Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Session 3: Complete the Objectives (Part 2)

Key Points:
  • With three rooms down and two to go, the group entered the next testing room. Likened to a dungeon hall in a fantasy castle, the group had to reach the end of the hallway within a time limit.
    • The hallway had trapped statues that shot out fire. A few people tripped it (Trajan and Managirl), but neither were really harmed by it thanks to their testing suit. Del was able to find the 'on/off' switch for the first one, before using Jergo's blinking ability to get some of the others across without triggering the other trap.
    • Trajan was the first to find the trip wires too. One of them caught him bad and took him to the ground, but after that, Kembu was able to cut the rest of the first set of wires down while from across the room, Roan shot out the main wire from the second set further down the hallway.
    • Kembu was the only one to trigger one of the trapped floor-pits, but he avoided falling into it.
    • The last trap, a swarm of angry bees, were kept from harming the party by... Trajan keeping his suit on fire from the traps and scaring off the bees with smoke and fire.
    • The group was only allowed access to the next room after they all made it across the room successfully.
  • The scenario for the final room consisted of a murky, dirty swamp. They were tasked with taking a research specimen alive.
    • After Del found some tracks, Managirl noticed some shadows across a bridge in the swamp. Kembu, having crossed that bridge, found himself swarmed by bullywugs.
    • As Managirl attempted to provide artillery support, she took a nasty spill into the swamp, falling off the bridge. There, she was nearly dragged underwater by a bullywug, but her infernal wrath killed it, and with the help of Jergo, she got back onto the bridge.
    • Trajan's MMA and wrestling fighting style found himself rushing to Kembu's aid. He grappled one of the Bullywugs and kept it pinned to the ground, choking it all the while.
    • Kembu engaged the bullywug's chieftain, who missed its spell against the swordsman. With several deft strikes, the chieftain was bloodied. It was Roan with the careful aim of his sniper rifle that knocked out the chief in the end with rubber bullets.
    • The bullywug soldiers gave the group a run for their money. Both Kembu and Trajan were severely wounded by them throughout the course of the fight. Not to mention Del's poor summoned toad!
    • Del herself got in a few good licks, hitting one of them with her staff and having Kiki, her bear, maul another one. Managirl herself claimed a few 'kill shots' with her impressive 'super powered' magic.
    • During the combat, Trajan sustained an infected wound.
    • In the end, two research specimens were left alive, and so the group completed the testing facility.
  • With the trials completed, the group found donuts and fruit punch waiting for them in a small break room. There, the cleaning robot, celebrated, but was ultimately dismayed with his inability to party. Not only that, but the group caught a lab technician personnel, who went to leave the donuts, but found himself tempted by them as he forgot to leave before the group showed up.
    • Many of the party members were unhappy and tried employing a number of tactics to get information out of the technician. While intimidated, he seemed to not back down on several key points. He assured that the group that this testing facility could only be used by screened personnel and that he would wipe any tracing signs of the group's identities from the test so that it could not be used against them in the future.
    • With those assurances in mind, the group agreed to the terms of returning the equipment they borrowed, and were awarded their payment (as well as the ability to leave).
  • As they left, the group found that Kembu had gone alone ahead of them, and it took some convincing when they found him to get him to come along with the group in the truck. In the early morning, the group returned to their residences for some rest...
New Items:
  • 75 GP each [Middleman Payment.]
  • All items from the testing facility were recollected and taken away from the group before they were allowed to leave.
Current Objectives:
  • Complete the Middleman's Second Job: ???
  • Complete the Middleman's Third Job: ???
  • Receive the Middleman's Answers.

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