Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Session 57 - Resolution

Key Points:
  • The final combat continued...
    • The devils and angels engaged in combat! Many were slain on each side of the conflict...
    • The devil's leader attempted to seduce Managirl (a tiefling) with promises of power. She merely toyed with him in response.
    • Kembu engaged with the devil's leader; wounding it severely.
    • Angel lent support to the cause of the celestials; shotgunning many devils.
    • Roan scored a powerful head shot against the blind devil; then teleported into the fray and unleashed a hail of needler rounds on the devils.
    • Aria supported the group; firing on the blind devil.
    • Managirl lent her full support to the portal; to which Angel and Roan had contributed towards.
    • The Soverign Elk helped clear a path through the devils for Del. Del, channeling her druidic power and calling upon the strength and mana of everyone in the world, finished closing the portal to other realms. With it closed, all the creatures summoned from it returned to their own realms...
    • When all was said and done with, the room only had two sides left: the dwarves and the runners.
    • Clint, before the dwarves could turn on him, tapped into a magical implant he had within each of them that peeled their flesh off and turned them into undead under his command.
    • Clint also summoned the trapped souls of his brothers and brought them forth as tortured ghosts to help him.
  • The combat was renewed between these two sides...
    • Lukas Baer returned Setter's assault rifle. Setter then launched into the fray by using his magic to control Clint's mind. Dominated, Clint attacked himself.
    • Kembu found a complicated path of wall running to get to Clint and slash him.
    • Aria and Angel attempted to aggro the Bronzeknuckle Spirits by firing on them.
    • Managirl flung her magic into a herd of zombies.
    • Del's summoned critters launched themselves into battle against the zombies while Del blinked into another realm and teleported forward into the fray near Clint.
    • Leonhardt Nacht regained consciousness and threw himself into the fray against the undead to help his daughters.
    • All of the zombies and spirits picked out targets; threatening to overwhelm the group...
    • Setter managed to put an end to it all; performing a three hit combo with an assault rifle fusillade followed by two hammer smashes against the dominated Clint. With the dwarf killed, the undead were put to rest...
    • Before Clint died, he spoke Setter's true name, putting to rest Setter's revenge against the Mixtli Coatal.
    • In fact, it seems that the majority of the Mixtli Coatal were ended here, making the cartel a former shade of themselves. Their parent cartel will be unhappy with this...
  • The resolution...
    • Lukas Baer attempted to convince the group to kill or capture Leonhardt Nacht, but they ultimately declined. He was in no position to do anything...
    • Nacht was still feeling the effect of the drugs the cartel gave him, and it took a ritual from Del to cure him of it. The ritual nearly killed Nacht!
    • Upon recovering from the effects, one of the first things Nacht said was 'kill me' to Roan. Roan, of course, had come to terms with what happened, and declined. Aria and Kembu were obviously upset with Nacht...
    • Lukas Baer and Setter Blackpaw entered a conversation with each other. Setter wanted to know why Baer was the man behind Setter's old team being wiped out. Baer claimed that the cargo Setter was transporting was vital to Project Rebirth. Baer was primarily motivated by the promise of a promotion, and thus a better life for himself. Setter ultimately saw value in Baer's project, and thus let him live, by gave Baer something to remind him... a psychic punch.
    • Baer would be unable to relocate the subjects that were kept here; given that they were extracted by Dr. Klein, Watchdog, Kazz, and Wisk.
    • Aria and Nacht had an exchange of words. Aria revealed that she had found her sister, Kara, who Nacht had not known was still alive... Nacht was happy.
    • Roan would slip away from the group; not receiving the death he had been looking for. Outside the facility, he would run into a familiar face...
    • Kembu would eventually part ways from the group without saying goodbye...seeking to reunite Lisa and Brittany Trent together (the reason he had begun his life as a Runner)...
    • The rest of the group emerged together from the facility and into a brand new day...
Current Objectives:
  • Epilogue Time!

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Session 56 - The Problem with Portals

Key Points:
  • The aftermath of the C4 explosion was resolved...
    • Setter and Carlos entered into a debate where each side tried to pin the explosion on the other. Ultimately, Setter was trying to pit Carlos and Clint against each other... suggesting that Clint was behind it.
    • Some of the group members attempted to pin some of the blame on Genesis, but Setter smoothed over those accusations to keep his narrative clean and concise.
    • The dwarves initially prevented the group from checking out the explosion, but eventually they relented and allowed them to.
    • Managirl and Del checked out the wreckage to discover that the destroyed KNIGHT armor (which formerly belonged to Managirl) did not have anyone within it. It had been rigged with C4--a trap that detonated prematurely.
    • Kembu was going to check out the wreckage, but a text to Roan from Aria calmed the samurai down.
    • Angel snuck in through the vent shaft to discover a wounded Aria near death. She had superficial wounds everywhere, but the worst of her damage was to her legs. It is possible that she may never walk again thanks to the nerve damage... but only time will tell. Surgery will be required at the minimum.
    • Kembu decided to remove Nacht and drag him back towards Roan and where some of the others were near the entrance to the room.
    • Lukas Baer (the ROGUE agent) remained by Setter's side for now as he collected himself for what was to come.
  • The explosion had damaged the rune circle of ancient magic that the dwarves had in the room. The dwarves revealed that it had been tuned to summon an avatar of their champion to fight for them in case the group had attempted to attack him. With the runes damaged, it was an unstable gateway to worlds believed to be lost...
    • The portal that the damaged runes created could potentially lead to Heaven, Hell, Shadowfell, Feywyld, Far Realm, and Elemental Chaos.
    • The group came to an uneasy truce with the dwarves to handle the threat of the portal.
    • The first denizens to emerge from the portals were from the Feywyld. A small group of fey warriors lead by a powerful fey named the Huntsmaster emerged. The Huntsmaster rode upon the Soverign Elk.
    • The Huntsmaster declared the Wild Hunt to be on; a terrifying ancient rite that allowed for the fey to claim prizes: slaves, trinkets, or whatever caught their fancy. The Huntsmaster claimed to be owed a queen from the mortal realm, and that the mortal realm has long been overdue for what their ancestors promised the fey eons ago.
  • With that in mind, combat started...
    • Some members of the group attempted to close the arcane portal while others engaged the hostile fey. The Dwarves let their assistance, though Clint carefully positioned his skeletons around Carlos under the guise of helping the cartel boss escape.
    • Among the groups efforts to close the portal, Kembu had released the dragon's seal on his possessed oni blade. He destroyed the blade over the rune; releasing the souls trapped within as well as the malevolent presence of the oni. Will this lead to good things or bad things?
    • Del attempted to negotiate with the fey, but none were interested in it aside from the Soverign Elk. The Elk claimed to be bound by an ancient pact to the Huntsmaster... the rider commanding him. The Elk explained the situation to Del, who offered herself up as a bride to the Huntsmaster in an effort to end the bloodshed.
    • The Huntsmaster agreed, but Del ended up reining on her deal when Managirl reminded Del of her promise to not abandon Managirl again. Reluctantly, Del fulfilled her promise to Managirl, and attacked the Huntmasters.
    • The Huntsmaster would eventually be knocked off the elk through a combination of fierce attacks, and Del was able to 'tame' the Soverign Elk; riding him and taking his presence away from the Huntsmaster.
    • The Fey Warriors were quickly dealt with, only a few stragglers remaining alongside the wounded Huntsmaster...
  • The portal then opened up to the Heavens...
    • A group of angels emerged with their leader: Aelius the Grey Angel. His men were soldiers on a patrol when they stumbled through this portal by mistake. Angel was able to communicate with them and keep them peaceful for the time being (which had allowed for the group to defeat the majority of the fey by then).
    • Clint betrayed his benefactor; slaying the cartel leader of the Winged Serpents with his skeletons. Clint claimed that he would become the boss now and that Carlos had grown weak for dealing with the Runners as he did. Setter was able to rouse the stunned dwarves to his side and turn them against Clint in the name of Carlos.
    • From the portal emerged a group of devils from Hell. The angels seemed prepared to deal with the treacherous Clint, but now found themselves forced to deal with the devils.
  • Next time...
    • The Huntsmaster and a few fey stragglers remain active. The Huntsmaster won't like what Del has done... (going back on their deal, and capturing the Elk).
    • The Devils and Angels clash!
    • The betrayer, Clint, and his loyal undead will need to be dealt with. Luckily, the dwarves on your side rather than his.
    • The Portal is roughly two-thirds of the way closed, but each attempt to close it has increased its resistance, and the group hasn't discovered what happens when they fail an attempt to close the portal...
    • The portal has the potential to still open up to the Shadowfell, the Far Realm, and the Elemental Chaos...
Current Objectives:
  • Finish the campaign!!!