Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Session 6: The Ghost of Raske (Part 2)

Key Points:
  • The group met the next morning (after a cramped night of rest) for breakfast.
    • They filled in Dr. Klein about the events with the Ghost of Raske. She offered her assistance in the matter, if only so they could be done and out of here.
  • Sheriff Oku showed up to discuss the ghost situation with the group.
    • The group noticed that the halfling innkeeper was eavesdropping on them.
    • She told the group what she knew of the Red Wolves. There were five of them, four now. Male and female, not sure on what the ratio is. One is really tall, 7'0. Another was small, like a kid or a gnome. Another was squat like a dwarf. The last is a lady with a raspy voice.
    • Trajan had a word with Rukkevinta. So did Roan. 
    • Oku gave the group leads: the dock workers (dwarves, gnomes, halflings), Tommik, Kador, and Emorin. 
  • The group, after a lead from Roan, decided to pursue a lead with the Raske family.
    •  Del and Klein stayed behind, as Del still felt sick from the infection sustained from the Ghost.
    • Along the way to Raske Manor, the group spotted an empty iron cage in the middle of one of the streets. 
    • At the docks, Managirl convinced a fisherman to lend the group their raft for the day. 
  • At the estates, the group split up! ... Oh dear.
    •  Managirl broke into Raske Manor, where she found a hidden compartment in a bedroom closest (belonging to a married couple). Inside, she found a red cloak and a wolf mask.
    • Trajan purchased some illegally smuggled goods from the gardener, while chatting him up. The gardener revealed that the head of the Raske family had his wife leave him 15 years ago to an outsider (a Genesis businessman). The Raske Patriarch took it hard, and so did his daughter. The Raske family plans to hold a party in a day or two.
    • Kembu and Roan interviewed Knute, the bodyguard to the Raske family. He is prejudiced to otusiders and seemed very uncooperative, but he was interested in the group taking care of the ghost. He identified Rukkevinta, Igam, Elenka, and Emorin as the members of the Red Wolves.
      • Kembu didn't believe Emorin was one of them, instead, that Knute was covering for himself.
  • The group discussed their findings on their raft ride back to town. The next plan is to talk to Sheriff Oku.
Current Objectives:
  • Complete the Middleman's Second Job: Escort Dr. Klein to Quiet Mountain to investigate the mana reactor there.
  • Complete the Middleman's Third Job: ???
  • Receive the Middleman's Answers.
  • Catch the murderer ("ghost") of Raske?
  • Bring the Red Wolves to justice? 

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