Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Session 10 - Putting the Ghost to Rest

Key Points:
  • With Nerva captured, the group headed back into Raske...
    • Raske was a ghost town, deserted by the populace when Kembu warned Sheriff Oku of the dragon.
    • The group found Vesper Klein at the north gate of the town. There, she was spinning around a lamp post, singing along with a song coming from a nearby radio.
    • Roan took the time to fill up the truck at the gas station.
    • Meeting with Klein, she offered the group payment in exchange for giving them Nerva. She claimed that Nerva could do the world good by being studied. Klein hoped to learn how to harness Nerva's ability to contain copious amounts of mana radiation and survive, as well as other things about him.
      • Everyone had different opinions on this. Roan wanted Nerva dead. Del wanted to see the town handle Nerva. Managirl wanted to side with Klein. Trajan wanted to side with Klein, but he didn't want to see Nerva hurt and he wanted to see an independent prison built for mana-riched individuals (he also hoped to learn what Nerva knew about dragons). Kembu had his reservations about it, but agreed that Klein should take him, under the condition that Nerva is used to help people and that one day, he is euthanized. In the end, it was voted upon that the group would accept Klein's deal.
  • The group learned several facts about Klein...
    • She is an ex-employee of the Genesis Corporation.
    • She is entirely self-funded, obtaining her wealth by offering her expertise to the highest bidder looking for a mad doctor on the black market.
    • She knows how to speak every known language.
    • Klein's father pushed education and his own personal agendas upon her when she was growing up while her mother provided her with emotional support and told her stories.
    •  She often stares at people when thinking. Amongst the group, she enjoys staring at Roan the most, but will settle for Kembu.
    • Her trailer contains a makeshift lab that is covered in plastic. She has a wall covered in tools, then another wall covered in cabinets that are locked. In the middle, there is a table suitable to hold a person on.
  • Roan, Kembu, and Klein left in the truck...
    • The trio were able to put Nerva in the trailer, restrain him, and put him into a medically induced coma.
    • Klein ran experiments and tests on Nerva for the rest of the time.
    • Kembu rested in the truck, while Roan wandered into town and found a place for himself to rest.
  • Managirl, Trajan, and Del went to the secret bunker in Raske...
    • There, they found the townspeople had been hold up in the bunker for their own protection.
    • The bunker was funded by the Raske family for the protection of the town. It is high-quality stuff, as it has an elevator and suitable facilities to live there for extended periods.
    • The three of them spoke with Sheriff Oku about what happened to Nerva. The group decided to tell the lie that Nerva had been killed in action. Oku picked up on the lie, but let it go, as she didn't think there was much she could do. Oku revealed that she had a kobold prisoner, but that he was unhelpful in his questioning.
    • Del was suspicious that the Raske family had something to do with Nerva and Otho--seeing as they had the foresight to build this bunker. The bunker was built 10 years ago.
    • The origins of Nerva's new found powers were called into question, but no answers were given.
    • Nerva's PDA had no information on it. Simply two phone numbers: Otho and the Watchdog.
    • Trajan and Tommik worked all night to translate the journals of Nerva and Otho. With this information, Oku had enough evidence to detain the Raske family for questioning about their involvement in the Red Wolves. It also provided additional insight into the whole situation with Nerva, Otho, and their father Nero.
    • Oku paid the group for their services, and Tommik gave them a magical whistle as a gift.
    • Oku sent her guards to investigate Ranger's home, the summer home where Nerva was captured, and the town itself to make sure it was safe.
    • Managirl bought some new clothes from the tailor, and commissioned him to make a new costume for her.
  • The party rested...
    • Everyone was much better off in the morning except for Roan who had a wrenched back and Kembu who had a gashed thigh.
    • Managirl, Del, and Trajan had a small discussion about Nerva. Then, the trio agreed to speak to Sheriff Oku one last time before leaving Raske.
    • Kembu woke up to Klein staring at him...
      • The two spoke about Kembu's master: Borai. It seems Klein had a few stories about him. She also revealed that Kembu's likeness is used in an anime / manga story called Himawari. The story is about a beautiful ronin who smells like wildflowers.
    • Roan met with Sheriff Oku, and had a talk with her...
      • Roan learned that Sheriff Oku is aware that Nerva is alive. She wants him dead, but can't push the issue. She revealed that Genesis people (led by ROGUE agent Lukas Baer) came here in February and took a deva traveler with them back to Babylon by the name of Angel. Roan said that if Nerva ever escaped and came back to Raske, to call him.
New Items:
  • 100 GP each. [Payment from Oku.]
  • Guardian's Whistle (Level 4 Uncommon, Wondrous Item)
    This tin whistle is covered with runes that look like they have been crudely scratched into its surface.
    -Utility Power (Teleportation) Daily (Move Action)
    --Effect: Close burst 10 (one ally in the burst). The target teleports to an unoccupied square adjacent to you.
Lost Items:
  • Nerva's PDA. [Oku took it as evidence.]
  • Nerva's wallet. [Oku took it as evidence.]
  • Nerva and Otho's Journals. [Tommik took them to translate.]
Current Objectives:
  • Complete the Middleman's Second Job: Escort Dr. Klein to Quiet Mountain to investigate the mana reactor there.
  • Complete the Middleman's Third Job: ???
  • Receive the Middleman's Answers.

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