Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Session 4: The Doctor Is In

Key Points:
  • Trajan woke up to another one of his dreams. Afterwards, he encountered the infamous Bag Lady of Babylon, and purchased some choice magazines and a bag of oranges from her for a silver.
  • Roan himself had an (un?)pleasant dream too that he didn't quite want to wake up from, but reluctantly did. He eventually would go pick up Kembu, thinking that the kid could use a ride.
  • Del dreamed of her mentor while Managirl dreamed of an event in a past. The two bonded a little in the early morning.
  • Kembu too was not safe either from dreaming, recalling something he had thought he had forgotten. Though, he got to have breakfast with Lisa.
  • Somehow, someway, each of the crew members received a newspaper with a PDA hidden in it. Given to the group by the Middleman and the Watchdog, they each now have a way to contact each other.
    • The PDAs each had an event in it: telling the crew to meet with the Watchdog over breakfast.
  •  Managirl and Del arrived first at the dwarven themed diner with Roan and Kembu not too far behind them in the truck. Trajan was last to arrive, figuring out the meeting a little later than the others.
  • Over dwarven food for breakfast, the Watchdog offered the group a choice.
    • He had a unique client that didn't mind her identity to be revealed if it meant getting a good team.
    • The group agreed to meet the client, and encountered the eccentric Dr. Vesper Klein.
    • After learning that she was interested in investigating an abandoned mana reactor near the town of Quiet Mountain in the name of SCIENCE, the group agreed to help her out. She seemed friendly enough (if a little weird).
    • Klein gave her 'magic science bag' to the group as a gift, which it ended up being filled with numerous goodies.
  • The group purchased a few other goods and Del even sent a letter back home. After hooking up Klein's trailer to the truck, the group left Babylon for Quiet Mountain.
  • As they traveled, the group was asked to stop on the side of the road by Del and Klein.
    • A group of horl choos (porcupine bushes) was spotted near a set of humanoid bones. The group found that these plants had been mutated by mana radiation, and were very much alive.
    • Trajan tested them out by offering some of his oranges to them.
    • The group kept a good distance away from them, and Del put up a note on a nearby tree to warn travelers of the danger of these pushes (as they were found to have acidic quills).
    • Klein gathered some valuable information and sketches on them, before consenting to leave (secretly, disappointed that they did not uproot and take one with them). 
  • By sunset, the group had made it to the town of Raske, where they would (probably) be staying the night...
    • Along the way, they found several disturbing items...
      • A dwarven woman rode a motor boat into town along the rivers.
      • An effigy of a man in red with a wolf's mask for a head could be seen hanging by a noose out in the forest.
      • Signs warned of a murderous ghost in town and told travelers to turn back.
  •  Roan stopped the truck short of the closed town gates.
    • Kembu went up to the gates to eavesdrop and heard a large crowd of villagers arguing with the town captain over the 'ghost'.
    • Managirl and Trajan went to the wall, where the latter gave the former a boost.
      • Managirl, while looking over, was snatched up by someone and dragged onto the other side of the wall!
New Items:
  • See this thread:
Current Objectives:
  • Complete the Middleman's Second Job: Escort Dr. Klein to Quiet Mountain to investigate the mana reactor there.
  • Complete the Middleman's Third Job: ???
  • Receive the Middleman's Answers.
  • Solve the trouble in Raske?

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