Friday, May 31, 2013

Session 1: Assemble

Key Points:
  • At the Lucky Cat Inn, the crew (Trajan, Roan, Del, Kembu, and Managirl) were introduced to each  other through the course of the night. They would learn that they would become partners in their contracts with the Middleman.
  • The group met the Middleman's associate: Watchdog. He acts as a liaison between the Middleman and his contractors. He is known for having a $11 million GP bounty on his head and is regarded as something of an urban legend.
  • A Genesis press conference was held on television (by ROGUE agents Gwen Morrisson and Lukas Baer) that claimed that they would find the criminal Leonhardt Nacht (suspected in the kidnapping of Kimberley Meyer).
    • The press conference was used to introduce their new product: OGRE. A terrifying war machine.
    • Roan seemed interested in the press conference.
  • The Middleman (a strange figure, who showed off an animated cartoon smiling face instead of his real face) met with the group and posed the deal: three jobs in exchange for three questions answered. The questions are only received after all the jobs are completed.
    • There would also be 75 GP delivered to each crew member after the first job, with the compensation rising to 150 GP for the second job and 300 GP for the third job.
  • Kembu, impatient, revealed that he was performing these jobs in hopes of rescuing a little girl kidnapped by the Mixtli Coatals and that he might have a lead on her whereabouts.
    • Trajan shared that the boy he is looking for is kidnapped by the same gang as well.
    • The Middleman doesn't care for the reasons the party has, he does things on his own schedule and wants to see it done.
  • Much discussion was had at the risk of each job and who they might hurt (the group didn't seem interested in harming innocent folk). In the end, they agreed to perform a training scenario at a testing facility for their first job.
    • This seemed to be an experimental scenario in its prototype stage designed to test soldiers.
  • While conducting business, the group saw concerts from Hannah (a pop star) and the Barbarians (a rock and roll group).
    • Hannah had noticeable security with her. Security of the heavily armed mercenary type.
  • After the negotiations were over and the questions were given, the Middleman and the crew parted ways. Once outside, the group find that the Middleman gifted them a four-wheeled truck to use for their missions.
  • After making a quick stop to get Del's armor, the group went into the lower city of Sector Three and arrived at the testing facility where they were greeted by an automaton (uni-cycled). The automaton suggested the group wear the testing suits as well as arm themselves with the testing equipment. The automaton could not give much information, as much of it has been [REDACTED].
  • The group readies themselves for the scenario...

New Items:
  • Four-wheeled truck. [Gift from the Middleman, to be returned upon contract termination.] - Group.
  • White Testing Suits. (Functions as armor. Resist 5 Cold/Fire.) [Testing facility.] - Trajan, Del, Roan, Managirl.
  • Stunguns (Encounter Power: Standard Action Range 5 Attack - Your Level +5 vs Fortitude. Hit: Target is immobilized (save ends).) [Testing facility.] - 1 Roan, 2 Managirl
  • Shock Gloves (Talid. Property: If you don't hit any target during your turn, at the start of your next turn, increase the damage of your next hit with this weapon by +2. This is cumulative up to +6 damage. After you hit any target, the bonus is reduced to 0. When an encounter begins, unless you are surprised, the glove is assumed to be primed to +6 damage. This extra damage is lightning damage.) [Testing facility.] - 1 Trajan, 2 Managirl
  • Shock Staffs (Quarterstaff. Property: Same as Shock Gloves.) [Testing facility.] - 3 Managirl

Current Objectives:
  • Complete the Middleman's First Job: Test the Training Facility.
  • Complete the Middleman's Second Job: ???
  • Complete the Middleman's Third Job: ???
  • Receive the Middleman's Answers.

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