Kembu's will.
-Setter strikes a deal with Nacht; promising to give the information on Pandora's Box over to him.
-Setter and Prometheus come to an arrangement.
-The group escapes the convention center and head to the Kobold Hotel for an extended rest.
-Setter takes Prometheus to receive a new identity from his contact: The Man With No Name.
-Aria and Kembu have a 'fight' in their hotel room, but soon overcome it.
-Aria and Kembu visit Little Musashi. While there, they meet Lupin (the owner of the weapon shop: Masamune). Aria and Kembu also meet Luna, the KNIGHT.
-Aria and Kembu, ultimately not finding what they need at Masamune, visit Rei, a Wu-Jen. Rei, a witch, seems to be able to tell the future or is good at faking it; as she reveals a lot of sensitive information to Aria and Kembu. Ultimately, she gives Kembu a charm to control the oni spirit within his blade. She gives Aria a kitsune charm as well.
-Aria and Kembu received those charms for agreeing to retrieve a box of blood vials from the Mixtli Coatals who stole it from him.

April 17th (Wednesday):
-Setter negotiates with Rickenato; acquires the funds necessary to pay off Prometheus and The Man With No Name.
-Setter embezzles 1,000,000 GP from Rickenato. The money is divided evenly and placed into several shell companies for Setter, Angel, Roan, Kembu, Aria, Del, Death Otter, and Managirl resulting in 125,000 GP each.
-The group relaxes at the Kobold Hotel; poolside and in the breakfast hall.
-After receiving a message from Watchdog, the group receives a new associate from the Middleman: a combat medic by the name of Angel.
-Niklas receives an update from Roan regarding Prometheus and Pandora's Box.
-Setter meets up with the Runners. He offers each 10,000 GP as a sign of good faith.
-Gwen Morrison is contacted by Setter. Gwen claims that she will provide falsified information to Leonhardt Nacht. This is to cover Setter's "deal" with Nacht. However, Gwen won't give the information over until the Olympians have been dealt.
-The current incarnation of the Runners (Kembu, Managirl, Roan, Setter, and Angel) along with Aria and Death Otter leave the Kobold Hotel to the Treant Theater in order to "take out" the remaining Olympians.
-The Runners battle Poseidon after he and his men ambush them on the streets. Poseidon is defeated and left for Genesis security.
-The Runners take a moment to get themselves and their truck cleaned up before returning to their goal at the Treant Theater.
-The Runners battle Artemis and Apollo at the Treant Theater. They're defeated and left for Genesis security.
-The Runners arrive at the Olympian's secret base in Sector Six.
-The Runners battle Ares in the Basement. He is defeated and left for Genesis security. 
-The Runners battle Hera, Zeus, and Athena at Mount Olympus (a meeting room in their top secret facility).
-Athena attempts to enlighten the group of Runners.
-The Runners kill Hera and Zeus. The Runners hoped that they killed the identity known as Athena through a combination of EMP and good ol fashioned sword chopping; hoping it prevented her from uploading herself elsewhere.
-43% of Sector Six is lost in Athena's explosions. 43% of her designated targets are assassinated by her constructs.
-The Runners collect the remaining Olympian Artifacts and leave Mount Olympus. Before the day is done, though, they're confronted by Gwen Morrisson and a small army of Genesis Security.

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