Thursday, May 22, 2014

Pandora's Box NPCs of Note

Pandora’s Box NPCS:

Artemis (Female, Half-Elf, Age 22): A petite half-elf with auburn hair put up into a bun, she ‘works’ as the manager at the Treant Theater. This is a cover for the organization known as the OLYMPIANS (a group of mercenaries currently working for EARTHQUAKE). She acted as the liaison between the Runners and the leader of her organization: Zeus. She quietly worships the elven God known as the Lawmaker—seeking to bring order to the world through law and order. She is focused in her duty and considers herself above all else to be loyal and honorable to the cause she has committed herself to. She is the twin sister of Apollo.

***CAPTURED: Artemis was defeated by a shotgun blast from Angel. She is placed into Genesis custody by Gwen Morrison.***
-Current location of Hermes: Gwen Morrison sent Artemis out to the "country".

Apollo (Male, Half-Elf, Age: 22): A sturdy, strong half-elf that looks like he could be a soldier, Apollo is a young man that is seen wearing a bomber jacket, a pair of slacks, and combat boots. He subscribes to the philosophy of the Divinity of Mankind; wearing a pin that reads ‘No Gods or Kings; Only Man’. He is competitively driven and seems to have a scholarly background. Though he claims to be moral, his desire to bring enlightenment to the masses in order to create stability through any means necessary suggests otherwise. He is the twin brother of Artemis.

***CAPTURED: Apollo was defeated by a sword strike from Kembu. He is placed into Genesis custody by Gwen Morrison.
-Current location of Hermes: Gwen Morrison sent Apollo out to the "country".

Athena (Female, Stormsoul Genasi, Age:31): A beautiful genasi with long blonde hair, Athena once worked for Genesis many years ago. After an unknown event, she cut all ties with the corporation and went underground. In her time, she was known as a master of robotics; both an accomplished engineer and hacker. She became a freediver and is credited with releasing the schematics for numerous "SEED" devices on the BlackNet. She is the sister to Ares and Aphrodite. Cold. Calculated. Cautious. Athena seems to be one of the main masterminds for the Olympians. She fed the orders to Hermes and Dionysus and controlled the machines the group fought against. Athena was the mastermind behind the Olympian Plots and used installed Suicide Switches to coerce the rest of her teammates into following her directions. In the end, her goal was the total destruction of Genesis.

***UNKNOWN: Athena's multiple bodies were all killed by the party. Roan used an EMP to attempt to prevent Athena from uploading her identity onto the net or to a remote location. Whether or not he stopped the transfer, or a partial transfer occurred, or if the transfer completed, is unknown.***
-Current location of Athena: Athena's multiple bodies were sent out to the "country" by Gwen Morrisson. Whether or not Athena's identity still lurks out there somewhere, either on the net or in a remote body, is unknown.

Hermes [AKA: Fake Roan] (Male, Half-Hengeyokai, Age: 25): An athletic and lean shifter, Hermes looks to have been canine in origin. He is the brother of Dionysus. He is an accomplished transporter and driver; recently dabbling in assassination. He is a devout worshiper of the Turtle and he takes the concept of Entropy to the extreme. Fierce. Dedicated. Thorough. He posed as Roan and assassinated the First Lady of Genesis. He was apprehended by the group after a brutal exchange with Kembu. He was turned over to Gwen Morrison. He is a possible victim of Athena's methods...

***CAPTURED: Hermes was defeated by Kembu and the party. He is placed into Genesis custody by Gwen Morrison.***
-Current location of Hermes: Gwen Morrison sent Hermes out to the "country".

Dionysus (Male, Half-Hengeyokai, Age: 23): A thin and graceful shifter, Dionysus looks to have been canine in origin. He is the brother to Hermes. He had an extreme fascination with vampiric lore; going to the point where he filed his teeth to resemble vampire fangs. Crazy. Sadistic. Hedonistic. He attempted to aid his brother in his escape but was thwarted by Setter. After he was apprehended by the group, he was turned over to Gwen Morrison. He is a possible victim of Athena's methods...

***CAPTURED: Dionysus was defeated with the use of one of Setter's enchantments. He is placed into Genesis custody by Gwen Morrison.**
Current location of Dionysus: Gwen Morrison sent Dionysus out to the "country".

Aphrodite (Female, Earthsoul Genasi, Age: 27): An exotic earthsoul genasi; she has beautiful ebony hair and enchanting brown eyes that glow with a hint of mana radiation. She once worked for Genesis many years ago; one of the few individuals who managed to be in both MAGE and ROGUE. After an unknown event, she cut all ties with the corporation and went underground. She is the sister to Athena and Ares. Flirty. Flighty. Fun. Aphrodite seems to be in the inner circle of the Olympians; likely meaning that she is not under the control of Athena and is conducting these illicit activities willingly. Since leaving Genesis, she has gained a reputation for being a 'black widow' within Babylon.

***CAPTURED: Aria placed Aphrodite in a submission hold. With Hephaestus killed, Aphrodite decided to surrender. She is placed into Genesis custody by Paul the KNIGHT and Niklas the ROGUE.***
-Current location of Aphrodite: Gwen Morrison sent Aphrodite to the "country".

Hephaestus (Male, Dwarf, Age: 41): Often referred to as Aphrodite's husband, Hephaestus is the code name for a muscular, clean shaven dwarf with wild dark hair. Rumors trace his background and origins to being a former member of the Montezuma drug cartels. In those days, he was thought to be an enforcer; credited with doing the dirty work for many of the cartels. However, after taking the name Hephaestus, he became an accomplished weapons dealer and provides EARTHQUAKE with many of their wares. Tough. Stoic. Devoted. It is possible that he is doing this against his will; either controlled by Athena or more likely permanently enchanted by Aphrodite. Stranger, maybe he actually loves her...

***DEAD: Hephaestus was shot and killed by Roan at Bulette's Brawl. His body was recovered by Paul the KNIGHT and taken into Genesis custody.***
-Current location of Hephaestus: Gwen Morrison sent Hephaestus' corpse out to the "Country".

Demeter (Female, Deva, Age: 49): Demeter is the sister of Zeus and Posedion. Once a high ranking black ops member for Genesis in ROGUE, Demeter was used for several off the books assassinations. Due to an unknown event, she, like many of the Olympians, left the employment of Genesis. Demeter believed that Genesis had spiritually bankrupted Ezra. She thought that the work she was doing for EARTHQUAKE would usher the country into a new, better age. Calm. Serene. Relentless.

***DEAD: Demeter was killed by Kembu who stabbed her in the heart. Gwen Morrison retrieved her corpse without the group's explicit permission; taking it from their truck after having recovered it from the convention.***
-Current location of Demeter: Gwen Morrison sent Demeter's corpse out to the "Country".

Poseidon (Male, Watersoul Genasi, Age: 55): Poseidon is the brother of Zeus and Demeter. Once a high ranking black ops member for Genesis in KNIGHT, Poseidon was used in several conflicts during the ELVEN WARS and DWARVEN WARS. Due to an unknown event, he, like many of the Olympians, left the employment of Genesis. Poseidon believed that Genesis has culturally bankrupted Ezra. He thought that the work he was doing for EARTHQUAKE would return the country to its roots and free it from the corruption Genesis has brought upon it. Righteous. Driven. Powerful. 

***CAPTURED: Poseidon was captured by the Runners after Otter fried and shut his brain down in order to prevent interference from Athena. The group left him at the scene of the battle for Genesis Security when they heard their sirens approaching.***
-Current location of Poseidon: Upon being recovered by Genesis Security, Gwen Morrison sent Poseidon out to the "Country".

Ares (Male, Firesoul Genasi, Age: 29): Son of Zeus and Hera, nephew of Demeter and Poseidon, and brother of Athena and Aphrodite...  Ares was once an accomplished veteran in Genesis' army. He is credited with developing many urban warfare techniques. Angel and Roan had partially known of him for different reason. He is an accomplished paladin of The Champion. Like Aphrodite, he was not in EARTHQUAKE for any specific goals, rather out of familial ties and loyalty to the OLYMPIANS. Hot-headed. Cocky. Arrogant.

***CAPTURED: Ares was defeated when he attempted to flee from Kembu in the basement of the Olympian's Base.***
-Current location of Poseidon: Upon being recovered by Genesis Security, Gwen Morrison sent Ares out to the "Country".

Zeus (Male, Human, Age: Ancient): Husband of Hera. Brother of Poseidon and Demter. Father of Athena, Ares, Aphrodite, Artemis, Apollo, Hermes, and Dionysus. Once upon a time, Zeus was one of the founding fathers of Genesis. An executive before the term was made. Genesis scientists found one-half of the DNA sequence necessary to create the GENASI in Zeus' bloodline, and as such, Zeus was kept alive through artificial means for an unknown period of time in order to provide the materials necessary for the GENASI. In his time, he was a bold and confident philosopher. Now, he is little more than a brain dead vegetable. The rest of the Olympians revered him as a God and their Father.

***DEAD: "Zeus" was defeated by the party and killed when his life support was removed.***
-Current location of Hera: Gwen Morrison sent Zeus' corpse out to the "Country".

Hera (Female, Human, Age: Ancient): Wife of Zeus. Mother of Athena, Ares, Aphrodite, Artemis, Apollo, Hermes, and Dionysus. She was a quiet and reserved woman in her time. An academic and a humanitarian. It is believed that she was the one that found the DNA sequence to create GENASI in her and her husbands bloodline. Genesis has kept her alive through artificial means for an unknown period of time in order to provide the materials necessary for the GENASI. Athena speculated that GENASI and this preservation of Hera and Zeus were all Hera's ideas. Now, she is little more than a brain dead vegetable. The rest of the Olympians revered her as a Goddess and their Mother.

***DEAD: "Hera" was defeated by the party and killed when her life support was removed.***
-Current location of Hera: Gwen Morrison sent Hera's corpse out to the "Country".

Lukas Baer (Male, Human, Age: 31): A high ranking ROGUE member, he has gold eyes and short black hair. He has been seen on several different occasions by different party members. He was inquiring about persons of interests at the homeless shelter Trajan used to frequent. Additionally, he was part of the armed escort for the caravan that was delivering Jergo (Del’s blink dog) to Babylon. He is often seen in the company of Gwen Morrison. Roan did not work with him in the past; so Lukas skill set is unknown.

Gwen Morrison (Female, Human, Age: 25): Gwen puts herself first and foremost in front of the public’s eyes on behalf of Genesis. She is calm, composed, and charming in most of her interviews. She is able to deliver bad news and make it sound good. She formerly handled Roan on his last few missions before cutting him loose after the debacle with Nacht (including the ‘kidnapping’ of Kimberley Meyer).

The group has encountered her via phone conversation in the past. She seems interested in Nacht, but if all the details all to be believed, she is purposefully leading Genesis away from his trail. Nacht claims that she is involved in human trafficking.

Abraham Campbell (Male, Human, Age: 61): Abraham Campbell is the current president of Genesis (and thus, ruler of Ezra). The Campbell family has been the primary leaders of Genesis for countless generations. Typically, the father becomes president and then his heir becomes vice-president, then when the president retires, the vice-president takes over, and then a new vice-president is chosen (again, usually a Campbell heir). The Campbell family has kept an iron grip on their leadership thanks to their wealth and charisma. Abraham isn’t a particularly loved president, but he isn’t hated either. He has had a relatively safe presidency.

It is believed he hasn’t been in the spotlight lately because of an illness, but he appeared to be healthy during the parade. It is believed that he may have been the target of the assassination attempt and either the shooter messed up or his wife simply moved abruptly at the wrong time.

Cain Campbell (Male, Human, Age: 21): Named vice-president of Genesis three years ago, Cain's youthful presence breathed new life into the Genesis Corporation and new risks were being taken. New innovations are coming about, and the Genesis Corporation is being lead in a new, fresh direction. He is said to have multiple Ph.D’s and to be able to best some of the strongest KNIGHTs in single combat.

Linda Campbell (Female, Human, Age: 49): The president’s wife and the vice president’s mother, Linda was the most well loved member of her family. She was always well poised and charming; easy to like and look up to. Some rumors claimed that she was the real ‘brains’ behind Genesis, but others dismiss those claims.

***DEAD: Linda Campbell was assassinated by Hermes who was pretending to be Roan.***

Emily, MAGE Agent (Female, Human, Age: 31): Emily is a pretty enough looking human woman, though not truly beautiful or breath taking. She has long blonde hair and brown eyes. She is a Third Class MAGE Agent for Genesis. She was involved in the conflict at Bulette's Brawl; interested in either capturing Gnoll or neutralizing an Olympian.

***DEAD: Emily was killed by Hephaestus in Bulette's Brawl. Her body was recovered by Paul the KNIGHT and will be turned over to her family for burial purposes.***

Paul, KNIGHT Agent (Male, Genasi, Age: 25): Paul is a muscular genasi with storm origins; having lightning colored hair and glowing eyes. He is a Third Class KNIGHT Agent for Genesis.  He was involved in the conflict at Bulette's Brawl; interested in either capturing Gnoll or neutralizing an Olympian. Paul worked with Roan a few times in the past; allowing for Roan to convince Paul to side with the group in their conflict against the Olympians.

Nikolas, ROGUE Agent (Male, Human, 29): Nikolas is a thin, dexterous human with dark hair and bangs that cover his eyes. He is a Third Class ROGUE Agent for Genesis. He was involved in the conflict at Bulette's Brawl; interested in either capturing Gnoll or neutralizing an Olympian. He actually won some money off of Roan's hunting competition. He sought to "steal" Gnoll from the group, but decided on playing nice and sharing the information when things weren't going his way.

Rickenato (Male, Elf, Age: 66): A distant cousin to Antef Azer (Pharaoh of Ramesses), Rickenato is a diplomat to Ezra on behalf of the elven nation he originally hails from. Though his real name is Malik, he goes by the moniker Rickenato because he believes it to be eccentric and ‘balling’. He piece-meals the parts of his culture that he thinks are ‘cool’, but has been taken in by the dazzling lights of Babylon to become what is often referred to as a ‘City Elf’.

Due to his important status, Genesis attempts to keep Rickenato happy by giving him expensive gifts and letting him run wild more or less in Babylon. Genesis is courting him in hopes of getting access to the vast, untapped resources of Ramesses. Rickenato himself is an avid collector; collecting rare artifacts in order to show them off to people and increase the prestige of his swag.

He has contacted the Middleman and hired the group to collect the fabled artifact known as Pandora’s Box. He claims that his yet to be named contact in Genesis (a ROGUE agent) has precise, real details on its location and seller (who won’t sell to him for some unknown reason). Rickenato is likely hated by his family, thus is why he was sent to Babylon and not kept in the homeland.

Warrior-G (Male, Elf, Age: 112): Real name Abdel, Warrior-G is the personal bodyguard of Rickenato. He is a paladin from the land of Ramesses, a devout worshipper of the elven God known as The Warrior. He is supposedly equipped with a holy avenger (found by Rickenato). He wears KNIGHT armor given to him by Genesis, though it is an older model that is no longer used. Warrior-G has no love for Rickenato’s eccentric behavior, but he takes his duty above all else seriously, and finds pride in keeping a member of the royal family safe.

Gnoll (Male, Tiefling, Age: 29): A contact given to Rickenato through Rickenato's ROGUE agent. Gnoll is believed to know where the Pandora's Box deal will occur. Gnoll frequents Bulette's Brawl. The tiefling fancies himself one of the old races (gnoll) and goes out of his way to make his appearance match his desires. Bit of a gambling addict. He agreed to provide the Runners with information if Setter would come back to the Brawl and win another match; allowing Gnoll to place a large bet and win some money.

The Man With No Name (Male, ???, Age: ???): Setter's contact. The Man With No Name helps people erase their formers lives. This involves being completely burned. All old records are expunged while new ones are falsified. The Man With No Name is the only one who can completely take someone off of the grid safely. He travels in a van called "Nowhere" which is outfitted with high tech computers. The Man With No Name might be a pudgy, half-dwarf, but it is likely that is more an assistant than the actual Man. Doesn't come cheap.

Lupin (Male, Wolf Hengeyokai, Age: 202): The owner of Masamune in Little Musashi, Lupin is a weaponmaker from the old world. He deals information to Genesis in exchange for resources; having fed both Lukas Baer and Luna information. He knows Aria's father and as such, gave Aria a blade when she asked for one. He helped give Kembu some information as well. Lupin seemed to have a knowledge of Kembu's master: Borai.

Rei (Female, Hare Hengeyokai, Age: 349): Rei is trained in the arts of the Wu Jen. Typically referred to as a witch, she has a small shop in Little Musashi (Sector Eight, Hengeyokai District). Rei seemed to know a lot about Aria and Kembu; having seen it in dreams, visions, and fortunes. She agreed to give Kembu a charm to protect him from the oni spirit residing in his sword. She also gave Rei a kitsune charm. In exchange, Kembu and Aria agreed to return stolen goods to Rei; a box of blood vials stolen by the Mixtli Coatal gang.

Master Borai (Male, Fox Hengeyokai, Age: 549): Borai is an ancient swordsman from Musashi. He is the greatest practitioner of battojutsu alive. He saved Kembu when the boy was a child and took him in as an apprentice; training him to be a great swordsman.   

Prometheus (Male, Human, Age: Unknown): Rumored to be the current possessor of Pandora’s Box, he is looking to trade off the item to an unknown buyer right now. Rickenato claims he is the original Prometheus, but that is highly dubious given the time span. Prometheus refused to do business with Rickenato once already. Prometheus used to work within Genesis, but was offered a deal to betray them by the Olympians. Upon seeing what EARTHQUAKE was like, Prometheus backed out of the deal, and took Pandora's Box (a USB drive with sensitive Genesis intel) to Gnoll. Gnoll ended up finding him a buyer: Leonhardt Nacht. Prometheus once again decided to back out of a deal in exchange for Setter's offer. He is currently willing to sell the box to Rickenato in exchange for 1.25 million GP and protection in the form of a new identity through The Man With No Name.

Jim and Olaf (Males, Humans, Ages: 40-50s): A well known news casting duo in Babylon. They covered the Genesis Foundation Parade. Jim is upbeat while Olaf is more sully.

Hannah (Female, Human, Age: Unknown): The famous singer of Babylon, she was present during the Genesis Foundation Parade and sung the national anthem. After the events of the assassination during the parade, Hannah reinvented herself with her new single: Paper Boats. Aria and Kembu believe that she is connected to their past.

Johnny Fire (Male, Genasi, Age: 35): A red-haired genasi with fire as his origins, he is the gatekeeper to Bulette's Brawl. He is friendly enough and many members who frequent the Brawl are on good terms with Johnny.

Kenku (Male, Halfling, Age: 21):  Kenku is the stage name for an unknown male halfling. The halfling's features are obscured by a dark robe covered in raven feathers and a plague doctor mask. His battle cry was 'CAW!' He seemed to be accomplished in air and force magic. He battled against Managirl in a mana-bending competition and lost. He left on good terms with Managirl.

Abasi (Male, Drow, Age: 67): One of the few rare and free drow, Abasi escaped slavery and made a name for himself in Babylon as a bounty hunter. Nowadays, he much prefers competing in the competitions at Bulette's Brawl in hopes of making a living. He faced Roan in a hunting competition; rudely attacking Roan in hopes of hindering him and allowing Abasi to kill the beast at his leisure. Roan defeated Abasi, though the two left on good terms.

El Chupacabra (Male, Dwarf, Age: 44): A luchador from the land of Montezuma, El Chupacabra faced off against Setter in a hand-to-hand competition. Chupacabra fashioned his gimmick off of a fictional urban legend. Setter defeated Chupacabra without taking a hit thanks to his magic. He left on 'okay' terms with Setter, despite being showed up and embarrassed by not landing a hit.

Smasher and Destroyer (Males, Humans, Age: 32 and 27): Two humans that fancy themselves as old Ezran Barbarians, the pair wield a greatsword and a greataxe. The two lost in a destruction competition against Kembu and Aria. The two left on neutral terms with Kembu and Aria.

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