Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Session 21 - The Reactor (Part 4)

Key Points:
  • After the video, Dr. Klein briefly touched upon what her relationship was with the prisoner in the video and what they had been working on.
    • Elias Kincaid is the protege of Dr. Klein. Together, they worked on Project Apex. The goal of the project was to create a serum that unlocked the Apex Gene in humanoids--the next evolution. This dormant gene, thought to be tied to the idea of willpower, went beyond magic or anything. It is a mutation that can result in powerful abilities that adhere (or bend) the laws of reality.
      • Amongst the variations of Apex, Kincaid believed in the abilities that he dubbed Geiger. The potential to absorb and unleash energy, and in a way, become an infinite power source of unlimited energy. This research scared Kincaid, and he left Genesis.
      • During this time, Klein finished the Apex Serum under orders of Genesis as she believed that the research would then be engineered to work on machines and non-humanoid sources.
    • The members of Earthquake that the group engaged during the Battle of the Bridge are believed to be former experiments of Project Apex.
    • Klein seemed convinced that Nerva was not a part of Apex--instead more likely tied to Project Rebirth.
  • After renewing their resolve, the group determined that it would be best to raid what rooms were left in the MED-BAY as well as locate the armory before descending into the bowels of the mana reactor.
    • In the MED-BAY, they discovered some untouched laboratories. There they found a wheely sled that was still functioning. A robot was discovered that had been working on the cure for Russet Mold Contagion, but the machine had made no progress the entire time it was unaware of what transpired in the facility. After being made aware of it, the robot was encouraged to leave the facility, which it did under its emergency protocols.
    • In another room, an avalanche of russet mold was discovered. The group managed to close the door before it fell completely on them.
    • The last laboratory room contained numerous chemicals that the group found useful and not so useful in varying degrees.
  • Del inquired about the "shadow fell" that Dr. Abel spoke of in the video.
    • Klein explained that while Abel was in university, he wrote his final thesis paper on a theory about bordering planes and worlds. This includes the Feywilds and the Shadowfell. Most of his theories were based on old historical records and stories that had been passed on from generation to generation. In modern days, there is little evidence that these alternative worlds actually overlap our own, but with the nightmare world that has appeared in the vicinity of Quiet Mountain, there might be some truth to it...
  • The armory resulted in some additional goodies...
    • Del discovered an anti-grav belt--an item used by soldiers to give them a jumping boost when they need it in combat.
    • Roan found a pistol that might provide him with a niche option when facing crowd control.
    • Managirl took a suit of KNIGHT armor and found it beyond amazing.
    • Numerous people acquired grenades.
  • The group decided on using the active north anti-grav lift.
    • Before descending it, they discovered a Will-O-Wisp trying to tempt them to either great fortune or great ruin. Manu-Nui revealed that the creatures ended up dooming many of the fleeing survivors in their final moments. Ultimately, the group decided it wasn't worth the risk following the creatures.
    • In the anti-grav lift, the group discovered the remains of various unlikely victims of the Oni and the monsters here.
  • Emerging from the anti-grav lift, the group found the menagerie, rookery, and botanical gardens. The very same that the Genesis Security team had to go through in the video.
    • Mustering their courage, they entered the rain forest, and immediately discovered two major paths. One looked to be ripe with many smaller predators while the other was home to fewer, but larger predators.
    • Along the way, Del had been tricked by a creature known as a Wolf-In-Sheep's Clothing. Using a rabbit as a lure, the stump attempted to eat her. Luckily, she avoided the worse of it, and the creature had been ultimately left alone.
    • Knowing that the shambling mounds lurked on this floor, Manu-Nui called out to them, and they answered. He and the group treated with three of the intelligent plant creatures. After participating in their lightning rite, the beasts agreed to lead the group towards their destination--perhaps hoping they could put an end to the sickness here.
Items Found:
  • *****Needler Pistol [Level 7 Rare]*****
    Weapon: Handgun
    -This weapon requires no ammunition and cannot use ammunition.
    -Malfunction: When you roll a 1 on an attack roll with this weapon, you take damage equal to the weapon’s level, and ongoing 5 damage (save ends).

    Attack Power At-Will (Standard Action)
    -Attack: Close blast 3 (creatures in the blast); Your level + 5 vs. AC
    -Hit: 2d8 damage, and ongoing 5 damage (save ends).
  • *****Sleep Grenade [Level 11 Rare]*****
    Attack Power (Charm) Consumable (Standard Action)
    -Attack: Area burst 2d3-1 within 10 (creatures in the burst); Your level + 5 vs. Will
    -Malfunction: If you roll a 1 on an attack roll with this grenade, you fall unconscious (save ends).
    -Hit: The target is slowed (save ends).
    -First Failed Saving Throw: The target is instead unconscious (save ends).
  • *****Frag Grenade [Level 11 Rare]*****
    Attack Power Consumable (Standard Action)
    -Attack: Area burst 2d3-1 within 10 (creatures in the burst); Your level + 5 vs. Reflex
    -Malfunction: If you roll a 1 on an attack roll with this grenade, you take damage equal to your level.
    -Hit: The target takes 1d8 + your level damage.
    -Miss: Half damage.
  • *****White Phosphorus Grenade [Level 11 Rare]*****
    Attack Power (Fire, Zone) Consumable (Standard Action)
    -Attack: Area burst 2d3-1 within 10 (creatures in the burst); Your level + 5 vs. Reflex
    -Malfunction: If you roll a 1 on an attack roll with this grenade, you take 5 ongoing fire damage (save ends).
    -Hit: The target takes 2d8 fire damage and 5 ongoing fire damage (save ends).
    -Effect: The burst creates a zone; all squares within the zone are lightly obscured. The zone lasts until the end of your next turn. Each creature that enters the zone is subject to the above attack from the white phosphorus grenade.
  • *****Anti-Grav Belt[Level 7 Rare]*****
    Waist Slot
    Utility Power At-Will (Move Action)
    -Effect: You fly 2d10 squares upward, and then fall.
    -Malfunction: If you roll a 1 on each d10, you fly 1d10 squares in a random direction. You take 2d10 damage and stop moving if you collide with anything.
  • *****Wheely Sled [Level 4 Rare]*****
    This sheet of solid metal sits on four wheels and is long enough for one person to lie down on it. A number of levers and switches are accessible from the sides.
    Wondrous Item
    Utility Power At-Will (Move Action)
    -Requirement: You must be lying on the sled.
    -Effect: Roll a d20. On a result of 2–20, you move up to 10 squares over the ground, ignoring difficult terrain.
    -Malfunction: On a result of 1, you move 5 squares in a random direction and fall prone in a square adjacent to the sled.
  •  *****Clear-Path Mist [Level 8 Common]*****
    Power (Poison) Consumable (Standard Action)
    Attack (close blast 3, plant and plant creatures): Your level + 5 vs Reflex for 1d4 poison damage, and ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends). In addition, you remove any difficult terrain created by flora such as foliage or undergrowth within the area of the attack.
  • *****Alchemist Acid [Level 11 Uncommon]*****
    Power (Acid) Consumable (Standard Action)
    Attack (one creature, range 5/10): Your level + 5 vs Reflex for 2d10 acid damage and ongoing 5 acid damage (save ends).
  • *****Unguent of Darkvision [Level 11 Common]*****
    Power Consumable (Standard Action)
    Effect: Rub this unguent on your closed eyelids. You gain darkvision for 1 hour.
Current Objectives:
  • Complete the Middleman's Second Job: Dr. Klein.
    • Recover Klein's research data.
    • Delete the files at the Quiet Mountain Facility.
    • Discover the condition of Elias.
    • Put an end to Dr. Abel.
  • Complete the Middleman's Third Job: ???
  • Receive the Middleman's Answers.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Session 20 - The Nightmare is Real

Key Points:
  • The group watched the Geiger Delivery video...
  • A team of Genesis security escorted a prisoner to the Quiet Mountain facility six months ago at the request of Dr. Abel. The members of the team featured...
    • Wisk, a female wind genasi. Pilot.
    • Kazz, a male storm genasi. Engineer.
    • Dr. Franklin Richards, a male human. Science officer.
    • Scratch, a warforged. Heavy weapons expert.
    • Tom, a male human. Alcoholic gunslinger.
    • Rock, a male human. Trustworthy soldier.
  • After a security check point, the Genesis team noted that the facility was having power fluxes.
  • The group ran into a familiar face... Leonhardt Nacht.
    • Nacht looked in better condition then than he does in modern times.
    • He seemed to be on friendly terms with the Genesis security.
    • Nacht mentioned having to deliver one of the usual Cartel shipments to this facility.
    • He expressed regret that he had been unable to exit his profession yet as a result of the 'Queen Bitch'.
    • Klein knew nothing of Nacht's involvement with Genesis and there are no data records of Nacht working for Genesis.
    • Klein also mentioned that before she operated this facility, Quiet Mountain had its records closed and classified as a result of some incident. She handled the research side of things while ROGUE took care of the day-to-day operations.
  • After the security team left Nacht (who exited the building), they escorted the prisoner through the anti-grav lift and into the specimen area.
  • The specimen area seemed to be the recreation of a rain forest with numerous species (animal and plant) that were thought to be extinct. Some of them were tame like monkeys while others were more vicious like raptors, umber hulks, and assassin vines.
  • After making it through the specimen exhibit, a security guard allowed the team to use Dr. Abel's secret lift.
  • The lift lead through a hallway which contained strange, secret specimens that included the following:
    • A mindflayer.
    • A gnoll.
    • An intellect devourer.
    • A doppelganger.
    • A grue.
    • An old man. [Later revealed to be an Oni in disguise.]
      • Klein noted that these creatures might be original samples. They were determined to be off limits for recreation / cloning, so it is likely that Dr. Abel is working behind the company's back.
  • Dr. Abel was testy with the group when they arrived in the reactor core room where he was waiting for them. At his orders, the team threw their prisoner into the reactor core where a machine placed and restrained him in the heart of it.
    • As the prisoner was unmasked, Klein seemed shaken and angry upon learning that it was her protege, Elias.
    • Abel mentioned that Elias was the 'apex'. Surprisingly, the man was able to survive the intense radioactive conditions of the core.
  • As the security team tried to leave, they found themselves being shunt into a different overlapping world. The runners watching the video had experience with this--it was the nightmare world they had already faced.
    • Dr. Abel revealed that this was his intention all along. With the new power supply, the facility had enough energy to bring over the overlapping plane that Abel referred to as the Shadowfell.
    • The facility's sirens started up and power fluxes occurred.
    • Monsters that were resident to this nightmare world began to pour out of the hallways. Terrible aberrations that wanted nothing but death.
  • The captive monsters took advantage of the situation...
    • The mindflayer took the intellect devourer and doppelganger with him--using the secret lift to take them upwards. Wisk fired at the mindflayer, severing a tentacle.
    • The grue took advantage of the chaos, gnashing its teeth and claws at anything it could get its hands on. Tom ultimately was killed by one of these grues.
    • The gnoll tried to attack the old man, but the old man somehow overpowered him...
  • One by one, the group began to fall even as they tried to fight back...
    • Rock and Scratch were torn apart by aberrations of the nightmare world.
  • The old man revealed himself to be an oni--claiming to be the lord of this domain and that the security team were all trespassers. He ultimately cut down Dr. Franklin Richards with a giant bastard sword, then stole the man's fallen soul.
  • Despite insistence by the security team, Dr. Abel would not turn off the reactor core. He later broadcasted a message that the deaths of those in the facility were not in vain--that they were the hallmark of a monumental scientific breakthrough.
  • Kazz and Wisk were the only survivors of their team at this point. They escaped through the carnage of the facility--trying to reach their chopper. They made it to the first floor only to find themselves confronted with the oni they had been fleeing. The video cut out there, leaving the fates of Kazz and Wisk unknown.