I'm posting the firearm homebrewed items we are using for a quick reference. They're detailed in the houserule documents too.
-Handgun: Proficiency +2, Damage 1d6, Range 15/30, Price 25 GP, Weight 2 lb,
Magazine 15
--Properties: Firearm, One-Handed, Load Free
-Hunting Shotgun: Proficiency +2, Damage 1d10, Range 5/10, Price 35 GP, Weight
8 lb, Magazine 2
--Properties: Firearm, Two-Handed, Load Free, Spread
-Submachine Gun: Proficiency +2, Damage 1d6, Range 20/40, Price 40 GP, Weight 6
lb, Magazine 30
--Properties: Firearm, Two-Handed, Load Free, Auto
-Hunting Rifle: Proficiency +3, Damage 1d8, Range 30/60, Price 35 GP, Weight 8
lb, Magazine 6
--Properties: Firearm, Two-Handed, Load Free
-Revolver: Proficiency +2, Damage 1d8, Range 15/30, Price 30 GP, Weight 2 lb,
Magazine 6
--Properties: Firearm, One-Handed, Load Free
-Shotgun: Proficiency +2, Damage 1d12, Range 10/20, Price 45 GP, Weight 10 lb,
Magazine 6
--Properties: Firearm, Two-Handed, Load Free, Spread
-Assault Rifle: Proficiency +3, Damage 1d8, Range 20/40, Price 50 GP, Weight 9
lb, Magazine 50
--Properties: Firearm, Two-Handed, Load Free, Auto
-Sniper Rifle: Proficiency +3, Damage 1d10, Range 40/80, Price 45 GP, Weight 13
lb, Magazine 6
--Properties: Firearm, Two-Handed, Load Free
-Rail Pistol: Proficiency +2, Damage 1d10, Range 20/40, Price 45 GP, Weight 4
lb, Magazine 10
--Properties: Firearm, One-Handed, Load Free
-Rail Boomstick: Proficiency +2, Damage 2d6, Range 10/20, Price 65 GP, Weight
15 lb, Magazine 10
--Properties: Firearm, Two-Handed, Load Free, Spread, Brutal 1
-Rail Repeater: Proficiency +3, Damage 1d10, Range 30/60, Price 60 GP, Weight
15 lb, Magazine 100
--Properties: Firearm, Two-Handed, Load Free, Auto
-Rail Gun: Proficiency +3, Damage 1d12, Range 50/100, Price 65 GP, Weight 18
lb, Magazine 10
--Properties: Firearm, Two-Handed, Load Free, High Crit

Sunday, April 28, 2013
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
NPC List
Persons of Interest (Major):
*Lukas Baer (Male, Human, Age: 31): A high ranking ROGUE member, he has gold eyes and short black hair. He has been encountered by Trajan and Del for different purposes. He rides a high-tech two-wheeled motorcycle.
*Darrell Johnson (Male, Human, Age: 36): First Class ROGUE agent. He has worked with Roan in the past. He seems to have it out for Gwen Morrisson. He is nicknamed the Poker for poking at things until he uncovers its secrets.
*Dr. Vesper Klein (Female, Human, Age: 29): A recent client of the Middleman, she was introduced to the group through the Watchdog. For their second job, they've agreed to escort her to the town of Quiet Mountain to explore the abandoned mana reactor there. She has pale skin, green eyes, brown hair, and a prosthetic claw for a hand.
*Luna (Female, Genasi, Age: 29): First class KNIGHT member, she is the bodyguard of Agent Johnson. She can manipulate water. She has a sweet demeanor to her, but she wields cybernetic armor and a high frequency katana.
*The Middleman (Male, Unknown Race, Age: Unknown): One of many mysterious figures in Babylon, the Middleman seems to be a friend to everyone and no one. The Middleman acts as a broker between many employers and employees. Anyone who interacts him can be assured that their identities are kept anonymous and secret. This allows for employers to get less than savory jobs performed for them while giving employees the chance to earn money. The Middleman also offers his employees a unique offer. In exchange for half of their pay, they may instead ask one question of the Middleman. Through his resources, the Middleman will find the answer to the question. Some examples of questions that the Middleman can answer include: "Where can I find this person?" or "Who is my mother?"
*Gwen Morrisson (Female, Human, Age: 25): A young up and comer within Genesis, through her connections and talents, she has risen to be a high ranking member of ROGUE. She handles interrogations, and is known for her mixture of professionalism and cruelty. She has teal hair and is never seen without a pink high-tech eye-piece.
*Leonhardt Nacht (Male, Human, Age: 35-45): Independent terrorist at large, he is on Ezra (and thus Genesis) most wanted list. Charged with endangering lives, stealing company secrets, and the kidnapping of Kimberly Meyer.
*The Watchdog (Male, Genasi, Age: Unknown): With piercing teal eyes, a trademark of mana-infusion, the Watchdog is a mysterious entity in Babylon. Some theorize that the Watchdog is not one person, but a group of people. The Watchdog is said to know the comings and goings as well as the various dealings of everyone in Babylon. Many people swear upon seeing him one moment, but when they look the next, he is gone. His overall purpose and goal is unknown as no one who has interacted with him has spoken of him to the public. The Watchdog stands just over 6'0 and has an athletic build to him. He is covered from head to toe in clothing. The only visible part of him is his eyes, ears, and parts of his dark brown hair. He wears black cargo pants, a waist-high coat, a white long-sleeved zip-up shirt, black fingerless gloves, a black ball cap, and a facial mask that covers the lower-half of his face.
Persons of Interest (Minor):
*Paul Arnold (Male, Human, Age: 33): Associate of Leonhardt Nacht, charged with building an EMP. After it was stolen by "men in suits", he didn't have the materials to build another, and was encouraged to flee Babylon by Roan.
*Billy the Bus Driver (Male, Human, Age: 42): A portly man with a white ten gallon hat, he uses a team of horses to drag a ruined bus to and from the city of Babylon (offering travelers a lift). Kembu and Del both encountered him on separate occasions.
*Bubba (Male, Human, Age 39): An overweight homeless man, he is a passing associate of Trajan.
*Edna (Female, Human, Age: 66): The infamous bag lady of Babylon, rumors circulate between her being a witch and her just being crazy. A passing associate of Trajan.
*Jabs (Male, Human, Age: 11): The second-in-command for the Grell Street Urchins. He is a dirty, dirty fighter. An associate of Trajan.
*Kimberley Meyer (Female, Human, Age: Unknown): A recon member of a Genesis' security team, she is in the news for being kidnapped by Nacht.
*Captain Nate (Male, Human, Age: 53): Leader of Alpha Team, he is a member of Genesis Security who the group is on good terms with for helping to deal with the EARTHQUAKE members at the check in station up to Quiet Mountain.
*Paco (Male, Dwarf, Age: 29): Drug dealer of Mixtli Coatal, Kembu helped convinced him to give up some intel on his boss.
*Raul (Male, Dwarf, Age: 65): The loudest street vendor in Sector Seven, his food is known to given diarrhea. He is also known for being able to point people in the right direction for narcotics.
*Carlos Rodgersias (Male, Dwarf, Age: Unknown): Paco's boss. Suspected in the kidnapping of Brittany Trent.
*Rover (Male, Human, Age: 11): One of the Grell Street Urchins, he asked some questions for Del in exchange for a soda.
*Syler (Male, Human, Age: 37): Once famed comic book artist, now a down on his luck artist, he 'adopted' a certain little girl (Heather) and acts as her caretaker.
*Robert Tack (Male, Human, Age: 33): Former associate of Roan, he let slip some useful intel, though at the risk of losing his job. Loyal, dependable, but not perfect.
*Tanner the Devil (Male, Tiefling, Age: 13): Leader of the Grell Street Urchins, he is thought to be kidnapped by the Mixtli Coatals. Friend to Trajan.
*Christof Took (Male, Human, Age: 23): A friend of Trajan, "Stoff" is a bleeding heart who runs the shelter: the Safe House. He is idealistic and bright-eyed.
*Brittany Trent (Female, Human, Age: 16): Lisa's missing sister, presumed kidnapped.
*Lisa Trent (Female, Human, Age: 7): Found crying by Kembu, she pleaded with him to find her sister. She (along with the help of an unnamed homeless man) managed to point him in the right direction to begin his search. Lives in room #34 of her building in the lower city of the Housing District.
Persons of Interest (Mentioned or Well Known):
*Ryu Akita (Male, Hengeyokai, Age: 163): Current leader of the Oni Caravan. He is a raccoon-dog that specializes in primal magic. He is just entering into his “senior” years, but he still thinks of himself as having a lot to prove.
*Angel (Female, Deva, Age: Unknown): Briefly mentioned by Sheriff Oku, she is a bald woman with chalk white skin and purple tattoos going down the left and right side of her face. She seemed lost and confused, speaking of getting to Heaven and running from Hell. She was arrested for stealing in Raske, and then picked up by Genesis (with Lukas Baer heading the pick-up).
*Antef Azer (Male, Eladrin, Age: 136): Current head of the Azer Dynasty and pharaoh of Ramesses. He rigorously trains both body and mind and he is considered by many to be the greatest bladesinger alive. He is charismatic, cruel, and tenacious. His reign is just starting and he is looking to expand Ramessess' greatness.
*Conrad Barbarian (Male, Human, Age: 21): Bassist for the Barbarians.
*Flynn Barbarian (Male, Human, Age: 27): Lead guitarist and backup vocalist for the Barbarians.
*Joseph Barbarian (Male, Human, Age: 23): Drummer for the Barbarians.
*Skald Barbarian (Male, Human, Age: 25): Lead vocalist for the Barbarians.
*Borei (Male, Hengeyokai, Age: Unknown): Kembu's samurai master.
*Vivian Bossom (Female, Human, Age: 32): Owner of the Lucky Cat Inn.
*Abraham Campbell (Male, Human, Age: 61): Abraham Campbell is the current president of Genesis (and thus, ruler of Ezra). The Campbell family has been the primary leaders of Genesis for countless generations. Typically, the father becomes president and then his heir becomes vice-president, then when the president retires, the vice-president takes over, and then a new vice-president is chosen (again, usually a Campbell heir). The Campbell family has kept an iron grip on their leadership thanks to their wealth and charisma. Abraham isn’t a particularly loved president, but he isn’t hated either. He has had a relatively safe presidency.
*Cain Campbell (Male, Human, Age: 21): Named vice-president of Genesis three years ago, Cain's youthful presence breathed new life into the Genesis Corporation and new risks were being taken. New innovations are coming about, and the Genesis Corporation is being lead in a new, fresh direction.
*Ramon Gomez (Male, Gnome, Age: 35): Ramon Gomez has roughly been the leader of the Gomez Cartel for the past five years. He took the place of his mother after she met an untimely demise from a drug overdose (some believe it to be no accident—instead an event orchestrated by Ramon himself). Ramon has a somber personality and he speaks at a whisper—forcing those around him to strain to hear his decrees and orders. He claims to be blessed by the Reaper and has a mastery over divine magic.
*Nolan King (Male, Genasi, Age: 28): Current MMA Fighting Champion in Ezra.
*Macklemore (Male, Tiefling, Age: Unknown): The enigmatic leader of Earthquake is a tiefling known as Macklemore. In graffiti and in wanted posters, he is depicted as an ebony skin man standing at 6’6 and 250 lbs. His eyes are a piercing infernal red. Amidst his head full of dark hair, he has numerous horns that go around his head like a crown. Macklemore is considered to be armed and dangerous. The Genesis Corporation has a hefty bounty for information on him. Due to being labeled a terrorist, Macklemore’s true intentions for Earthquake are unknown. Some people say that he rides with the heart of the people at his back and he fights for the common man. Others say he is a self-interested villain who only wants to hurt the great nation of Ezra.
*Javier Santiago (Male, Dwarf, Age: 199): Javier Santiago is the long-lived patriarch of the Santiago Cartel. Javier has ruled over the Cartel for the last 150 years. He is older now—confined to a wheel chair, and numerous sons of his vie to be next in line. Javier has not openly named an heir to the Santiago Cartel because he does not plan on dying anytime soon. Indeed, on occasions, Javier still seems to have the passion and vitality of a young man. He is portrayed something as a folklore legend for his youthful days, and today he is painted as a wise, careful, and calculating leader.
*Elisa Vargas (Female, Halfling, Age: 19): Leader of Vargas Cartel. Not even considered to be an adult by many, recently replaced her deceased father. Many in the family and the cartel challenged her right to rule. Those who spoke out openly against her were cut into bits and pieces, stuffed in piñatas, and delivered to their loved ones. Those who spoke in whispers are no doubt being watched by her careful eye. She is considered by many to be impulsive, unpredictable, reckless, ruthless, and perhaps even insane. Many tell tales of sharing drinks or meals with her. One minute—her friend; the next—a victim.
Raske NPCS:
*Cindra Raske (Female, Human): ALIVE. The heir to the Raske fortune, she is suspected to be a Red Wolf (named one of the suspects my Nerva). She is haughty and dislikes the poor, but not as much as she dislikes outsiders. She is married and has several children.
*Bill (Male, Human): ALIVE. Sheriff Oku's overweight right-hand man.
*Dez (Male, Human): ALIVE. Server at the Red Eye Inn.
*Elenka (Female, Human): ALIVE. Elderly human philosopher of the Divinity of Mankind. She has a raspy voice.
*Emorin ((Male, Human): ALIVE. The town's 7'0 tall tailor.
*Gilda (Female, Human): ALIVE. Server at the Red Eye Inn.
*Igam (Female, Dwarf): ALIVE. A fisherwoman, she came into town, and was hunted by the ghost of Raske. The group saved her life. She has red hair and freckles. She is currently very ill from bilewrought contagion given to her by Nerva.
*Jemos (Male, Human): DEAD. The former captain of the town guard. He and several of his men were killed by the ghost of Raske. A red cloak and a wolf's mask was found near his corpse, implying that he was a member of the Red Wolves.
*Kador Raske (Male, Human): ALIVE. The elderly patriarch of the Raske family. His wife, 15 years ago, left him and ran off with a traveling Genesis Executive. Since then, he's been distrustful of outsiders. He seems to think that the Red Wolves are a good thing, as they saved his life once.
*Knute (Male, Human): ALIVE. The 7'0 tall bodyguard of the Raske family. He was spying on the group, and the proceedings with the ghost. He lied to the party in order to try and throw them off his trail.
*Nero (Male, Dragon): Only mentioned in texts by Nerva and Otho, they claim that a dragon named Nero is their father.
*Nerva (Male, Dragonborn): ALIVE. Nicknamed the Ghost of Raske, Nerva originally hailed from Quiet Mountain and claims to be the son of the dragon. He is the twin brother to Otho, and upon learning that the Red Wolves of Raske had killed Otho, began seeking revenge against them. The kobolds claimed that they more or less awoke one day and were in the presence of Nerva, who commanded them. They also claimed that Nerva was once an ordinary man, but after a dream, was granted powerful magical abilities to aid him in his cause. He has little concern for innocent life, willing to kill those who get in his way.
*Okken (Male, Half-Elf): ALIVE. Steward at the Red Eye Inn.
*Oku (Female, Human): ALIVE. The town sheriff of Raske, she was promoted after her predecessor was killed. She has short black hair, tanned skin, and a no nonsense approach to things. She has cooperated with the party and is thankful for their help in the investigation.
*Otho (Male, Dragonborn): DEAD. A con artist and a thief, he was killed by the Red Wolves. He is believed to have come back as a ghost, and is hunting town his murderers This was proven false. Twin brother to Nerva.
*Ranger (Male, Human): DEAD. An elderly man who preferred to live away from technology, he lived near Raske in his small cabin. Nerva found it to be a perfect base of operations, so Nerva and his minions killed Ranger and his dog.
*Rukkevinta (Female, Halfling): DEAD. The innkeeper of the Red Eye Inn. She has graying brown hair, sharp green eyes, and a scowl stuck on her face. She was found out to be one of the Red Wolves. Nerva killed her, then burned down her inn.
*Tommik (Male, Gnome): ALIVE. He has wild white hair and a leather coat lined with "magical" substances. He claims to be an expert of the occult, and he is a witness to the murders. He gets along with Trajan.
The Kasai Caravan NPCS:
*Akio (Male, Hengeyokai): ALIVE. Rat. He owns the largest misc. goods stall at the flea market. Those who present him with a gold coin from musashi get a look at some select wares.
*Aoi (Male, Hengeyokai): ALIVE. Carp. He runs a fishing game which Del won.
*Aya (Female, Hengeyokai): ALIVE. Cat. She runs the clinic and helped Roan with his back.
*Daichi (Male, Hengeyokai): ALIVE. Crane. Flamboyant gang leader, he has many connections, and is a business associate of Dr. Klein.
*Goro (Male, Hengeyokai): ALIVE. Badger. He runs a stall at the flea market, selling arms and armors. He has illegal items available as well.
Earthquake NPCs:
*Jaunt (Male, Human): ALIVE. A drug addicted youth, Jaunt wore a hoodie and a pair of jeans. He demonstrated two powerful abilities. First, he could teleport and teleport others. Through the use of portals, he could manipulate things from a distance. Additionally, with just his mind, he seemed capable of manipulating electronics. He was captured by Kembu and Roan's efforts.
*Ruby (Female, Human): ALIVE. The fearless and sadistic leader of the trio, she is a woman with long white hair and impossibly beautiful looks. She covered her torso with bandages and bindings rather than a traditional garb. She demonstrated her abilities to be life siphoning. She could take the life of others and store it in herself to use for later. After fighting a losing battle with Del and the group, Ruby escaped by swan diving off the bridge and into the river below.
*Tucker (Male, Human): DEAD. Arguably one of the strongest of the trio encountered at the battle of the bridge, Tucker was a handsome and impolite biker. He could manipulate his bones to form defensive and offensive tricks (such as a ribcage shield or a bone sword from his forearm). He could change his skin to a plastic like material, allowing him to stretch his limbs. Additionally, he had advanced regeneration capabilities. However, fire was his one weakness, and prevented his regeneration from saving his life. His corpse was collected by Klein for research purposes.
Quiet Mountain NPCs:
*Dr. Abel (Male, Human): DEAD. A former colleague of Dr. Klein's, the man's mad obsession with the Shadowfell resulted in the destruction of the Quiet Mountain Reactor Facility. The group ended up killing him as part of their service to Dr. Klein.
*Al (Male, Human): ALIVE. The eccentric owner of the Grand Motel.
*Sarah Bloom (Female, Human): ALIVE. Aspiring musician and comedian, she hitched a ride to Quiet Mountain with the group.
*Jumbo (Male, Human): ALIVE. Crazed gunstore owner, he tried to kill Managirl with a shotgun.
Pandora's Box NPCS:
Follow this link: here.
Final Countdown NPCs:
Follow this link: here.
World Overview
Terra Nullius is sci-fantasy: a mix between fantasy and science fiction. It has elements of magi-tech and steam punk to it. Games like Bioshock, Final Fantasy, and Dishonored all inspire it. Think of it as a typical D&D world…set hundreds of thousands of years into the future where the world has become much like our own Earth. Most of the fantastical creatures in the world died out long ago and the world doesn’t need saving anymore from world threatening archmages or renegade Gods.
That doesn’t mean that all adventuring is gone in Terra Nullius, nor does it mean that the world is safe. On the contrary, Terra Nullius needs heroes like it always did. The enemies aren’t just as clear cut anymore. After all, you don’t see people in our modern world hunting down celebrities and government officials too often. In Terra Nullius, are the corporations of Ezra a danger? Maybe, just as much as the cartels of Montezuma are and the monarchy of Ramesses are. These are the foundations of this world and they’re unlikely to change even when confronted with a renegade band of heroes. That doesn’t mean that good can’t be done, though. Now more than ever does Terra Nullius need people looking out for the common folk—the general populace.
You can come across cowboys squaring off against samurais in this world. You can see knights taking on a SWAT team. Fireballs and rocket launchers can collide. Hell, anything is possible, and why not? D&D worlds are meant to be fun. They’re meant to inspire and encourage creativity.
As of now, Terra Nullius primarily has one major focus: the continent of Augustus. While there are certainly other continents floating around in this world, as well as islands (like Musashi), they aren’t going to be detailed yet (maybe in another campaign). Ezra, Montezuma, and Ramesses certainly have a wealth of material for us to all explore for quite awhile. You’ll be starting off in the city of Babylon. It is unlike anything else you’ll find in this campaign. It is the inherent center piece of Terra Nullius and it stands out as a key element in this campaign. It is akin to the giant cities you find in cyberpunk settings like Shadowrun.
Below, you’ll find some key elements to the campaign that have been detailed out for you. Things like languages, money, technology, etc. In other places (on the blog or in the campaign setting document), you will find information on Terra Nullius’ countries and cities. These are things you’ll want to look into and read about in order to learn more about the world. As we play, I am sure the feeling and flavor of this world will blossom and be revealed to you all. The best way to understand it will be to dive into the deep end, and I am sure that is exactly what we will be doing. Are you ready for it?
Languages: The following languages are found in this campaign. In parentheses, the real world equivalent of that language can be found. Three languages (Deep Speech, Giant, Goblin) that are normally found in D&D aren’t found where this campaign is taking place. As such, they won’t be detailed here. Along with these changes, it is important to note that gnomes in this setting replace elven with dwarven and halflings have to choose dwarven as their second language. Hengeyokai must choose hengeyokai as their second language.
-Abyssal (Italian)
-Common (English)
-Draconic (Latin)
-Dwarven (Spanish)
-Elven (Egyptian)
-Hengeyokai (Japanese)
-Primordial (German)
-Supernal (Greek)
Money: The majority of countries are on the PP, GP, SP, and CP system. Their coins have different printings on them, but they’re worth the same value from culture to culture. Ezra is on the same system, but they use paper money to represent PP, GP, SP, and CP. This paper money is backed by the appropriate amount of precious metals located in banks and vaults in Ezra’s capital: Babylon.
Monsters: The majority of monsters in Terra Nullius are rare and exotic or extinct. Things like mimics, owlbears, dragons, centaurs, minotaurs, and other monsters and creatures are part of folklore, legend, and mythology. The general public doesn’t believe these things to be real or to have ever been real. Members of academia, however, often argue that they were at one time real and in some cases, may still be alive in remote regions. It is believed that the Genesis Corporation and other scientific minds are attempting to revive and recreate these creatures through fossils and other samples.
Power Sources: The martial power source is the same in this campaign as it is detailed in 4e D&D, however, martial can also encompass technology. The psionic power source isn’t appropriate for this campaign and as such it doesn’t exist in the world of Terra Nullius. The shadow power source is superfluous and as such, I have removed it from this campaign setting as well. Divine magic comes from the mana within individuals and through personal and spiritual belief. Primal magic comes from the mana found out in the world and in nature, including plants and animals. Arcane magic is a combination of the inward and outward approaches found in the previous two power sources. The arcane power source draws from mana within others and in the world itself—a balance of harmony between the two approaches. Some theorize that divine and primal magic are just branches of arcane magic.
Planes: In D&D, you typically hear of other planes like the Astral Sea, the Elemental Chaos, the Far Realm, the Shadowfell, the Feywild, etc. If these planes are real, they are so far removed that only extraordinary individuals can perceive them on Terra Nullius. Perhaps these planes are real, perhaps they aren’t. Don’t expect to do planar hops and adventures on Terra Nullius. The planes are as ambiguous as the Gods. The greatest scientists theorize of these different planes, but there is no tangible proof. Recently, with the development of computer networks and the SEED, the greatest of minds believe they’re beginning to perceive the ethereal plane. Some believe the ethereal to have always been there with humanoids just now beginning to discover and dive into the nature of this new plane of existence. Whether or not this is what the SEED actually allows people to perceive is unknown as testing is still ongoing.
Technology: Montezuma (and the dwarves) have technology comparable to ancient Mayan and Aztec cultures. Musashi (and the hengeyokai) have technology comparable to feudal Japan. Ramesses (and the elves) have technology comparable to ancient Egypt. In addition, these countries would have technology found in typical D&D settings (meaning alchemy, magic, medieval culture, etc.). In these countries, you can find pockets of advanced technology that have been purchased or stolen from Ezra (and the humans). These are extremely rare as Ezra has been reluctant to give out anything that isn’t outdated. Ezra wants to keep its monopoly.
Ezra is the most technologically-advanced civilization in the current known world. Their automatons and creations are labeled as mana-tech. The amount of technology available is a blend of magi-tech, steampunk, and cyberpunk. Babylon is the technological center of Terra Nullius. As you leave the capital and get into the rural area of Ezra, technology isn’t as prevalent, but it is still around—especially in towns with mana reactors. Here is a short list of some of common technology available. It is not all inclusive, but it’ll provide for a decent foundation. If you have doubts whether or not something exists, ask the DM.
-Computers: Basic computers appear everywhere as calculators, cash registers, MP3 players, watches, etc. More high-tech computers, particularly the SEED, are available as well to anyone with the money or the right connections.
-Firearms: Handguns, rifles, and shotguns all exist. The majority of firearms use a cartridge based system, regardless of how many shots they contain. It is illegal to own an unlicensed firearm, but a lot of people do it anyway.
-Mana Reactors: Power plants that collect raw mana from the earth. Mana is often used in place of typical power sources like electricity, fossil fuels, etc.
-Modern conveniences: Heating, air condition, refrigeration, washing machines, ovens, microwaves, plumbing, toilets, showers, etc. They can all be found in Babylon.
-Telephones, Radios: Babylon has public payphones that connect throughout the city and cellular telephones have grown in popularity amongst those who can afford them. Some people also use short-range or long-range radios to communicate.
-Television, Monitors: Various monitors and televisions can be found in Babylon. Some are in public areas where people can gather to hear news and government announcements while others are found in private dens. The government controls what appears on television. For entertainment purposes, sporting events, cartoons, musical acts, and soap operas can be typically found as televised events.
-Vehicles: This includes cars, trucks, monorails, motorcycles, scooters, helicopters, etc. Vehicles are primarily used for business and security transportation, but anyone can own a vehicle if they can afford it. Most citizens in Babylon use the monorail system that runs throughout the city as a means to getting around.
That doesn’t mean that all adventuring is gone in Terra Nullius, nor does it mean that the world is safe. On the contrary, Terra Nullius needs heroes like it always did. The enemies aren’t just as clear cut anymore. After all, you don’t see people in our modern world hunting down celebrities and government officials too often. In Terra Nullius, are the corporations of Ezra a danger? Maybe, just as much as the cartels of Montezuma are and the monarchy of Ramesses are. These are the foundations of this world and they’re unlikely to change even when confronted with a renegade band of heroes. That doesn’t mean that good can’t be done, though. Now more than ever does Terra Nullius need people looking out for the common folk—the general populace.
You can come across cowboys squaring off against samurais in this world. You can see knights taking on a SWAT team. Fireballs and rocket launchers can collide. Hell, anything is possible, and why not? D&D worlds are meant to be fun. They’re meant to inspire and encourage creativity.
As of now, Terra Nullius primarily has one major focus: the continent of Augustus. While there are certainly other continents floating around in this world, as well as islands (like Musashi), they aren’t going to be detailed yet (maybe in another campaign). Ezra, Montezuma, and Ramesses certainly have a wealth of material for us to all explore for quite awhile. You’ll be starting off in the city of Babylon. It is unlike anything else you’ll find in this campaign. It is the inherent center piece of Terra Nullius and it stands out as a key element in this campaign. It is akin to the giant cities you find in cyberpunk settings like Shadowrun.
Below, you’ll find some key elements to the campaign that have been detailed out for you. Things like languages, money, technology, etc. In other places (on the blog or in the campaign setting document), you will find information on Terra Nullius’ countries and cities. These are things you’ll want to look into and read about in order to learn more about the world. As we play, I am sure the feeling and flavor of this world will blossom and be revealed to you all. The best way to understand it will be to dive into the deep end, and I am sure that is exactly what we will be doing. Are you ready for it?
Languages: The following languages are found in this campaign. In parentheses, the real world equivalent of that language can be found. Three languages (Deep Speech, Giant, Goblin) that are normally found in D&D aren’t found where this campaign is taking place. As such, they won’t be detailed here. Along with these changes, it is important to note that gnomes in this setting replace elven with dwarven and halflings have to choose dwarven as their second language. Hengeyokai must choose hengeyokai as their second language.
-Abyssal (Italian)
-Common (English)
-Draconic (Latin)
-Dwarven (Spanish)
-Elven (Egyptian)
-Hengeyokai (Japanese)
-Primordial (German)
-Supernal (Greek)
Money: The majority of countries are on the PP, GP, SP, and CP system. Their coins have different printings on them, but they’re worth the same value from culture to culture. Ezra is on the same system, but they use paper money to represent PP, GP, SP, and CP. This paper money is backed by the appropriate amount of precious metals located in banks and vaults in Ezra’s capital: Babylon.
Monsters: The majority of monsters in Terra Nullius are rare and exotic or extinct. Things like mimics, owlbears, dragons, centaurs, minotaurs, and other monsters and creatures are part of folklore, legend, and mythology. The general public doesn’t believe these things to be real or to have ever been real. Members of academia, however, often argue that they were at one time real and in some cases, may still be alive in remote regions. It is believed that the Genesis Corporation and other scientific minds are attempting to revive and recreate these creatures through fossils and other samples.
Power Sources: The martial power source is the same in this campaign as it is detailed in 4e D&D, however, martial can also encompass technology. The psionic power source isn’t appropriate for this campaign and as such it doesn’t exist in the world of Terra Nullius. The shadow power source is superfluous and as such, I have removed it from this campaign setting as well. Divine magic comes from the mana within individuals and through personal and spiritual belief. Primal magic comes from the mana found out in the world and in nature, including plants and animals. Arcane magic is a combination of the inward and outward approaches found in the previous two power sources. The arcane power source draws from mana within others and in the world itself—a balance of harmony between the two approaches. Some theorize that divine and primal magic are just branches of arcane magic.
Planes: In D&D, you typically hear of other planes like the Astral Sea, the Elemental Chaos, the Far Realm, the Shadowfell, the Feywild, etc. If these planes are real, they are so far removed that only extraordinary individuals can perceive them on Terra Nullius. Perhaps these planes are real, perhaps they aren’t. Don’t expect to do planar hops and adventures on Terra Nullius. The planes are as ambiguous as the Gods. The greatest scientists theorize of these different planes, but there is no tangible proof. Recently, with the development of computer networks and the SEED, the greatest of minds believe they’re beginning to perceive the ethereal plane. Some believe the ethereal to have always been there with humanoids just now beginning to discover and dive into the nature of this new plane of existence. Whether or not this is what the SEED actually allows people to perceive is unknown as testing is still ongoing.
Technology: Montezuma (and the dwarves) have technology comparable to ancient Mayan and Aztec cultures. Musashi (and the hengeyokai) have technology comparable to feudal Japan. Ramesses (and the elves) have technology comparable to ancient Egypt. In addition, these countries would have technology found in typical D&D settings (meaning alchemy, magic, medieval culture, etc.). In these countries, you can find pockets of advanced technology that have been purchased or stolen from Ezra (and the humans). These are extremely rare as Ezra has been reluctant to give out anything that isn’t outdated. Ezra wants to keep its monopoly.
Ezra is the most technologically-advanced civilization in the current known world. Their automatons and creations are labeled as mana-tech. The amount of technology available is a blend of magi-tech, steampunk, and cyberpunk. Babylon is the technological center of Terra Nullius. As you leave the capital and get into the rural area of Ezra, technology isn’t as prevalent, but it is still around—especially in towns with mana reactors. Here is a short list of some of common technology available. It is not all inclusive, but it’ll provide for a decent foundation. If you have doubts whether or not something exists, ask the DM.
-Computers: Basic computers appear everywhere as calculators, cash registers, MP3 players, watches, etc. More high-tech computers, particularly the SEED, are available as well to anyone with the money or the right connections.
-Firearms: Handguns, rifles, and shotguns all exist. The majority of firearms use a cartridge based system, regardless of how many shots they contain. It is illegal to own an unlicensed firearm, but a lot of people do it anyway.
-Mana Reactors: Power plants that collect raw mana from the earth. Mana is often used in place of typical power sources like electricity, fossil fuels, etc.
-Modern conveniences: Heating, air condition, refrigeration, washing machines, ovens, microwaves, plumbing, toilets, showers, etc. They can all be found in Babylon.
-Telephones, Radios: Babylon has public payphones that connect throughout the city and cellular telephones have grown in popularity amongst those who can afford them. Some people also use short-range or long-range radios to communicate.
-Television, Monitors: Various monitors and televisions can be found in Babylon. Some are in public areas where people can gather to hear news and government announcements while others are found in private dens. The government controls what appears on television. For entertainment purposes, sporting events, cartoons, musical acts, and soap operas can be typically found as televised events.
-Vehicles: This includes cars, trucks, monorails, motorcycles, scooters, helicopters, etc. Vehicles are primarily used for business and security transportation, but anyone can own a vehicle if they can afford it. Most citizens in Babylon use the monorail system that runs throughout the city as a means to getting around.
The Upheaval
A few hundred years ago, Terra Nullius
went through a global event that changed continents, countries, and civilizations
forever. The most powerful earthquake in known history rocked the world and
continued for hours. After the earthquake initially stopped, it resumed shortly
thereafter and continued for an entire week off and on. Superstitious folk likened
the event to the world ending while scientific minds still struggle to this day
to understand the causes behind the earthquake. The event was referred to as
the Upheaval.
The Upheaval shifted continents, shattered mountains, and changed the very face of Terra Nullius. The denizens of the continent of Augustus found themselves no longer isolated. The mountains that had previously separated Ezra, Montezuma, and Ramesses now had paths in them. Human, dwarves, and elves all met for the first time. This first contact was resulted in skirmishes between the races. Eventually, diplomatic resolutions came about and the three countries decided on a peace treaty. With the mountains acting as borders, the countries all staked their claims. Some land was also exchanged between the countries and Ezra went as far as to try and purchase land from Montezuma and Ramesses.
With the Upheaval, a new race emerged on Augustus. Believed to have come to the continent on boats, the hengeyokai arrived in droves. Others theorize that the hengeyokai always lived on Augustus and that the Upheaval merely allowed them access to the other countries. This theory can’t quite find an answer as to where on Augustus the hengeyokai would’ve been located at. The hengeyokai insist they sailed here from an island called Musashi. These initial meetings with the hengeyokai were much more peaceful as they offered gifts along with goods and services to trades. Due to their usefulness, the hengeyokai caravans were encouraged to stay. Since then various hengeyokai caravans travel across Ezra, Montezuma, and Ramesses.
The Upheaval had several downsides to it that have not yet been discussed. First, it did take a severe toll on life in every country. While no one knows for sure what the accurate death count is, it is thought to at least be in the tens of thousands. Entire towns and cities were swallowed up whole and disappeared underneath the crust of the earth. Secondly, the ecosystem changed. Rivers dried up in some places while rivers were formed in other places. Dust storms terrorized many of the countries for years after. People had to adapt. Entire towns migrated to new places. During this time, the Genesis Corporation benefited significantly as they were able to locate new sources of mana and other materials.
The people of Augustus fear what a second Upheaval might do to their lands. As such, many people have taken to preparing emergency kits and trying to find ways to prevent future disasters. Only time will tell if another disaster like this will strike Terra Nullius.
The Upheaval shifted continents, shattered mountains, and changed the very face of Terra Nullius. The denizens of the continent of Augustus found themselves no longer isolated. The mountains that had previously separated Ezra, Montezuma, and Ramesses now had paths in them. Human, dwarves, and elves all met for the first time. This first contact was resulted in skirmishes between the races. Eventually, diplomatic resolutions came about and the three countries decided on a peace treaty. With the mountains acting as borders, the countries all staked their claims. Some land was also exchanged between the countries and Ezra went as far as to try and purchase land from Montezuma and Ramesses.
With the Upheaval, a new race emerged on Augustus. Believed to have come to the continent on boats, the hengeyokai arrived in droves. Others theorize that the hengeyokai always lived on Augustus and that the Upheaval merely allowed them access to the other countries. This theory can’t quite find an answer as to where on Augustus the hengeyokai would’ve been located at. The hengeyokai insist they sailed here from an island called Musashi. These initial meetings with the hengeyokai were much more peaceful as they offered gifts along with goods and services to trades. Due to their usefulness, the hengeyokai caravans were encouraged to stay. Since then various hengeyokai caravans travel across Ezra, Montezuma, and Ramesses.
The Upheaval had several downsides to it that have not yet been discussed. First, it did take a severe toll on life in every country. While no one knows for sure what the accurate death count is, it is thought to at least be in the tens of thousands. Entire towns and cities were swallowed up whole and disappeared underneath the crust of the earth. Secondly, the ecosystem changed. Rivers dried up in some places while rivers were formed in other places. Dust storms terrorized many of the countries for years after. People had to adapt. Entire towns migrated to new places. During this time, the Genesis Corporation benefited significantly as they were able to locate new sources of mana and other materials.
The people of Augustus fear what a second Upheaval might do to their lands. As such, many people have taken to preparing emergency kits and trying to find ways to prevent future disasters. Only time will tell if another disaster like this will strike Terra Nullius.
The Continents & Great Nations
Augustus is assumed to be the largest continent on Terra Nullius, not that the inhabitants of the country are aware of any other continents. Eons ago, Augustus flourished with all manner of beasts. Then, as humanoids (human, elf, dwarf) came about, these races slowly began to conquer their respective countries on Augustus and place themselves in positions of power. As humanoid civilizations developed, many of the majestic creatures of legend and lore were lost to time—hunted to extinction or dying out from other causes. Tens of thousands of years have passed on Augustus and the exact evolution that took place on the continent varies depending on what country you’re examining.
The Legionis Mountains once separated the countries of Ezra, Montezuma, and Ramesses apart—restricting all interaction between the countries. When the Upheaval occurred, the Legionis Mountains underwent severe damage and shifting. This resulted in paths opening up between the three countries which allowed for travel and interaction between humans, elves, and dwarves.
No one knows what lies north of the Paries Mountains. Some theorize that other countries and civilizations exist and that another Upheaval could connect them to Ezra, Montezuma, and Ramesses. Most people think nothing lies beyond the mountains aside from oceans.
Ezra: Located in the north of Augustus, this country is detailed later on in the Great Nations section.
Montezuma: Located in the southwest of Augustus, this country is detailed later on in the Great Nations section.
Ramesses: Located in the southeast of Augustus, this country is detailed later on in the Great Nations section.
Legionis Mountains: In a Y formation, the Legionis Mountains act as the borders for Ezra, Montezuma, and Ramesses. During the Upheaval, passages were broken into the Legionis Mountains which allowed the countries access to each other.
Paries Mountains: The Paries Mountains are located north of Ezra. Although they were damaged during the Upheaval, no clear passages opened up through them. All expeditions to climb to the top of the mountain have failed. No one is sure what is on the other side of these mountains. However, passages leading under the mountain have been fruitful for mining expeditions.
Centurion Ocean: On the east coast of Augustus, the Centurion Ocean borders Ezra and Ramesses.
Imperator Ocean: On the west coast of Augustus, the Imperator Ocean borders Ezra and Montezuma.
Capital: Babylon
Government: Corporatocracy
Ruler: Abraham Campbell, President of the Genesis Corporation (Human)
Major Races: Human, Manaborn
Minor Races: Dwarf, Elf, Hengeyokai
Religions: The Divinity of Mankind, The Champion
Ezra is an area comprised of mostly woodlands. During the country’s beginnings, the humans were mostly compromised of individual barbarian tribes. Many of these tribes clashed and held war with one another. Occasionally, a great leader would unite the tribes against a common threat. These threats change with the time period and legends, but just a few of the threats that once threatened Ezra include dragons, sorcerers, and even the fabled monster of legend: the tarrasque.
During the ages of barbarians, Ezra’s people relied primarily on primal magic and martial might. There were a few gifted in the divine rights, but these individuals were rare. Those blessed by the Gods were spoke very highly of though and were considered to be sacred by all the barbarian tribes. Arcane magic was thought to be the work of evil and many sorcerers were hunted and killed during this time.
How then, did the radical change occur in Ezra? How did these barbarians rise up and become inventors of fantastical technology and masters of arcane magic? This change has been attributed to the Campbell family—the founding family of the Genesis Corporation.
The nation of Ezra slowly had their resources dwindle overtime. So much so, that to survive, society and civilization had to change. Ezra’s people had to change from nomads to farmers. Although many barbarians refused to change their lifestyle, enough of them began to change and give into these new ways. Towns and cities began to form as agriculture developed. The Campbell family formed an alliance of merchants and encouraged them to stake claims on much of the land and help people transition from nomadic lifestyles. This allowed many individuals to be put into debt of the forming Genesis Corporation.
During this time, Genesis began to find sources and pools of mana around the country. Sometimes raw mana is found in a liquid form while other times it is in more of a mineral form. During the barbarian times, mana was often underused. Primarily, druids and clerics used it in their arts. The Campbell founder is believed to be the first human to apply the mana he found in different ways. Through experimentations, he created the basis of arcane magic that wizards still use today in Ezra.
Some people consider this to be unlikely—claiming that Campbell stole this arcane research from another source. The other source always varies depending on the story. Some claim that the family that later founded the Exodus Corporation came up with it originally and that Genesis has been stealing their ideas ever since. Other stories say Campbell sought out sorcerers and had them teach them the basis of their magic. Others attribute sources like dragons and other fantastical creatures.
The remaining barbarian tribes, upon learning that these cities were experimenting with magic deemed heretical, began to lead raids and attack. During this time, conflict spread across Ezra like wildfire. The cities struggled to defend their lands from the razing barbarians. However, Campbell began to share his arcane secrets and train others. He created the prelude to firearms: muskets, cannons, and flintlock pistols. This advanced weaponry allowed them to turn the tides against the barbarian hordes. Those who did not submit were eventually gunned down.
From there, Ezra began to grow relatively peaceful. Campbell and his followers built the empire that would be one day deemed the Genesis Corporation. Cities began to grow and grow. Human expansion flourished and mana-tech developed. By the time the Upheaval occurred, the great capital of Babylon had already been built.
The nation of Ezra was delighted to learn that they were the superior powerhouse on Augustus. The forces of Montezuma and Ramesses easily fell to the weapons Ezra held. The Genesis Corporation decided that prolong war would drain their resources and potentially not yield any profit, so when peace talks began, Ezra agreed to them. During the peace talks, Ezra actually acquired claim of some land in Montezuma and Ramesses, which they then used to expand Ezra’s empire and establish a foothold in these countries. Just in case.
This brings us to today. Ezra is the largest nation on Augustus and their countryside is littered with towns and cities. These towns and cities aren’t nearly as advanced as Babylon. While Babylon is akin to a futuristic city, the other towns in Ezra are mostly shadows of this glory. There is a very western feeling in most of Ezra’s simple rural towns. Most towns and cities in Ezra have a purpose for the overall nation. Some towns are agriculture based while others are mining based.
To learn more of the nation of Ezra, it would be prudent to study the great city of Babylon, which is covered below.
Babylon: The crown jewel of Ezra, Babylon is the capital city and headquarters of the Genesis Corporation. Babylon is the most technologically advanced location on Terra Nullius. Babylon is a large circular structure which is supported above the ground by eight reactors and a central pillar. There are various other supports located throughout the city. On top of the structure, the city has been divided into eight sectors with a central sector (sector zero) being located in the middle. Underneath the structure, on the ground itself, are various slums and run offs from the above city. The city is designed to be easily built onto—allowing for new sectors to be created overtime. Originally, Babylon was thought to be eight different towns, but later on the names of these towns were forgotten and instead referred to as sectors of Babylon.
Several monorails run throughout the city of Babylon. Although there are streets for cars and other vehicles, the monorail is the preferred method of public transportations. Monorails run through both the upper city and the lower city. Those who cannot afford to live in the Nobility District or the Housing District in the upper city are forced to live in the lower city. Each sector’s district has two sides to it. The side seen in the upper city is intended to be the ideal Ezra nation created by the Genesis Corporation while the lower city is almost a darker, seedier reflection of that. For example, while the upper city’s entertainment district has wholesome entertainment and is kept up well, the lower city’s entertainment district looks run down and offers entertainment considered unsavory.
In each sector, a mana-reactor can be found. Babylon was built upon a plentiful source of mana which is being used to this day to power the city. While these mana-reactors pose little danger to those in the upper city, they’re very much an inconvenience for those in the lower city slums. The waste from the mana-reactors is often discarded into the slums through sewers and pipes. This waste has seeped into the ground over years and years, corrupting the very earth with mana-radiation. This radiation is quite unhealthy to live in and creates many birth defects.
Below, you can learn the purpose of each sector and a little bit about it. The information being covered primarily focuses on the upper city of that district rather than the lower city.
-Sector Zero (Genesis District): Located in the center of Babylon, Sector Zero is home to the Genesis Corporation headquarters. This sector is heavily guarded and access to it is typically restricted to employees and visiting guests. The majority of the sector is comprised of a single towering building. This building is hundreds of stories tall and it can be seen from all across the city. Genesis Corporation uses this building to run most of their business out of. Many executives actually stay and live in the building full-time.
-Sector One (Nobility District): Sector One is new, bright, and shiny. It is actually one of the oldest sectors, but the Nobility District is constantly repaired and updated. The richest folk found in Ezra live here and it shows in the décor. Many executives in Genesis have homes here, but the denizens aren’t restricted to just company employees. Many rich families that have nothing to do with the company live here. This sector is well policed and common riff raft aren’t allowed in (aside from servants).
-Sector Two (Garden District): In an attempt to pay homage to the roots of Ezra, Sector Two is known as the Garden District. Aside from the mana reactor, the entire district is one giant park. Trees, plants, and flowers have been planted here. Despite the attempt to make it natural, much of the district feels artificial. This doesn’t seem to bother many people, though. Families come here to conduct picnics and many youths use the district to play competitive sports (football, baseball, paintball, and more). Sometimes, the Garden District is turned into a hunting ground for ceremonial games.
-Sector Three (Business District): Referred to as the Business District, Sector Three is the primary hub for trading, buying, and selling. The Genesis Corporation has many stores located here, but many other businesses exist here too. If you don’t work for Genesis, this is probably where you look. The news station can be found in the business district. In addition, the Exodus Corporation headquarters can be found here too.
-Sector Four (Entertainment District): Restaurants, movie theaters, dance clubs, arcades, bars, inns, and all other manner of entertainment can be found in Sector Four. Labeled the Entertainment District, much of Ezra’s populace comes here to try and unwind at the end of a long day.
-Sector Five (Housing District): Where do the middleclass live? Why, in the Housing District of course! Sector Five is entirely dedicated to providing reasonable homes at a reasonable price. The majority of residents are Genesis Corporation employees as Genesis provides free company housing to employees. While it is not as fancy looking as Sector One, Sector Five is still a huge class above what is found in the lower city slums.
-Sector Six (Testing District): Sector Six has the pleasure of being labeled the Testing District. What does that entail? Shh, top secret, can’t tell you. Sector Six is considered off limits to the majority of Babylon’s populace. The Genesis Corporation uses Sector Six to test various projects and weaponry deemed unsafe for testing in Sector Zero. Sector Six is also used as a storage facility for the company as there are many warehouses here.
-Sector Seven (Foreign District): When the Upheaval occurred, the Genesis Corporation needed a location to meet and greet with foreign dignitaries. In order to keep track of them while in the city limits, Sector Seven was created and labeled the Foreign District. Sector Seven is comprised of two sides: the dwarven side and the elven side. On the dwarven side, you’ll find Montezuma themed shops, restaurants, and entertainment hotspots. Even the cartels have a small presence here. They’re friendly enough. The elven side is less hospitable, although you find the occasional elf running a store or a restaurant themed after Ramesses. Many dwarves and elves (as well as half-breeds) that live in Babylon, live in Sector Seven.
-Sector Eight (Hengeyokai District): Also known as Little Musashi, Sector Eight is home to a large population of hengeyokai that have broken away from their caravans and moved to Babylon. Labeled the Hengeyokai District, this sector came into creation in the past hundred years thanks to the lobbying of some of Ezra’s nobility. Indeed, not even the hengeyokai wanted a district. However, Ezra’s nobility insisted as many found hengeyokai culture to be quaint and adventurous. The people of Ezra almost treat the district like a foreign vacation. The Genesis Corporation approved of Sector Eight predominantly because it allows them to keep tabs and track on the hengeyokai in the city. More than likely, if you live in Sector Eight, Genesis Corporation has a file on you.
The Wolf’s Woods: The primary forest found in Ezra, the Wolf’s Woods dominate most of the countryside. During the barbarian times, it was said that packs of dire wolves ran alongside man. Dire wolf sightings are now rare to see and much of the Wolf’s Woods is being demolished to make room for expansion and growth from Babylon and other cities.
The Bear’s Fjord: Located east along the Legionis Mountains, the Bear’s Fjord is one of the landmarks of Ezra. This long, narrow inlet leads into the country’s interior and connects to the Centurion Ocean. Named for the Champion, the Bear’s Fjord was once the site of tribal meetings and battles for leadership.
Potom Falls: Rural farming and logging community located where the rushing river that cascades hundreds of miles through the nation's heart empties out to make a vast wetland. These wetlands have escaped development due to the expense of draining them all. Potom Falls makes a meager living by doing logging where the Ezran machines can't go. The nearby Mitran Forest has been cleared and turned into farmland.
Capital: Palenque
Government: Republic
Rulers: Javier Santiago (Dwarf), Ramon Gomez (Gnome), Elisa Vargas (Halfling)
Major Races: Dwarves, Gnomes, Halflings
Minor Races: Hengeyokai, Huamns, Manaborn
Religions: The Patron, The Reaper, The Merrymaker
With hot days and cold nights, Montezuma largely has a southwest desert feel to it. There is a lot of brush, cactus, and flowers. The terrain is not as harsh as Ramesses, but it is still a land to tread carefully. While the terrain can be hilly and mountainous in places, the true danger comes from the cartel families. Santiago, Gomez, and Vargas are the three head families found in Montezuma. Together, they run an uneasy republic government. The republic fools no one. The inhabitants are well aware that the three cartels fight for wealth, land, and resources. Many towns must swear allegiance to a specific cartel and depend on them for protection against the other cartels.
Before these modern times, it is theorized that the dwarven people used to have a single emperor. The records of these early times don’t exist in story or in writing. Whatever happened to this great empire is a mystery, but the structures they’ve left behind are proof of their existence. Many temples and ruins are scattered across Montezuma. The modern dwarves explore these places and inhabitant them. From these ruins, hieroglyphics exist which scholars have been using to try and piece together the ancient civilization that once resided here. Some compare this ancient dwarven civilization to the current elven civilization in Ramesses, as there are a few similarities between them. The majority of elves and dwarves (out of pride) find this notion to be laughable.
When the Upheaval occurred, Montezuma’s inhabitants were eager to see if they could stake new claims. When they came across the humans and elves, bloody skirmishes occurred. Montezuma was unfortunately less organized than Ezra and Ramesses, which caused Montezuma to be on the losing end of many of these conflicts. As a result, Montezuma was the first country to submit the idea of a peace treaty. Once peace was had, Montezuma quickly entered into negotiations with Ezra (and the Genesis Corporation) to get their hands on some of the human’s mana-tech.
Each of the cartels (Santiago, Gomez, Vargas) all try to entreat Genesis with different tactics. Genesis, knowing that they’ve got three different buyers, initially hiked up prices and was only selling old, outdated pieces of technology. When the cartels learned they were getting screwed over, they tried to find different methods to obtaining mana-tech (purchasing illegally stolen goods from Hengeyokai or by stealing it themselves). When this became a problem, Genesis lowered their prices to be more reasonable and began trying to work out exclusive contracts. Santiago Cartel in particularly seems to be Genesis’ favorite due to their size and power. As a result, Genesis has many exclusive mining rights in Montezuma. These rights were acquired in exchange for mana-tech. Genesis is starting to spread their mana-reactors across Montezuma as they have found the country is a rich and untapped resource.
Not to be outdone, the Gomez Cartel worked out exclusive rights with hengeyokai caravans for illegally acquired mana-tech. The Vargas Cartel is more likely to try to steal their mana-tech from Santiago, Gomez, and Genesis, but the Vargas Cartel seems to be the only organization that has made any impact on the elves of Ramesses. Indeed, it seems that Ramesses’ pharaoh has taken a liking to the halflings.
The basic food staples of Montezuma are chili peppers, corn, and beans. Many domesticated animals (cows, chicken, pigs, goat) can be found as well which provides meat and dairy. Spices and sauces are used in many of Montezuma’s dishes and the country favors tortillas over bread.
To outsiders, Montezuma can look like a peaceful place. The inhabitants though live in constant fear of the cartels. Although the cartels speak of having the country’s best interest at heart, it seems like they have no qualms with selling their country and culture piece by piece to further their own ends.
Capital: Tanis
Government: Monarchy
Ruler: Pharaoh Antef Azer (Eladrin)
Major Races: Elves, Eladrin, Drow
Minor Races: Hengeyokai, Humans, Manaborn
Religions: The Lawmaker, The Warrior, The Survivor
As the story goes, in the beginning, the Lawmaker created Ramesses. Eladrin, elves, and drow were created equal and the trio of races lived in peace and harmony. In these days, Ramesses was thought to be a tropical paradise. Beautiful crystal clear lakes and rivers could be found as well as towering trees and vegetation which provided a wealth of resources. Fantastical creatures roamed these lands during those days.
This all changed when the drow desecrated the Lawmaker’s tenants. With His laws disobeyed and broken, He cursed the drow and blackened them under the sun. In the span of an instance, He used the sun to turn the tropical paradise into a desolate wasteland. The terrible and sudden ecological that occurred changed everything in Ramessess.
That event formed the basis of the society still found in Ramesses to this day. The eladrin were praised for following the Lawmaker and became the nobility of Ramesses. The elves, the common people, were tasked with keeping society peaceful. And finally, the drow, in repentance, were enslaved and forced to hold up the greatness of Ramesses on their backs.
As of today, Ramesses is a sprawling desert. The only thing that resembles the luscious lands of the legends is the pockets of oases found scattered across the country. Bastions of civilization are spread throughout the country’s city-states. Desert creatures can be found in Ramesses, but the exotic monsters of legend and lore are all gone for the most part. Stone and mud brick form the basis of most of Ramesses’ buildings and structures. There are numerous temples in each city dedicated to the Lawmaker and the Warrior. Each pyramid built in Ramessess is said to represent a past pharaoh and each pharaoh tries to outdo the previous one.
Ramesses fashion is designed to keep cool in the desert. Linen skirts, headdresses, tunics, and dresses are common. It is not uncommon for youths and slaves to be naked all the time. Footwear consists of leather worked sandals. Animal hides and silken garbs are typically reserved for nobility. Jewelry, cosmetic makeup, perfume, and cologne are all common as well in the upper-class. Protective garments are worn during sandstorm season.
Despite being in a desert, the flood seasons and the Scepter River allow the country to have bountiful agriculture. Wheat, barley, flax, papyrus, figs, grapes, dates, corn, beans, onions, garlic, lettuce, parsley, olives, and pomegranates are common products of agriculture here. Cuisine here consists of a lot of spiced dishes with bread as the basis (either used to make sandwiches, or the bread used in place of utensils to eat food with). Many vegetarian options are available. Seafood and poultry is common with beef being rare.
Tanis: Consisting of numerous pyramids and other large structures, Tanis is the capital city of Ramesses and where the monarchy resides. The city has few of the modern conveniences that Ezra’s Babylon does, instead opting for more traditional and ancient methods of living. It is believed some of the greatest mages, druids, and clerics reside here as Tanis is home to one of the largest libraries of ancient lore.
The Apepi Desert: The largest desert in Ramesses, the Apepi stretches over across most of the country. It is a harsh and dangerous terrain. The desert is named after the first pharaoh of Ramesses.
The Sphinx Oasis: Found halfway between Tanis and the Legionis Mountains, the Sphinx Oasis is one of the largest trading centers in Ramesses. Travelers are practically required to stop here for relief while traversing the countryside of Tanis.
The Scepter River: Zig-zagging through the country, the Scepter River is used as a landmark and is one of the primary travel routes in Ramessess. It is named the scepter due to the “head” of the river being the large lake located at the Sphinx Oasis.
A mysterious island cloaked in mists and subterfuge, Musashi is said to be the homeland of the hengeyokai. The legends claim that Musashi resides on the back of the Goddess known as the Turtle. Atop of Her shell, the lands are kept safe as they travel around Terra Nullius on the whims of their Goddess. All four seasons are represented in Musashi. The island is said to have animals and vegetation unique to it and the proof of that is in the seeds and creatures the hengeyokai caravans have brought to Augustus. It is also believed that Musashi has plentiful sources of mana. The hengeyokai claim that many creatures of legend and lore did not go extinct there.
When the Upheaval occurred, it is believed that the earthquakes did something to displace the majority of hengeyokai from Musashi. The hengeyokai came in troves to Augustus and settled on the continent in their caravans. Since the Upheaval, no new hengeyokai have come to Augustus and none have left the continent either. The hengeyokai will speak of their homeland, but when confronted with why they’ve come to Augustus and whether or not they can return to Musashi, the only answer given is silence.
Hengeyokai lore states that their race has been around for hundreds of thousands of years. Until the Upheaval, they have never left Musashi. Musashi was a largely peaceful place of the course of its history, although it did know of war. The hengeyokai tell of wars with a humanoid mantis race called Thri-Kreens, a humanoid hyena race called Gnolls, and a humanoid bovine race called Minotaurs. Fey are featured predominantly as well in hengeyokai legends. There are many stories of satyrs, pixies, and hamadryads. If these creatures exist, none came over with the hengeyokai. However, that is not to say that they don’t exist, as hengeyokai stories and art do depict these creatures.
Musashi culture favors silken garments and pastel colors. Opened toed sandals, kimonos, and yukatas are common. For cuisine, Musashi is well known for its rice, seafood, sushi, and tempura. Pears, apples, oranges, cherries, spinach, radish, cabbage, yams, and taro roots are just a few of the items brought over to Augustus.
If Musashi exists, the location of it is unknown.
Augustus is assumed to be the largest continent on Terra Nullius, not that the inhabitants of the country are aware of any other continents. Eons ago, Augustus flourished with all manner of beasts. Then, as humanoids (human, elf, dwarf) came about, these races slowly began to conquer their respective countries on Augustus and place themselves in positions of power. As humanoid civilizations developed, many of the majestic creatures of legend and lore were lost to time—hunted to extinction or dying out from other causes. Tens of thousands of years have passed on Augustus and the exact evolution that took place on the continent varies depending on what country you’re examining.
The Legionis Mountains once separated the countries of Ezra, Montezuma, and Ramesses apart—restricting all interaction between the countries. When the Upheaval occurred, the Legionis Mountains underwent severe damage and shifting. This resulted in paths opening up between the three countries which allowed for travel and interaction between humans, elves, and dwarves.
No one knows what lies north of the Paries Mountains. Some theorize that other countries and civilizations exist and that another Upheaval could connect them to Ezra, Montezuma, and Ramesses. Most people think nothing lies beyond the mountains aside from oceans.
Ezra: Located in the north of Augustus, this country is detailed later on in the Great Nations section.
Montezuma: Located in the southwest of Augustus, this country is detailed later on in the Great Nations section.
Ramesses: Located in the southeast of Augustus, this country is detailed later on in the Great Nations section.
Legionis Mountains: In a Y formation, the Legionis Mountains act as the borders for Ezra, Montezuma, and Ramesses. During the Upheaval, passages were broken into the Legionis Mountains which allowed the countries access to each other.
Paries Mountains: The Paries Mountains are located north of Ezra. Although they were damaged during the Upheaval, no clear passages opened up through them. All expeditions to climb to the top of the mountain have failed. No one is sure what is on the other side of these mountains. However, passages leading under the mountain have been fruitful for mining expeditions.
Centurion Ocean: On the east coast of Augustus, the Centurion Ocean borders Ezra and Ramesses.
Imperator Ocean: On the west coast of Augustus, the Imperator Ocean borders Ezra and Montezuma.
Capital: Babylon
Government: Corporatocracy
Ruler: Abraham Campbell, President of the Genesis Corporation (Human)
Major Races: Human, Manaborn
Minor Races: Dwarf, Elf, Hengeyokai
Religions: The Divinity of Mankind, The Champion
Ezra is an area comprised of mostly woodlands. During the country’s beginnings, the humans were mostly compromised of individual barbarian tribes. Many of these tribes clashed and held war with one another. Occasionally, a great leader would unite the tribes against a common threat. These threats change with the time period and legends, but just a few of the threats that once threatened Ezra include dragons, sorcerers, and even the fabled monster of legend: the tarrasque.
During the ages of barbarians, Ezra’s people relied primarily on primal magic and martial might. There were a few gifted in the divine rights, but these individuals were rare. Those blessed by the Gods were spoke very highly of though and were considered to be sacred by all the barbarian tribes. Arcane magic was thought to be the work of evil and many sorcerers were hunted and killed during this time.
How then, did the radical change occur in Ezra? How did these barbarians rise up and become inventors of fantastical technology and masters of arcane magic? This change has been attributed to the Campbell family—the founding family of the Genesis Corporation.
The nation of Ezra slowly had their resources dwindle overtime. So much so, that to survive, society and civilization had to change. Ezra’s people had to change from nomads to farmers. Although many barbarians refused to change their lifestyle, enough of them began to change and give into these new ways. Towns and cities began to form as agriculture developed. The Campbell family formed an alliance of merchants and encouraged them to stake claims on much of the land and help people transition from nomadic lifestyles. This allowed many individuals to be put into debt of the forming Genesis Corporation.
During this time, Genesis began to find sources and pools of mana around the country. Sometimes raw mana is found in a liquid form while other times it is in more of a mineral form. During the barbarian times, mana was often underused. Primarily, druids and clerics used it in their arts. The Campbell founder is believed to be the first human to apply the mana he found in different ways. Through experimentations, he created the basis of arcane magic that wizards still use today in Ezra.
Some people consider this to be unlikely—claiming that Campbell stole this arcane research from another source. The other source always varies depending on the story. Some claim that the family that later founded the Exodus Corporation came up with it originally and that Genesis has been stealing their ideas ever since. Other stories say Campbell sought out sorcerers and had them teach them the basis of their magic. Others attribute sources like dragons and other fantastical creatures.
The remaining barbarian tribes, upon learning that these cities were experimenting with magic deemed heretical, began to lead raids and attack. During this time, conflict spread across Ezra like wildfire. The cities struggled to defend their lands from the razing barbarians. However, Campbell began to share his arcane secrets and train others. He created the prelude to firearms: muskets, cannons, and flintlock pistols. This advanced weaponry allowed them to turn the tides against the barbarian hordes. Those who did not submit were eventually gunned down.
From there, Ezra began to grow relatively peaceful. Campbell and his followers built the empire that would be one day deemed the Genesis Corporation. Cities began to grow and grow. Human expansion flourished and mana-tech developed. By the time the Upheaval occurred, the great capital of Babylon had already been built.
The nation of Ezra was delighted to learn that they were the superior powerhouse on Augustus. The forces of Montezuma and Ramesses easily fell to the weapons Ezra held. The Genesis Corporation decided that prolong war would drain their resources and potentially not yield any profit, so when peace talks began, Ezra agreed to them. During the peace talks, Ezra actually acquired claim of some land in Montezuma and Ramesses, which they then used to expand Ezra’s empire and establish a foothold in these countries. Just in case.
This brings us to today. Ezra is the largest nation on Augustus and their countryside is littered with towns and cities. These towns and cities aren’t nearly as advanced as Babylon. While Babylon is akin to a futuristic city, the other towns in Ezra are mostly shadows of this glory. There is a very western feeling in most of Ezra’s simple rural towns. Most towns and cities in Ezra have a purpose for the overall nation. Some towns are agriculture based while others are mining based.
To learn more of the nation of Ezra, it would be prudent to study the great city of Babylon, which is covered below.
Babylon: The crown jewel of Ezra, Babylon is the capital city and headquarters of the Genesis Corporation. Babylon is the most technologically advanced location on Terra Nullius. Babylon is a large circular structure which is supported above the ground by eight reactors and a central pillar. There are various other supports located throughout the city. On top of the structure, the city has been divided into eight sectors with a central sector (sector zero) being located in the middle. Underneath the structure, on the ground itself, are various slums and run offs from the above city. The city is designed to be easily built onto—allowing for new sectors to be created overtime. Originally, Babylon was thought to be eight different towns, but later on the names of these towns were forgotten and instead referred to as sectors of Babylon.
Several monorails run throughout the city of Babylon. Although there are streets for cars and other vehicles, the monorail is the preferred method of public transportations. Monorails run through both the upper city and the lower city. Those who cannot afford to live in the Nobility District or the Housing District in the upper city are forced to live in the lower city. Each sector’s district has two sides to it. The side seen in the upper city is intended to be the ideal Ezra nation created by the Genesis Corporation while the lower city is almost a darker, seedier reflection of that. For example, while the upper city’s entertainment district has wholesome entertainment and is kept up well, the lower city’s entertainment district looks run down and offers entertainment considered unsavory.
In each sector, a mana-reactor can be found. Babylon was built upon a plentiful source of mana which is being used to this day to power the city. While these mana-reactors pose little danger to those in the upper city, they’re very much an inconvenience for those in the lower city slums. The waste from the mana-reactors is often discarded into the slums through sewers and pipes. This waste has seeped into the ground over years and years, corrupting the very earth with mana-radiation. This radiation is quite unhealthy to live in and creates many birth defects.
Below, you can learn the purpose of each sector and a little bit about it. The information being covered primarily focuses on the upper city of that district rather than the lower city.
-Sector Zero (Genesis District): Located in the center of Babylon, Sector Zero is home to the Genesis Corporation headquarters. This sector is heavily guarded and access to it is typically restricted to employees and visiting guests. The majority of the sector is comprised of a single towering building. This building is hundreds of stories tall and it can be seen from all across the city. Genesis Corporation uses this building to run most of their business out of. Many executives actually stay and live in the building full-time.
-Sector One (Nobility District): Sector One is new, bright, and shiny. It is actually one of the oldest sectors, but the Nobility District is constantly repaired and updated. The richest folk found in Ezra live here and it shows in the décor. Many executives in Genesis have homes here, but the denizens aren’t restricted to just company employees. Many rich families that have nothing to do with the company live here. This sector is well policed and common riff raft aren’t allowed in (aside from servants).
-Sector Two (Garden District): In an attempt to pay homage to the roots of Ezra, Sector Two is known as the Garden District. Aside from the mana reactor, the entire district is one giant park. Trees, plants, and flowers have been planted here. Despite the attempt to make it natural, much of the district feels artificial. This doesn’t seem to bother many people, though. Families come here to conduct picnics and many youths use the district to play competitive sports (football, baseball, paintball, and more). Sometimes, the Garden District is turned into a hunting ground for ceremonial games.
-Sector Three (Business District): Referred to as the Business District, Sector Three is the primary hub for trading, buying, and selling. The Genesis Corporation has many stores located here, but many other businesses exist here too. If you don’t work for Genesis, this is probably where you look. The news station can be found in the business district. In addition, the Exodus Corporation headquarters can be found here too.
-Sector Four (Entertainment District): Restaurants, movie theaters, dance clubs, arcades, bars, inns, and all other manner of entertainment can be found in Sector Four. Labeled the Entertainment District, much of Ezra’s populace comes here to try and unwind at the end of a long day.
-Sector Five (Housing District): Where do the middleclass live? Why, in the Housing District of course! Sector Five is entirely dedicated to providing reasonable homes at a reasonable price. The majority of residents are Genesis Corporation employees as Genesis provides free company housing to employees. While it is not as fancy looking as Sector One, Sector Five is still a huge class above what is found in the lower city slums.
-Sector Six (Testing District): Sector Six has the pleasure of being labeled the Testing District. What does that entail? Shh, top secret, can’t tell you. Sector Six is considered off limits to the majority of Babylon’s populace. The Genesis Corporation uses Sector Six to test various projects and weaponry deemed unsafe for testing in Sector Zero. Sector Six is also used as a storage facility for the company as there are many warehouses here.
-Sector Seven (Foreign District): When the Upheaval occurred, the Genesis Corporation needed a location to meet and greet with foreign dignitaries. In order to keep track of them while in the city limits, Sector Seven was created and labeled the Foreign District. Sector Seven is comprised of two sides: the dwarven side and the elven side. On the dwarven side, you’ll find Montezuma themed shops, restaurants, and entertainment hotspots. Even the cartels have a small presence here. They’re friendly enough. The elven side is less hospitable, although you find the occasional elf running a store or a restaurant themed after Ramesses. Many dwarves and elves (as well as half-breeds) that live in Babylon, live in Sector Seven.
-Sector Eight (Hengeyokai District): Also known as Little Musashi, Sector Eight is home to a large population of hengeyokai that have broken away from their caravans and moved to Babylon. Labeled the Hengeyokai District, this sector came into creation in the past hundred years thanks to the lobbying of some of Ezra’s nobility. Indeed, not even the hengeyokai wanted a district. However, Ezra’s nobility insisted as many found hengeyokai culture to be quaint and adventurous. The people of Ezra almost treat the district like a foreign vacation. The Genesis Corporation approved of Sector Eight predominantly because it allows them to keep tabs and track on the hengeyokai in the city. More than likely, if you live in Sector Eight, Genesis Corporation has a file on you.
The Wolf’s Woods: The primary forest found in Ezra, the Wolf’s Woods dominate most of the countryside. During the barbarian times, it was said that packs of dire wolves ran alongside man. Dire wolf sightings are now rare to see and much of the Wolf’s Woods is being demolished to make room for expansion and growth from Babylon and other cities.
The Bear’s Fjord: Located east along the Legionis Mountains, the Bear’s Fjord is one of the landmarks of Ezra. This long, narrow inlet leads into the country’s interior and connects to the Centurion Ocean. Named for the Champion, the Bear’s Fjord was once the site of tribal meetings and battles for leadership.
Potom Falls: Rural farming and logging community located where the rushing river that cascades hundreds of miles through the nation's heart empties out to make a vast wetland. These wetlands have escaped development due to the expense of draining them all. Potom Falls makes a meager living by doing logging where the Ezran machines can't go. The nearby Mitran Forest has been cleared and turned into farmland.
Capital: Palenque
Government: Republic
Rulers: Javier Santiago (Dwarf), Ramon Gomez (Gnome), Elisa Vargas (Halfling)
Major Races: Dwarves, Gnomes, Halflings
Minor Races: Hengeyokai, Huamns, Manaborn
Religions: The Patron, The Reaper, The Merrymaker
With hot days and cold nights, Montezuma largely has a southwest desert feel to it. There is a lot of brush, cactus, and flowers. The terrain is not as harsh as Ramesses, but it is still a land to tread carefully. While the terrain can be hilly and mountainous in places, the true danger comes from the cartel families. Santiago, Gomez, and Vargas are the three head families found in Montezuma. Together, they run an uneasy republic government. The republic fools no one. The inhabitants are well aware that the three cartels fight for wealth, land, and resources. Many towns must swear allegiance to a specific cartel and depend on them for protection against the other cartels.
Before these modern times, it is theorized that the dwarven people used to have a single emperor. The records of these early times don’t exist in story or in writing. Whatever happened to this great empire is a mystery, but the structures they’ve left behind are proof of their existence. Many temples and ruins are scattered across Montezuma. The modern dwarves explore these places and inhabitant them. From these ruins, hieroglyphics exist which scholars have been using to try and piece together the ancient civilization that once resided here. Some compare this ancient dwarven civilization to the current elven civilization in Ramesses, as there are a few similarities between them. The majority of elves and dwarves (out of pride) find this notion to be laughable.
When the Upheaval occurred, Montezuma’s inhabitants were eager to see if they could stake new claims. When they came across the humans and elves, bloody skirmishes occurred. Montezuma was unfortunately less organized than Ezra and Ramesses, which caused Montezuma to be on the losing end of many of these conflicts. As a result, Montezuma was the first country to submit the idea of a peace treaty. Once peace was had, Montezuma quickly entered into negotiations with Ezra (and the Genesis Corporation) to get their hands on some of the human’s mana-tech.
Each of the cartels (Santiago, Gomez, Vargas) all try to entreat Genesis with different tactics. Genesis, knowing that they’ve got three different buyers, initially hiked up prices and was only selling old, outdated pieces of technology. When the cartels learned they were getting screwed over, they tried to find different methods to obtaining mana-tech (purchasing illegally stolen goods from Hengeyokai or by stealing it themselves). When this became a problem, Genesis lowered their prices to be more reasonable and began trying to work out exclusive contracts. Santiago Cartel in particularly seems to be Genesis’ favorite due to their size and power. As a result, Genesis has many exclusive mining rights in Montezuma. These rights were acquired in exchange for mana-tech. Genesis is starting to spread their mana-reactors across Montezuma as they have found the country is a rich and untapped resource.
Not to be outdone, the Gomez Cartel worked out exclusive rights with hengeyokai caravans for illegally acquired mana-tech. The Vargas Cartel is more likely to try to steal their mana-tech from Santiago, Gomez, and Genesis, but the Vargas Cartel seems to be the only organization that has made any impact on the elves of Ramesses. Indeed, it seems that Ramesses’ pharaoh has taken a liking to the halflings.
The basic food staples of Montezuma are chili peppers, corn, and beans. Many domesticated animals (cows, chicken, pigs, goat) can be found as well which provides meat and dairy. Spices and sauces are used in many of Montezuma’s dishes and the country favors tortillas over bread.
To outsiders, Montezuma can look like a peaceful place. The inhabitants though live in constant fear of the cartels. Although the cartels speak of having the country’s best interest at heart, it seems like they have no qualms with selling their country and culture piece by piece to further their own ends.
Capital: Tanis
Government: Monarchy
Ruler: Pharaoh Antef Azer (Eladrin)
Major Races: Elves, Eladrin, Drow
Minor Races: Hengeyokai, Humans, Manaborn
Religions: The Lawmaker, The Warrior, The Survivor
As the story goes, in the beginning, the Lawmaker created Ramesses. Eladrin, elves, and drow were created equal and the trio of races lived in peace and harmony. In these days, Ramesses was thought to be a tropical paradise. Beautiful crystal clear lakes and rivers could be found as well as towering trees and vegetation which provided a wealth of resources. Fantastical creatures roamed these lands during those days.
This all changed when the drow desecrated the Lawmaker’s tenants. With His laws disobeyed and broken, He cursed the drow and blackened them under the sun. In the span of an instance, He used the sun to turn the tropical paradise into a desolate wasteland. The terrible and sudden ecological that occurred changed everything in Ramessess.
That event formed the basis of the society still found in Ramesses to this day. The eladrin were praised for following the Lawmaker and became the nobility of Ramesses. The elves, the common people, were tasked with keeping society peaceful. And finally, the drow, in repentance, were enslaved and forced to hold up the greatness of Ramesses on their backs.
As of today, Ramesses is a sprawling desert. The only thing that resembles the luscious lands of the legends is the pockets of oases found scattered across the country. Bastions of civilization are spread throughout the country’s city-states. Desert creatures can be found in Ramesses, but the exotic monsters of legend and lore are all gone for the most part. Stone and mud brick form the basis of most of Ramesses’ buildings and structures. There are numerous temples in each city dedicated to the Lawmaker and the Warrior. Each pyramid built in Ramessess is said to represent a past pharaoh and each pharaoh tries to outdo the previous one.
Ramesses fashion is designed to keep cool in the desert. Linen skirts, headdresses, tunics, and dresses are common. It is not uncommon for youths and slaves to be naked all the time. Footwear consists of leather worked sandals. Animal hides and silken garbs are typically reserved for nobility. Jewelry, cosmetic makeup, perfume, and cologne are all common as well in the upper-class. Protective garments are worn during sandstorm season.
Despite being in a desert, the flood seasons and the Scepter River allow the country to have bountiful agriculture. Wheat, barley, flax, papyrus, figs, grapes, dates, corn, beans, onions, garlic, lettuce, parsley, olives, and pomegranates are common products of agriculture here. Cuisine here consists of a lot of spiced dishes with bread as the basis (either used to make sandwiches, or the bread used in place of utensils to eat food with). Many vegetarian options are available. Seafood and poultry is common with beef being rare.
Tanis: Consisting of numerous pyramids and other large structures, Tanis is the capital city of Ramesses and where the monarchy resides. The city has few of the modern conveniences that Ezra’s Babylon does, instead opting for more traditional and ancient methods of living. It is believed some of the greatest mages, druids, and clerics reside here as Tanis is home to one of the largest libraries of ancient lore.
The Apepi Desert: The largest desert in Ramesses, the Apepi stretches over across most of the country. It is a harsh and dangerous terrain. The desert is named after the first pharaoh of Ramesses.
The Sphinx Oasis: Found halfway between Tanis and the Legionis Mountains, the Sphinx Oasis is one of the largest trading centers in Ramesses. Travelers are practically required to stop here for relief while traversing the countryside of Tanis.
The Scepter River: Zig-zagging through the country, the Scepter River is used as a landmark and is one of the primary travel routes in Ramessess. It is named the scepter due to the “head” of the river being the large lake located at the Sphinx Oasis.
A mysterious island cloaked in mists and subterfuge, Musashi is said to be the homeland of the hengeyokai. The legends claim that Musashi resides on the back of the Goddess known as the Turtle. Atop of Her shell, the lands are kept safe as they travel around Terra Nullius on the whims of their Goddess. All four seasons are represented in Musashi. The island is said to have animals and vegetation unique to it and the proof of that is in the seeds and creatures the hengeyokai caravans have brought to Augustus. It is also believed that Musashi has plentiful sources of mana. The hengeyokai claim that many creatures of legend and lore did not go extinct there.
When the Upheaval occurred, it is believed that the earthquakes did something to displace the majority of hengeyokai from Musashi. The hengeyokai came in troves to Augustus and settled on the continent in their caravans. Since the Upheaval, no new hengeyokai have come to Augustus and none have left the continent either. The hengeyokai will speak of their homeland, but when confronted with why they’ve come to Augustus and whether or not they can return to Musashi, the only answer given is silence.
Hengeyokai lore states that their race has been around for hundreds of thousands of years. Until the Upheaval, they have never left Musashi. Musashi was a largely peaceful place of the course of its history, although it did know of war. The hengeyokai tell of wars with a humanoid mantis race called Thri-Kreens, a humanoid hyena race called Gnolls, and a humanoid bovine race called Minotaurs. Fey are featured predominantly as well in hengeyokai legends. There are many stories of satyrs, pixies, and hamadryads. If these creatures exist, none came over with the hengeyokai. However, that is not to say that they don’t exist, as hengeyokai stories and art do depict these creatures.
Musashi culture favors silken garments and pastel colors. Opened toed sandals, kimonos, and yukatas are common. For cuisine, Musashi is well known for its rice, seafood, sushi, and tempura. Pears, apples, oranges, cherries, spinach, radish, cabbage, yams, and taro roots are just a few of the items brought over to Augustus.
If Musashi exists, the location of it is unknown.
Overview: Religion is an important part of society. Many people look to religion for
answers and support. In Terra Nullius, it is important to note that the deities
don’t actually exist, choose not to interfere in mortal lives, or are barred
from interfering for some reason. They’re very distant, if they’re real at all.
If miracles or divine intervention actually occur, it could just as easily be
written off as a chance or freak occurrence. There is no way to prove that any
of these deities actually exist, and for that reason some people on Terra
Nullius choose to be agnostic or atheist; those who consider deity worship to
be a relic of a bygone era. However, there are still many flocks of faithful
out there; the people that would insist that their deity is real and who have
full faith in their deity. They champion their deity’s cause or just say a
quiet prayer of thanks before bedtime. In some cases, entire governments and
countries base their society around their religion.
Here is a list of deities, which pantheon they belong to, and what domains they cover. For more information on them, please see the Campaign Setting document.
-Ezra Pantheon
Divinity of Mankind (The Brother) [Civilization, Knowledge, Skill]
The Champion [Destruction, Strife, Wilderness]
The Lunatic [Madness]
-Montezuma Pantheon
The Patron [Protection, Strength, Vengeance]
The Reaper [Change, Death, Undeath]
The Merrymaker [Life, Love, Trickery]
-Musashi Pantheon
The Dragon [Arcana, Hope, Storm]
The Tanuki [Earth, Luck, Sun]
The Turtle [Moon, Sea, Winter]
-Ramesses Pantheon
The Lawmaker [Creation, Justice, Tyranny]
The Warrior [Fate, Torment, War]
The Survivor (The Slave) [Darkness, Freedom, Poison]
Here is a list of deities, which pantheon they belong to, and what domains they cover. For more information on them, please see the Campaign Setting document.
-Ezra Pantheon
Divinity of Mankind (The Brother) [Civilization, Knowledge, Skill]
The Champion [Destruction, Strife, Wilderness]
The Lunatic [Madness]
-Montezuma Pantheon
The Patron [Protection, Strength, Vengeance]
The Reaper [Change, Death, Undeath]
The Merrymaker [Life, Love, Trickery]
-Musashi Pantheon
The Dragon [Arcana, Hope, Storm]
The Tanuki [Earth, Luck, Sun]
The Turtle [Moon, Sea, Winter]
-Ramesses Pantheon
The Lawmaker [Creation, Justice, Tyranny]
The Warrior [Fate, Torment, War]
The Survivor (The Slave) [Darkness, Freedom, Poison]
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