Thursday, January 15, 2015

Session 52 - Trivia Night

Key Points:
  • The session started with the group speaking to Dr. Klein...
    • Dr. Klein reviewed that she had an outstanding contract with the Mixtli Coatal to treat their leader for mana radiation poisoning. While here for that purpose, two gunmen pulled her into this room and demanded that she perform surgery on them for their wounds. Shortly thereafter, the group busted in on them...
    • Klein informed the group that she was in need of capital in order to fund Trajan's idea of a super prison off the books.
    • Klein's life has been in a decent state since the group parted ways from her, though her protege Kincaid (who was used as a reactor core) had not demonstrated any signs of improvement.
  • Klein knew each party member in different ways...
    • For the majority of the party, they knew her from their second Middleman mission where they escorted her to Quiet Mountain to recover her research and rescue her protege.
    • Angel knew Dr. Klein as her primary physician.
    • Setter knew Dr. Klein from another life--thanks to Klein's connections with the Kasai Caravan.
    • Aria knew Dr. Klein when the doctor was still associated with Genesis--the doctor tending to Aria after her car crash.
  • Setter had been wondering what to do with Danny Bronzeknuckle...
    • When Setter was referred to as 'Sato' by Dr. Klein, he had decided to execute Danny with a gunshot to the head.
    • Some of the party members were surprised, much to Setter's own confusion. He then made perfectly clear why he was present on this mission: to kill the Bronzeknuckle Brothers for an old client of his.
    • Setter also received an important text message which he briefly discussed the contents of to Angel.
  • Angel stocked up on all manners of potions and pharmaceuticals, though it accidentally resulted in a minor explosion (that harmed no one).
  • Dr. Klein shared what she knew...
    • She knew Leonhardt Nacht was present last night as she decided him for numerous words. She did not go into the extent of the damage done to him.
    • She did not know Nacht's current location, though hypothesized he was either in the cartel's prison or with the cartel boss.
    • She had overheard the cartel members mentioning that Nacht was going to be used in a 'big show'. It seems the plan was to inject Nacht with a 'rage virus' and then allow him to fight until he died for the entertainment of the cartel.
    • Klein knew the layout of the base. She informed the group to get to the prison, they would first have to get to the armory which was behind a trapped hallway.
  • Kembu was looking to complete a specific task given to him by a hengeyokai witch. When he had observed blood in a centrifuge, he believed it to be related to that task.
    • Dr. Klein examined the blood when requested, gathered it in a satchel, and offered it to Kembu.
    • Kembu took the satchel with him.
  • The group decided to pursue the prison first in order to rule it out as a possible location for Nacht, as well as help the people there.
    • The group came across a trapped hallway. The hallway would ask trivia questions, and if the person guessed wrong, it would progressively harm the person until it ultimately killed them. The cartel used it as a game to watch prisoners suffer.
    • The group ultimately tried to think of ways to get around the trap (as it could be disabled, but would risk immediate termination) or find the password to bypass it.
    • When one couldn't be thought of that wasn't too great of a risk, the group played the trivia game.
    • Through the group's combined efforts, they passed the tests which consisted of questions from pop culture, religion, history, and nature.
  • With the door bypassed, the group entered the armory...
    • The armory was well protected by Gerry Bronzeknuckle and a small army of dwarves (along with giant snakes).
    • Gerry recognized Setter (after the hengeyokai used his 'alternative' voice). The dwarf refused to surrender, instead offering the group a chance to turn back and leave. It was declined.
    • Combat broke out, Gerry ordering his men to fire...
  • First round of combat...
    • Setter mowed down several dwarf gunmen.
    • Gerry revealed he had mild magical powers; transforming into a sandstorm and firing off two handgun rounds at Setter (wounding him).
    • The large snakes attacked Kembu and Aria. Aria was bitten and dragged into a coil. Kembu dodged the other snake. The last snake went into the air vents and disappeared for now...
    • Roan fired on, and killed, a dwarf sniper in the back.
    • Managirl unleashed her magic down on a snake and some dwarves, then turned invisible.
    • Kembu slayed one of the snakes.
    • Aria attacked the snake coiling her, then broke free from its grasp.
    • Angel shotgunned the snake attacking Aria.
    • Del and Kiki teamed up on the same snake.
    • The gunmen threw in a dragon egg bomb which created a mini-tornado in the middle of the group. The rest of the gunmen then fired on the party to mixed results.
    • The remaining snipers fired on Kembu; having decent success. 
    • Klein pulled Angel out of the tornado, then gave Roan some diazepam. She didn't seem eager to actually fight, but she was always a non-combatant...
    • Setter managed to use his magic to psychically attack Gerry and then disappear from his view; offering the hengeyokai some protection for a bit.
    • The remaining snake missed (only thanks to Kembu using his sword as a toothpick to keep the snake from biting him). Gerry whiffed this round.
    • Angel finishes off the second snake with a shotgun blast to the head. That only left one, hidden snake, alive.
    • Managirl blew up some gunmen, then wounded Gerry. Managirl was happy to be recognized by Gerry.
    • Aria dove for a sniper rifle, but found her aim off.
    • Del took a gunman down by summoning a fiery bird, then healed Aria.
    • Roan blew off another sniper's head.
    • Kembu ran out of the tornado, but failed to land a strike.
    • The gunmen and snipers didn't have much luck this round...
  • Next week is round three, where potential hidden combatants make an appearance...
  • x4 Elixir of Superior Strength (Consumable, Minor Action): Until the end of the encounter, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls for melee basic attacks.
  • x4 Elixir of Superior Aiming (Consumable, Minor Action): Until the end of the encounter, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls for ranged basic attacks.
  • x12 Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds (Consumable, Minor Action): If you have a healing surge, you must spend one. Instead of the hit points you would normally regain,  you regian 2d8+10 HP. If you are bloodied and don't have any healing surges, you still regain the hit points. If neither of these things is true, there is no effect.
  • x3 Level 1 Medic Daily Options
Current Objectives:
  • Pursue Personal Goals.
    • Roan: End it.
    • Setter: Revenge.
    • Kembu: Save the girl.
    • Managirl: Be the hero.
    • Aria: Family first.
    • Del: Heal the world.
    • Angel: Scientific pursuits.

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