Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Session 24 - Escape From Quiet Mountain

Key Points:
  • The group woke up early in the morning to the sounds of gunfire...
  • Genesis had sent in a clean-up team to the mana reactor facility after it went offline. The group needed to escape before they too were cleansed by the efficient and no-questions asked soldiers.
    • With Klein wheeling Kincaid in a wheel chair and Roan at the lead, the Runners proceeded to try and escape...
    • Soon, the group found themselves running afoul with one of the Genesis Scouts. Rather than risk being seen, Managirl hacked a nearby door panel to open up a door and unleash a horde of vegiepygmies on the scout--providing the Runners with the distraction necessary to continue on unseen.
    • The group was being stalked by a displacer beast. To throw it off their tracks, Kembu cut a series of pipes to unleash a blast of steam at it. It worked like a charm.
    • Near to the elevator that would lead them to the car garage, a patrol of security robots were seen. Rather than risk being noticed, Roan took the group on a slightly longer maintenance route that got them to the elevator while avoiding the robots.
    • Using the elevator, the group soon ended up in the parking garage. There were numerous vehicles to choose from, but there was an issue of the group of ettercaps (spider-men) that had made their home there. Del had a six sense about their intentions and so by avoiding their staked out territory, the group managed to appease the ettercaps.
    • Manu-Nui tried to use one of the snow mobiles, but found it not agreeable with him. The machine broke as soon as he tried to use it.
  • The Runners climbed into a humvee and decided that would be their escape vehicle. Upon opening the garage doors, they found a Genesis security team had been left behind to watch over the outside. Not only that, but an attack helicopter piloted by a ROGUE agent (the Poker) was overhead.
    • Rather than risk being spotted and attacked, Roan decided to be a distraction. He got into another humvee and drove off--letting the helicopter and security team give chase to him.
    • Before a missile blew up the humvee he was driving, Roan managed to drive it off a cliff (and escape somehow). This distraction was enough to throw Genesis off for awhile...
    • With the distraction in mind, Klein took control of the group's humvee and used it to drive back to their pick-up truck. There, they loaded Kincaid into the back of the trailer and everyone piled into the pick-up truck. Once Roan returned, he took the driver's seat and drove off.
    • Del used her druidic magic to conjure winds and snows for cover while Manu-Nui wildshaped into a swarm of albino locusts to provide additional cover. Finally, Roan's intimate knowledge of Genesis call signals allowed the team to escape from Quiet Mountain. Luck was on their side as they ran into no yetis or other monsters...
  • Back in the town of Quiet Mountain, everyone gathered up some belongings from the inn before piling back up in the pick-up truck. Sarah Bloom also seemed to be leaving and she hitched a ride with the Runners...
  • The Runners made it all the way to the Kasai Caravan (it having recently moved further north). There, they decided to split up for the night and rest...
    • Managirl finished her "job" with the arms dealer.
    • Roan made a purchase and got a back massage.
    • Kembu visited the temple of the Dragon for guidance as well as leaving a message to try and reach out to his master.
    • Del ran into a little boy-fox who seemed to be having fun with Jergo and Kiki.
Items Found:
    • Gain a +1 item bonus to ranged basic attack rolls.
    • Provides intel such as distance to target, wind resistance, etc. and calculates the best shot possible. It does not have higher functions such as infra-red or night-vision.
Current Objectives:
  • Return to Babylon.
  • Complete the Middleman's Third Job: ???
  • Receive the Middleman's Answers.