Saturday, July 11, 2015

File #R9509: Angel Mauer. [Terra Nullius Lore]

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Subject's Name: Anton Mauer.
Subject's Alias: Angel Mauer.
Sex: Female (Born: Male)
Race: Deva
Age: 24
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 160 lbs.
Hair: Brown, Long.
Eyes: Gold.
Special Characteristics: Angel has experimented on herself with a number of biomedical implants; her most well known being her BREAST (Brachyoneural Repair and Electronic Arterial Surveillance Technology) implant.
Typical Garb: In the line of duty, Angel prefers urban camouflage, military fatigues, and tactical gear. She typically utilizes the universal symbol for healers and medics with her gear. Off duty, she prefers jeans and tank tops.
Status: Alive.

Combat Assessment:
Angel did not receive any formal combat training prior to reaching adulthood. At that point, Angel joined the Genesis Military as a combat medic. As per standard Genesis training for new recruits, Angel was put through boot camp and then into live combat scenarios. Genesis soldiers focus primarily on urban warfare, but as a result of of being a combat medic, Angel was deployed all across Terra Nullius to assist with Genesis efforts outside of Babylon and Ezra. Angel has a familiarity with firearms; preferring a specialized shotgun (known on the streets as a rail boomstick). It has a modified CPU to allow for auto-aiming and target exclusion. Beyond the shotgun, Angel utilizes special serums, drugs, and knowledge base to keep the team up and fighting; Angel acting in primarily a support role.

Skill Assessment:
Angel possesses above-average skills in a lot of fields  without formal training in thanks in part to a natural keen intelligence and wisdom, but also due to the natural inclinations possessed by deva. Many believe that deva are gifted in ways that other people aren't. Angel has studied arcane studies, nature studies, and religious studies formerly. Angel's official education and major was in medical studies; leading to a career choice as a combat medic. Naturally, Angel possesses an excellent insight into people via psychology studies and is very perceptive. Although not necessarily Angel's forte as a result of an introverted personality, Angel has taken steps towards diplomacy skills not only for patients, but with a possible eye on future world politics.

Angel Mauer was first born under the name of Anton Mauer. Genetically born a male, Anton struggled throughout his youth, teens, and early adulthood with his identity. But, that is getting ahead of ourselves a bit. Let's start with the basics.

Anton Mauer is born to a rather large family out in the Country--far from Babylon. His father worked as an Engineer for Genesis; overseeing mana reactor constructions and developments in mana-tech out in the field. Although Anton's family was large, he was different than his siblings. Born a Deva, Anton was heralded by his small community as a Chosen; someone meant for greatness sent to them by the Gods. If that's not a lot of responsibility to live up to, I don't know what is. Deva statistically have a high rate of suicide due to the pressure put on them by society as well as their feelings of isolation as being treated as holy or an outsider by the world at large. Luckily for Anton, his family was largely supportive and inclusive.

As per tradition for Devas, Anton was sent to a theological bordering school. He would visit home during breaks and summer vacations, but otherwise spent the majority of his time there. Anton was quick to latch onto philosophy, but also studied magic (arcane, divine, and primal) despite not having many magical inclinations himself. Biology, chemistry, and medical science all held interests for Anton as all--he'd eventually pursue a medical degree at a different school (one in Babylon upon his graduation from primary school).

As a child, he was introverted, quiet, and spent the majority of his time in fantasies. Art was a recreational interest of his and he even got in trouble for drawing 'medical' pictures in his youth; a fixation on large breasts (he had been caught drawing a realistic picture of a large chested schoolteacher of his). Anton was most happy when he was at school since he excelled there, and a close relationship with a professor of his (that he had a crush on) helped him with the eventual realization and transition into gender reassignment surgery (male to female). Anton took the name Angel (ironic for a deva) during the transitional process.

Upon returning from bordering school once in his late teens, Anton discovered that his family and hometown had been wiped out. Genesis Security was on hand; picking up the pieces of the wreckage. It seems that the country town had been turned into an example as a result of a conflict with the dwarven cartel (that had ties to the Mixtli Coatal). With family members either missing or dead, Anton returned to school and eventually went to the city of Babylon to receive his degree from medical school.

Anton made the acquaintance of Dr. Vesper Klein while in medical school. Klein often acted as an adjunct surgery specialist there for a legitimate source of income, though stopped volunteering there after her disconnect from Genesis. Klein assisted with the transition surgeries for Anton to become Angel (although that was not until their tenure with Genesis was finished) and even gave Anton a recommendation with Genesis.

With school finished, Anton pursued a career with Genesis. The company has some of the best training in the world along with career benefits and perks; it was a no brainier. With Genesis, Anton entered boot camp and became a combat medic. Although skilled, Anton had no particular missions that made him stand out during his time there. He had even met the acquaintances of Roan Mitchell at one point, although Roan did not recognize Anton after he had become Angel.

Due to compounding frustrations of his unremarkable time there and a soul searching trip that revealed Anton's desire to transition, the man left Genesis on and became the woman we know today with the help of Dr. Klein. Once transitioning into Angel, she began to pursue her own interests at the fullest, which lead her to my door as a Runner...

Runner History:
Angel eventually sought out the Middleman for reasons similar to most others. She has questions and heard that he had answers. I dug into her background during her recruitment phase and was impressed with what I saw. As a result of her skills as a combat medic and her knowledge base, I only assigned her high-risk missions (with the intent that she would get her team through it). Her first mission required the extraction of a high profile target; a Genesis executive's family had been kidnapped and ransomed. If it got out, it would ruin his career by making him look weak and easily undermined. Angel and her team effectively got out of there with no causalities on their end.

The second mission involved protecting an asset while it was transported out of the country. The team met with heavy attacks; outside forces that were interest in the acquirement of the asset. Angel puzzled together that the asset was a genetically modified monster from Project Rebirth being sent to the Pharaoh of Ramesses; a regal gryphon. Genesis was hoping that it would buy them good will for the creation of a mana reactor in the elves' desert.

She ultimately left the team as a result of morality differences. Most of the members were stone cold, battle hardened mercenaries who didn't care much whether or not the mission was completed. They were mostly in it for the killing.

The final mission involved her reassignment to the Runners. As I knew they would be facing the Olympians, I figured they would need a skilled medic to make it out of there alive. Sure enough, I was right. The danger facing the Runners increased exponentially. While Angel ultimately had no vendetta or ties to the mission at hand, she performed her duties professionally and effectively which resulted in the elimination of the Olympians, the extraction of Prometheus, and the retrieval of Pandora's Box for Rickenato.

While on the mission, Angel formed strong bonds with Setter and Managirl (Heather). She had good relationships with most of the others in the group with, perhaps, Kembu being the exception. My insight tells me that she formed a partnership with Setter out of all this and may serve in a mentor roll for Managirl in the future.

The answers to her Middleman questions were rather direct. I gave her a lead towards the largest known library of ancient knowledge in the world in Ramesses. I then told her the truth regarding the disappearance of her family and her town; that the dwarven cartels had a hand in it. Killing those that had caused them trouble and recruiting the rest for their slave trade. This likely influenced her decision to go with the Runners and execute the Mixtli Coatal cartel.

Angel's motivations are primarily a result of her own self-interests, though there is some nurturing aspect of her that could apply her goals to the world at large. Her long term goal is to explore the nature of Devas and other manaborn. An admirable goal; one I can support given my own nature as Genasi. I gave her the information as to where she could make some headway in her research. Genetic modification, genome research, ancient bloodlines, distinct pure races of old... its a complex issue. In that regards, her specific interest seems to be the manaborn's sterility. Its a modern phenomena, to be sure. It is for her own interest though as she desires to start a family.

From what I've seen of her, Angel also has an interest in the welfare of the world. A future in politics might be in the cards for her. Angel is working on her book of philosophy based off of her studies and world experience. She believes in an absolute morality (that none have found yet) and good will (good intentions, or having good in your heart as you act).

My assessment of Angel is that she is a capable person. I would not underestimate her in any scenario. She will go far. I hope to utilize her in several future affairs...


File #S5318008: Death Otter [Terra Nullius Lore]

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... Query: File #S5318008
... File #S5318008 Loaded.

Subject's Name: Vivienne Edgars.
Subject's Alias: D3@TH_0TTER.
Sex: Female.
Race: Human.
Age: 20.
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 121 lbs.
Hair: Red.
Eyes: Green.
Special Characteristics: First Generation SEED implant, augmented with Athena base code and unique individual modifications.
Typical Garb: Otter prefers to dress in garbs that invoke a Goth or Punk vibe. Many would just call her style crazy as she often wears a mish-mash of whatever speaks to her in that moment. Typically, she wears a "stealth suit" that was stolen from Genesis to protect her and keep her out of view in most situations.
Status: Alive.

Combat Assessment:
Physically, Death Otter is unremarkable. She is a decent shot with a handgun, but is far more dangerous utilizing effects from her SEED. She appears to recognize her vulnerability, and uses a thermo-optic camouflage suit ("stealth suit") to avoid notice until she's found an advantageous position to operate from.
Her SEED makes her dangerous, especially when she has support from allied individuals. She is capable of interfering with enemy movement and actions, making them vulnerable to the attacks of others, or rendering their attacks less effective. Death Otter is in particular fond of altering the perceptions of others to her own amusement and/or advantage.
She suffers from a reckless nature and lack of patience in many cases though, which can provoke her into unwisely revealing herself, or otherwise putting herself at risk.

Skill Assessment:
Death Otter's skill-set is highly focused, and exceptionally well developed within her area of expertise. When it comes to illegally gaining access to a person, place, or digital object it's very hard to find better. Beyond this she is very intelligent, but rarely has the patience or discipline to apply herself to other fields of study. In most situations she relies on either being able to coast through situations on sheer intellect or luck, or on being able to gain whatever knowledge she needs via wireless network connection. Her physical skills are lacking, though she can get by through manipulating the machines and technology around her to her advantage. 

The daughter of wealthy upper-middle executives in Genesis, she wanted for very little as a child. She was technically minded from the start, perhaps inspired by her father's work in electronics and computer technology. In school however she suffered social anxiety and had difficulty connecting to peers. She retreated into online friendships to compensate, and began following the then-brand-new technology of SEEDs obsessively. Her parents, wishing to encourage their daughter, let her purchase one of the early models. Drawing on knowledge she gained from online friends, and contacts she'd made with her online persona, she learned how to bypass various safety features in the SEED; significantly improving its performance but at the cost of altered mental function and possible trauma.
It was at this point that the online persona of 'Death Otter' superseded her original identity. She hacked her father's accounts and used his authority to delete or alter her records, stole as much money as she could manage, and vanished underground; resurfacing a few months later almost unrecognizable from how she'd been. From shy to flamboyant, from timid to reckless, she now lived in real life with the same wild abandon that she'd only known from the safety of online avatars before. Unfortunately, this included a zealous disregard for rules and laws that ensured she could never return to her 'real' life.

Runner History:
For reasons that should be clear, the Middleman has never sought contact with Death Otter. Most of her clients hire her via online interaction with an avatar and never see her again; receiving the data they wanted, or software, or whatever, via electronic transfer. She has worked however with a few small teams in the past. Mei-Xing, a hengeyokai assassin, has worked with her on several occasions when she needed muscle that could perform infiltration.

When Mei-Xing teamed up with a group of my Runners, Death Otter was called in for her expertise. It was there than Death Otter's 'friendship' with individuals like Heather Morrisson (Managirl) and Aria Nacht began. She partook in the bringing down of the Olympians, primarily Athena, though that was a result of Death Otter's own vendetta rather than helping the Middleman.

Death Otter seems to take perverse pride in being difficult to ascribe consistent motivations to. However, there are patterns to her behavior, if one makes allowances for an unusually high number of outlier events. First and foremost, she resents any form of authority over her, and takes vicious pleasure in punishing any such entity in ways both small and large. Second, she has expensive tastes in hobbies, and is very mercenary in her outlook as a result. Finally, she appears to be a creature of whim, who acts immediately on whatever impulse she experiences at the moment. It is not quite fair to say that she fails to consider the consequences of these actions. Rather, it appear she considers them, and continues anyway, confident she can either deal with those consequences or avoid them entirely.