Hi all,
Thanks to Verizon being incredibly busy (or slow) and my landlord wanting something very specific, I won't have traditional internet for awhile. Right now, I have an internet card, but I have no idea how long I'll have it for. So until I'm sure that I have something reliable enough, I need to put the game on a temporary hiatus.
I may have to move the game from Wednesday to Monday too down the road when we resume. This wasn't a problem for anyone but Del unfortunately, so we'll see what we can work out in regards to that.
I'm also job searching, so I have a lot on my plate right now. I'm eager to resume the game, I just need to make sure I have something reliable that won't disconnect a lot.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Session 13 - Battle at the Bridge
Key Points:
- The party enjoyed a fireworks display at the Kasai Caravan before turning in for the night...
- In the morning, the group woke up. Everyone seemed recharged and in good spirits. After breakfast, the group left the Kasai Caravan and traveled via truck towards Quiet Mountain.
- The way to Quiet Mountain is a gradual ascent to a higher elevation.
- The forest here is a thicker red woods.
- The group ran into a problem with an immature biker. He was on the truck's ass the whole time, and shouted at Del to show off her goods. She declined.
- The group made it to the second (and last) Genesis Checkpoint between Babylon and Quiet Mountain. This one was a bridge with three armed guards. The central 'base' of this checkpoint was located elsewhere nearby. Running parallel alongside the road was a train that had been stopped.
- On the side that the group was on, the biker from earlier was arguing with the Genesis guard and picking a fight.
- On the opposite side, a white van with a drug-addicted youth had been stopped and was being hassled by the guard.
- The guards had been tipped off to look for suspicious individuals, but it seems they were looking for a group of 2-3 rather than a large group like the party.
- The biker (Tucker) started the conflict. It seemed he had the ability to manipulate his bones. Creating a bone spike from his forehead, he headbutted his guard and killed him instantly.
- Tucker's additional 'gift' seemed to be regeneration. The group would learn that normal damage would incapacitate Tucker, but not kill him. It would ultimately take fire to bring down the man for good (as Del recalled from an old legend about trolls).
- The drug addict (Jaunt) across the bridge grabbed onto the guard he had been talking to. He teleported over the open ravine (with a rough river below it) and let the guard plummet to his death.
- In addition to teleporting others and himself, the group would learn that Jaunt's additional gift seemed to be the manipulation of electronics with his mind (as Jaunt could control the white van with only his thoughts).
- A team of mercenaries (wearing ski-masks) emerged from the white van with several fanatic bandits (wearing steel-masks). Their leader was a woman (Ruby) with long flowing white hair, black fatigue pants, and combat boots. Her chest was wrapped in bandages and bindings, as were parts of her hands and forearms. She looked exotically beautiful, too perfect in a word. She had red eyes and Managirl could detect a mana radiation signature from her.
- The bandits advanced forward onto the bridge and dispatched the remaining guard.
- The mercenaries split up. Three of them were tasked with disabling the spike strip on the bridge (they were ultimately successful, even if Managirl blew two of them up later).
- The other three mercenaries were tasked with breaking into a cargo car of the parked train and steal a footlocker.
- The party leaped into action...
- Kembu decided to first take on Tucker. With a powerful swing of his sword, he left a deep gash on the biker.
- Tucker assaulted Kembu with a bone blade from his forearm. Tucker had the ability to manipulate and stretch his body like it was plastic. No Stretch Armstrong jokes were made.
- Roan backed Kembu up, shooting Tucker and leaving him bloodied and stunned.
- Trajan moved into assist Kembu with Tucker.
- A bandit fired on Trajan and Kembu with an assault rifle.
- Managirl moved to the parked train for cover, then unleashed globs of manafire and radiation upon the crowded enemies. She killed a bandit, bloodied the other, and offed two of the mercenaries. Ruby, the leader, was left unharmed.
- Del advanced to support Kembu and Trajan, summoning her spirit Graal to hinder Ruby.
- Klein decided that she had enough of sitting on the sidelines. With her recently purchased rail pistol, she leaned out of the truck and fired at Tucker. It was a successful and powerful shot.
- Ruby revealed that she had no problem sacrificing who she needed to in order to succeed. She killed off her own nearby fanatic, absorbing his life and empowering herself through some necrotic siphoning energy.
- Del tried to figure out if Ruby, Jaunt, and Tucker were escapees from Quiet Mountain. Ruby answered that Del was close, but still off.
- Ruby said that their beef was with Genesis, not strangers. If the group agreed to surrender, she would spare them. They declined.
- Ruby later on revealed that her leader was Macklemore--the enigmatic tiefling leader of the terrorist organization known as Earthquake.
- The fight continued...
- Jaunt, using orange and blue portals, was able to punch Managirl while being nowhere near her. He packed quite a hit too, bloodying the young girl and leaving her with a wrenched back.
- Kembu with an amazing leap cleared the chasm and killed one of the mercenaries near the train.
- Trajan got a good punch in on Tucker.
- Roan fired on Ruby, but missed.
- Managirl, wounded and desperate, threatened to summon her 'pet'. Ruby was willing to call her bluff, so with the ring Managirl stole from Nerva, she summoned the illusion of a powerful dragon she called Charizard.
- All the enemies didn't see through the illusion, and began to panic. Ruby gave Jaunt the command to drive the van into the Charizard.
- In the mean time, Kiki the Bear and Del began to whoop on Tucker some more.
- Klein ran to Managirl's aid, injecting her with an adrenaline boost.
- The conflict began to take a turn...
- Ruby, fleeing from Managirl's dragon, tried to engage Del in hand-to-hand combat. Her life siphoning attacks weren't working, though, as Del countered them with primal energy.
- Jaunt, using just his mind, began to speed and rev up the van down the bridge. Unfortunately, the van splatted Graal (Del's spirit companion). Fortunately, the van crushed the head of one of the mercenaries. The van then went through the dragon, revealing that it was an illusion.
- Jaunt then tried to engage Kembu one-on-one. Kembu resisted being teleported, good for him--because he would've been dropped into the river.
- Jaunt teleported to avoid Kembu's retaliation strike, but with an action point, Kembu bloodied Jaunt in one blow. Pulling out a natural 20, Kembu intimidated Jaunt into surrendering.
- Taking Roan's advice, Trajan tries to bullrush Tucker off the bridge. Following two natural 1's, Trajan ends up being thrown off the bridge instead. He fell, nearly dieing, but recovered enough to find some rocks to latch onto. Trajan didn't play a role in the rest of the combat.
- With Trajan removed, Tucker decided now was the time to fight a bear. He wounds Kiki.
- Roan fired on Ruby, hitting her this time. Then, noticing that another van was approaching from the south, turned around and shot out the tire. The full speed van flipped from the blown out tire. Everyone inside died, aside from two bandits, which were captured later and in no way able to fight.
- Managirl fired on Ruby and Tucker with her magical napalm, but only managed to wound Ruby (burning some of the bandages she wore and causing a nip slip).
- Del then became something of a badass. She smacked Ruby with her staff while Kiki mauled Tucker. Del's toad spirit was summoned, and it lashed out at Ruby with its tongue.
- Klein tried to stop the oncoming white van (the one controlled by Jaunt) but she failed to shoot it, even with an action point. Fail, Klein. Fail.
- Holy shit, more fighting...
- Ruby continued to suck against Del, missing another attack.
- Although Jaunt surrendered to Kembu, he trolled the group by having the van continue on. Somehow, the toad, Ruby, Tucker, and Kiki managed to avoid it. Del was unlucky and wounded by the van. The van crashed into the parked motorcycle and stopped.
- So, the mercenaries by the train (who I have forgotten to write about until now), had been giving Kembu trouble with some shots here and there. The pair tried to escape with a footlocker, but Kembu wasn't having any of it. Kembu killed one of them. The last merc had the biggest balls of steel (as a result of Kembu rolling nat 1's on intimidating him), and had a standoff with Kembu. The merc got in one good shot, but Kembu eventually killed him.
- Tucker wounded Kiki enough to force the bear to retreat through the primal spirits. Jergo had also been summoned, and the blink dog was wounded by Tucker.
- Roan got in another great shot against Ruby, who was starting to not look so hot...
- Managirl set Tucker on fire. This prevented his regeneration, and resulted in Tucker being burned alive. Tucker died. Sad music played.
- Managirl kept up the illusion of the dragon, because she thought it was funny.
- Ruby avoided most of Del's strikes that time, but she was shot in the face by Klein.
- I think this is the last round...
- With a rush of wind, Del deflected Ruby's last attack against her. Ruby reversed her life siphon from necrotic to radiant, and it allowed the woman to heal herself up to her bloodied value. With most of her allies gone, Ruby decided to swan dive off the bridge and take her chances with the river.
- With Kembu off chasing those mercenaries down, Jaunt tried to escape through his teleportation. Roan noted this, fired on Jaunt, and knocked him out with a flare round.
- Managirl dove off the bridge, because fuck it, she is a superhero. She was going to find Trajan down there, and try to capture Ruby. Managirl would be able to sense Ruby's mana signature, but was unable to pursue because she had difficulty with the rough waters. Eventually, Del's toad spirit would jump down there, rescuing both Trajan and Managirl.
- So, Del went off to ensure that Jaunt wouldn't bleed out and die. Kembu would help Del carry Jaunt back. Jaunt would have a golden ring cuff put on him by Klein, and she explained that a gold band would prevent teleportation in subjects.
- Klein with Roan's help acquired Tucker's burnt corpse and put it in the trailer for research purposes.
- Roan, Del, and Kembu checked out the overturned van, and found that two bandits had survived. They were quickly made prisoners.
- Throughout combat, over the deceased radios of the Genesis Guards, it sounded like Earthquake had been attacking the front part of the train as well as the guard station. Genesis managed to get a handle on the situation, and when Roan contacted them, they claimed that they would be sending a group to the bridge soon.
- Next time, the group deals with the fallout of the bridge fight, and get to meet with some Genesis security. Better hope they don't catch whiff of any of your illegal activities.
- N/A
- Complete the Middleman's Second Job: Escort Dr. Klein to Quiet Mountain to investigate the mana reactor there.
- Complete the Middleman's Third Job: ???
- Receive the Middleman's Answers.
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Session 12 - Are You Trying To Kill Her?
Key Points:
- Trajan was joined by Kembu and Klein at the tea house.
- The trio enjoyed a meal there.
- Klein seemed hesitant to go, initially thinking Kembu was asking her out on a date.
- All for a free appetizer, Trajan embarrassed Klein enough to get her on stage and sing She Blinded Me With Science. It was enough to make her pass out. She is also bad at singing.
- Klein convinced Trajan to sumo-wrestle to make some quick money.
- Trajan battled a crab hengeyokai.
- Although Trajan got the shit kicked out of him, he won by removing the crab-man from the arena.
- Klein won the bet with the trainer (a corgi-dog hengeyokai) and awarded Trajan 50 of the 1,000 gold.
- After eating at the teahouse, Kembu left to go to Aya's Clinic. There, he got his leg treated.
- Kembu also picked up a tanuki stuffed animal for Lisa back in Babylon.
- Managirl made a deal with Goro.
- She would deliver a package to a person in Quiet Mountain. Then, on her way back to Babylon, she would stop by and pick up a second package to deliver to the capital city.
- In exchange, along with a down payment of 100 GP, Managirl would get a utility belt, shock absorption boots, and kelvar armor.
- Del visited Akio's Wares.
- There, she exchanged her gold coin she won for a gift. She had numerous options to choose from (a tanuki statue, a pair of dice, a tarot deck, and a pair of slippers). She ended up choosing the slippers.
- Del seemed to get along with Akio, and helped him with a new animal he had delivered recently. A critter called a Mogwai, the instructions for it had been missing, but Del provided some advice. She declined to purchase him, but told Akio she'd be by to see him again.
- Managirl caught up with her adopted father, Syler, over the phone.
- Del helped reassure Syler over the phone that Managirl would be safe.
- Syler gave Del and by extension the whole group an invitation to eat with him so that he could learn about those traveling with Managirl.
- The pair then retired to the teahouse to a nice meal and some R&R.
- Roan was all over the town...
- After getting his back treated, the sniper sought out something to give him peace. He ended up at a shrine dedicated to the Turtle (a hengeyokai goddess), and after some relaxing techniques were taught to him by a priest, he was in a much better mood.
- Roan ended up visiting Goro sometime after Managirl did, and he struck a deal to purchase a rail gun.
- Roan would end up checking into the Golden Dragon at some point, and even having a solitary meal at the teahouse.
- A news report on the television announced that the terrorist Leonhardt Nacht was sighted breaking into a Genesis Testing Facility in Sector Six. Eyewitnesses reported that he killed several people, and wounded even more. Genesis did not comment on the incident.
- Rail Gun (Roan)
- Slippers of Spider Climbing (Del)
- Shock Absorption Boots and Utility Belt (Managirl)
- Tanuki Doll (Kembu)
- Sumo-Thong Underwear (Trajan)
- Complete the Middleman's Second Job: Escort Dr. Klein to Quiet Mountain to investigate the mana reactor there.
- Complete the Middleman's Third Job: ???
- Receive the Middleman's Answers.
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
The Noble Families (Ezra) [Terra Nullius Lore]
This is the third entry in the lore series. This covers the "nobility" of modern day Ezra.
By and large, the wealthy rule the nation of Ezra. The country has no true nobility typical of many civilizations. It is the wealthy that have the power, and while it sometimes is divided into "old money" and "new money", there is little else to distinguish them. In the country's early years, it was the powerful and spiritual that ruled during the barbarian days. This ended over six hundred years ago with the rise and development of the Genesis Corporation.
When the term Noble Families comes up in Ezra's culture, it is referring to the original and founding families that played a significant role in the development of the country from a primal no man's land into the capital of technology and civilization. Think of it as an exclusive club that these families belong to. The term noble doesn't refer to their nobility, but instead is a reference to their history of noble deeds. They're not outright treated like royalty, but the populace does treat them as celebrities in many cases.
To be one of the Noble Families, the family had to be involved in the creation of the Genesis Corporation or somehow otherwise affiliated with them in their founding years. Many of the Noble Families were some of those original merchants working for Genesis while others were simply financial backers. Still, other Noble Families came from charismatic public relations persons to the brilliant inventors and creators of those first products Genesis were selling and making.
This is not a full list of the Noble Families, but it is a list of the Noble Families that are likely to come up throughout the course of the campaign in one way or another.
-The Campbell Family: This is the noble family. The Campbell family is attributed to being the primary founders of Genesis and their descendents still serve as the president and vice president of the company. Their family history is rich with tales of innovation, charisma, and brilliance. Yet, prior to their creation of Genesis, the family's history is unknown. Many family histories date back further than Genesis (particularly those in rural areas that still follow some of the old ways), but there are no records of the Campbells then.
-The Klein Family: The Kleins have always been scientists and researchers. Their ancestors were a core part of the Genesis team in those early years. In fact, there are many historians that theorize if it weren't for the Kleins, the Genesis Corporation would have never took off. Many of the Mana-Tech devices used today are a result of the early work pioneered by the Kleins. The Kleins are considered eccentric to say the least--many have phobias and mental ticks. They are by and large a cold, calculated, and driven bunch.
-The Morrisson Family: Like the Kleins, the Morrissons come from a scientific and research background. Many consider them to be beneath the Kleins in terms of intellect, but the Morrissons are a charismatic bunch. They are likeable enough to sway others to support them. Whenever a public demonstration had to be given, it was always a Morrisson that performed it instead of a Klein.
-The Raske Family: The Raske family founded the town of Raske and in those early years of Genesis, they were one of the primary funding sources for the company. The Raske family funded numerous enterprises for Genesis (unknown to the public, one of these enterprises was KNIGHT, the protection agency). The Raske family had a falling out of sorts with Genesis over the years, but the company still knows who they owe their debts to, and so the Raske family can rest assured that they'll be taken care of should the need arise.
By and large, the wealthy rule the nation of Ezra. The country has no true nobility typical of many civilizations. It is the wealthy that have the power, and while it sometimes is divided into "old money" and "new money", there is little else to distinguish them. In the country's early years, it was the powerful and spiritual that ruled during the barbarian days. This ended over six hundred years ago with the rise and development of the Genesis Corporation.
When the term Noble Families comes up in Ezra's culture, it is referring to the original and founding families that played a significant role in the development of the country from a primal no man's land into the capital of technology and civilization. Think of it as an exclusive club that these families belong to. The term noble doesn't refer to their nobility, but instead is a reference to their history of noble deeds. They're not outright treated like royalty, but the populace does treat them as celebrities in many cases.
To be one of the Noble Families, the family had to be involved in the creation of the Genesis Corporation or somehow otherwise affiliated with them in their founding years. Many of the Noble Families were some of those original merchants working for Genesis while others were simply financial backers. Still, other Noble Families came from charismatic public relations persons to the brilliant inventors and creators of those first products Genesis were selling and making.
This is not a full list of the Noble Families, but it is a list of the Noble Families that are likely to come up throughout the course of the campaign in one way or another.
-The Campbell Family: This is the noble family. The Campbell family is attributed to being the primary founders of Genesis and their descendents still serve as the president and vice president of the company. Their family history is rich with tales of innovation, charisma, and brilliance. Yet, prior to their creation of Genesis, the family's history is unknown. Many family histories date back further than Genesis (particularly those in rural areas that still follow some of the old ways), but there are no records of the Campbells then.
-The Klein Family: The Kleins have always been scientists and researchers. Their ancestors were a core part of the Genesis team in those early years. In fact, there are many historians that theorize if it weren't for the Kleins, the Genesis Corporation would have never took off. Many of the Mana-Tech devices used today are a result of the early work pioneered by the Kleins. The Kleins are considered eccentric to say the least--many have phobias and mental ticks. They are by and large a cold, calculated, and driven bunch.
-The Morrisson Family: Like the Kleins, the Morrissons come from a scientific and research background. Many consider them to be beneath the Kleins in terms of intellect, but the Morrissons are a charismatic bunch. They are likeable enough to sway others to support them. Whenever a public demonstration had to be given, it was always a Morrisson that performed it instead of a Klein.
-The Raske Family: The Raske family founded the town of Raske and in those early years of Genesis, they were one of the primary funding sources for the company. The Raske family funded numerous enterprises for Genesis (unknown to the public, one of these enterprises was KNIGHT, the protection agency). The Raske family had a falling out of sorts with Genesis over the years, but the company still knows who they owe their debts to, and so the Raske family can rest assured that they'll be taken care of should the need arise.
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Session 11 - Come One, Come All
Key Points:
- Klein spent the morning educating Kembu on his PDA. Kembu spent the morning educating Klein on his swordsmanship.
- Kembu revealed his motivation for working with the Middleman (to rescue a little girl's sister).
- Klein seemed familiar with the gang Kembu talked about as well as the lack of involvement of the authorities part.
- Kembu used his PDA to ensure the little girl would receive groceries from the Watchdog.
- Roan, Trajan, Del, and Managirl spoke with Sheriff Oku together.
- The sheriff gave them some details on the Raske family.
- The sheriff gave the group permission to check out the public police records. Del gave a false address for the forms she had to fill out.
- The sheriff gave the group a letter of reference for them to give to Sheriff Jimbo up in Quiet Mountain, should they need it.
- The sheriff scared the crap out of Managirl (who was contemplating under aged drinking).
- The sheriff seemed happy with Nerva and Otho's journals, but is unsure if even they will be enough to convict Cindra and Knute. She is worried the Raske family will call in favors and get the trial taken to national court, where they have a better chance of getting off scott free thanks to their wealth and connections.
- Bill, the sheriff's overweight right-hand man, took Managirl, Roan, and Del over to the town's records.
- Along the way, Managirl hit up the gas station for some goodies.
- Bill had good impressions of the elder Raske, but not so much of the daughter. He seemed a good ol' townie, and he's lived here all his life. His father works in town as a cobbler.
- Once looking through the records, Del learned that the town is over six hundred years old (being founded in -300 BU).
- She learned that a barbarian tribe used to live on the land that was once Raske. Mr. Raske, the elder of the family at the time, with the help of Mr. Campbell (of the family that was the main founding father of Genesis), dueled the barbarian's leader and (unfairly) won the leadership of the tribe thanks to the use of a flintlock pistol.
- After the duel, Mr. Raske forced the barbarian tribe to settle into what would become the town of Raske. Mr. Raske then filed several business licenses. An agricultural business, the Red Eye Inn, a trading post, and a mysterious organization called Knight.
- The purpose of Knight had been left vague, but there could be a connection to the Genesis military arm: KNIGHT.
- Roan did a little digging of his own, and seemed upset by what he learned in the records' office.
- Trajan spoke with Igam, and attempted to turn the dwarf and get her to testify against Cindra and Knute. Igam seemed (stupidly) loyal to her fellow Red Wolves, so Trajan found it difficult to get her to turn on them.
- He suggested to Oku to let Igam go, see if she goes back to Cindra and Knute, and try to stir up tension and trouble between them.
- The group leaves Raske...
- Klein gets her candybars. Yay.
- Halfway into the day's travel, the group comes across a Genesis checkpoint. They're able to pass without incident after the guards check their IDs and paper work, and the group pays the toll.
- In the later afternoon (5ish), Klein forced the group to take a detour to the Kasai Caravan.
- The Kasai Caravan is a hengeyokai caravan famous for their fireworks. It is a medium-sized caravan, in comparison to the other hengeyokai caravans.
- The Kasai Caravan has a very festival and carnival-esque atmosphere.
- The group splits up, and the DM learns how crazy he is trying to run five chats while he's tired.
- Del is talked into playing a carnival game by a male carp hengeyokai named Aoi. The carnival game is trying to catch a small mechanical fish in a swimming pool. He claims none has ever caught the gold fish (the mystery prize), and yet Del pulled it off with her first try. Impressed, Aoi gave Del a gold coin from Musashi and told her to take it to a man named Akio, who will give a prize of her choice in exchange for the coin.
- Trajan went to the tea house, where he ordered himself the cheapest tea and noodles possible. He ended up sitting next to a nauseating hengeyokai hare couple who made baby-talk at each other.
- Roan sought out a chiropractor to help him with his aching back.
- Managirl went to the flea market to hunt down some deals, where she came across a badger hengeyokai who is willing to sell some (illegal) arms and armor.
- Kembu accompanied Klein to her business meeting with a crane hengeyokai. The pair exchanged briefcases, and Klein ended up with the necessary blueprints and maps for the mana reactor at Quiet Mountain as well as a rain pistol.
- Complete the Middleman's Second Job: Escort Dr. Klein to Quiet Mountain to investigate the mana reactor there.
- Complete the Middleman's Third Job: ???
- Receive the Middleman's Answers.
Friday, August 2, 2013
Otho & Nerva [Terra Nullius Lore]
The second entry for the lore series I'm doing. This is all the information covered in Otho and Nerva's journals that were translated by Tommik and Trajan.
Nerva and Otho (identical twins) woke up in the Wolf's Woods (near the town of Quiet Mountain) with no memories and no clothing. All they had were one half of a necklace (each, which could be combined into one necklace) and a tattoo of their names on their left hand's wrist.
Neither possessed magical abilities, but both of them were agile, strong, and hardy. Together, the pair discovered Quiet Mountain, and began stealing from the residents. At first, it was basic survival necessities like clothing and food. After they had that covered, they began to steal for monetary value. This went on for months.
Otho and Nerva reported that the residents of Quiet Mountain were weird, stupid, and suspicious. They disliked the residents immensely, and didn't see anything wrong with stealing from them as a result. Both of them thought something was "off" with the residents, and more than once, suspected the entire town being involved in some kind of plot or cover up. The most disturbing part of Quiet Mountain was that an air raid siren would be used, and once used, the residents would get off the streets as quick as possible and hide. Otho and Nerva never learned why, and when they questioned residents about it, the residents grew hostile.
Otho and Nerva noted the Mana Reactor near Quiet Mountain, but felt a subconscious fear of the place. It prevented them from ever exploring the place. They reported bad vibes from it, but didn't elaborate on seeing anything actually hostile about the place.
Otho and Nerva reported having regular dreams about a dragon. The dragon's features were generally obscured, but it did not look like the dragons of the hengeyokai, but instead of the dragons of ancient Augustus. The dreams always took place in the ruins of an ancient coliseum. The dreams were cryptic and vague, but would provide insights into the future for Otho and Nerva. The dreams also subtly guided them to completing tasks that the dragon was interested in seeing come to fruition.
Generally, the dragon only wanted the twins to spy on people, but sometimes it would want something stolen. The twins began to view the dragon as a father figure, although it is unlikely the dragon viewed the twins as anything but extensions of its own will.
As time went on, the pair became obsessed with their dragon progenitor. After acquiring enough resources, the twins split off from Quiet Mountain and went in different directions in order to cover more ground and pull off additional cons. Raske was one of the towns Otho frequently pulled cons at, while Nerva stayed further out.
While in Raske, Otho reported that the town seemed familiar to him, and couldn't help but notice the way members of the Raske family looked at him. At first, he thought it was just the snobbish attitude of the rich, but it seemed more than that after awhile.
Eventually, Otho and Nerva learned of Babylon. Together, they met up again and went into the monster of a city. There, they soon were pointed to the Middleman who could help them discover the answers they were looking for.
Otho and Nerva completed three jobs for the Middleman under the supervision of the Watchdog. Otho and Nerva were tasked with stealing an unknown substance from a lab of the Exodus Corporation. Their second job involved committing arson at a news station. The last job was not mentioned in their journals, outside of a single reference that 'it was done' and that it seemed to scar the pair dramatically.
It is at this point that the pair begin to grow unhinged in their writing. Not into full blown psychosis, but the pair had certainly been changed after their ordeal with the Middleman and the answers they received.
Together, Otho and Nerva got six questions answered.
1) Who is our father?
A: Nero.
2) What color is the dragon in our dreams?
A: Gold.
3) What are the different kinds of true dragons?
A: Chromatic, metallic, gem, lung, ferrous, and independent.
4) Where is our father?
A: The Amphitheatrum.
5) Do we have other siblings?
A: Yes.
6) Why can't we remember our lives before waking up in the woods?
A: Because there is nothing to remember.
Nerva returned to Quiet Mountain and began to try and delve into research about the Amphiteatrum and the different types of true dragons (specifically, gold dragons). Otho left and began grifting and conning again in order to earn the funds to support Nerva's research.
Nerva never learned where the Amphiteatrum was and attempts to work for the Middleman again were denied. In his jounal, Nerva provided limited and basic information on the different types of dragons. Most of this information was taken from folklore and old records. How much of it is true versus how much of it is false is hard to say.
Otho's journal begins to vaguely described that he is onto a big score in Raske, and that is where his journal ends. After Otho failed to report in, Nerva reports having an intense dream where Nero showed him his brother's death. Nerva then makes references that he has accepted the gift of the dragon, but it is unclear in his writing what he refers to (whether or not it was something he found or made, or whether or not it was something he was given).
With his new found powers, he reported feeling stronger than ever (mentioning his breath weapon, his firebolts, and his teleporting and cloaking talents). However, his journal notes that he seemed to be growing ill at the same time--coughing up black phlegm. Nicknaming himself the Son of the Dragon, Nerva begins to collect followers and names his second-in-command a fire mephit.
His journal is mostly ramblings of revenge at this point, and it was through his dream that he learned who the Red Wolves are and what they did to his brother. Thus, began his revenge, and the creation of the Ghost of Raske.
Nerva and Otho (identical twins) woke up in the Wolf's Woods (near the town of Quiet Mountain) with no memories and no clothing. All they had were one half of a necklace (each, which could be combined into one necklace) and a tattoo of their names on their left hand's wrist.
Neither possessed magical abilities, but both of them were agile, strong, and hardy. Together, the pair discovered Quiet Mountain, and began stealing from the residents. At first, it was basic survival necessities like clothing and food. After they had that covered, they began to steal for monetary value. This went on for months.
Otho and Nerva reported that the residents of Quiet Mountain were weird, stupid, and suspicious. They disliked the residents immensely, and didn't see anything wrong with stealing from them as a result. Both of them thought something was "off" with the residents, and more than once, suspected the entire town being involved in some kind of plot or cover up. The most disturbing part of Quiet Mountain was that an air raid siren would be used, and once used, the residents would get off the streets as quick as possible and hide. Otho and Nerva never learned why, and when they questioned residents about it, the residents grew hostile.
Otho and Nerva noted the Mana Reactor near Quiet Mountain, but felt a subconscious fear of the place. It prevented them from ever exploring the place. They reported bad vibes from it, but didn't elaborate on seeing anything actually hostile about the place.
Otho and Nerva reported having regular dreams about a dragon. The dragon's features were generally obscured, but it did not look like the dragons of the hengeyokai, but instead of the dragons of ancient Augustus. The dreams always took place in the ruins of an ancient coliseum. The dreams were cryptic and vague, but would provide insights into the future for Otho and Nerva. The dreams also subtly guided them to completing tasks that the dragon was interested in seeing come to fruition.
Generally, the dragon only wanted the twins to spy on people, but sometimes it would want something stolen. The twins began to view the dragon as a father figure, although it is unlikely the dragon viewed the twins as anything but extensions of its own will.
As time went on, the pair became obsessed with their dragon progenitor. After acquiring enough resources, the twins split off from Quiet Mountain and went in different directions in order to cover more ground and pull off additional cons. Raske was one of the towns Otho frequently pulled cons at, while Nerva stayed further out.
While in Raske, Otho reported that the town seemed familiar to him, and couldn't help but notice the way members of the Raske family looked at him. At first, he thought it was just the snobbish attitude of the rich, but it seemed more than that after awhile.
Eventually, Otho and Nerva learned of Babylon. Together, they met up again and went into the monster of a city. There, they soon were pointed to the Middleman who could help them discover the answers they were looking for.
Otho and Nerva completed three jobs for the Middleman under the supervision of the Watchdog. Otho and Nerva were tasked with stealing an unknown substance from a lab of the Exodus Corporation. Their second job involved committing arson at a news station. The last job was not mentioned in their journals, outside of a single reference that 'it was done' and that it seemed to scar the pair dramatically.
It is at this point that the pair begin to grow unhinged in their writing. Not into full blown psychosis, but the pair had certainly been changed after their ordeal with the Middleman and the answers they received.
Together, Otho and Nerva got six questions answered.
1) Who is our father?
A: Nero.
2) What color is the dragon in our dreams?
A: Gold.
3) What are the different kinds of true dragons?
A: Chromatic, metallic, gem, lung, ferrous, and independent.
4) Where is our father?
A: The Amphitheatrum.
5) Do we have other siblings?
A: Yes.
6) Why can't we remember our lives before waking up in the woods?
A: Because there is nothing to remember.
Nerva returned to Quiet Mountain and began to try and delve into research about the Amphiteatrum and the different types of true dragons (specifically, gold dragons). Otho left and began grifting and conning again in order to earn the funds to support Nerva's research.
Nerva never learned where the Amphiteatrum was and attempts to work for the Middleman again were denied. In his jounal, Nerva provided limited and basic information on the different types of dragons. Most of this information was taken from folklore and old records. How much of it is true versus how much of it is false is hard to say.
Otho's journal begins to vaguely described that he is onto a big score in Raske, and that is where his journal ends. After Otho failed to report in, Nerva reports having an intense dream where Nero showed him his brother's death. Nerva then makes references that he has accepted the gift of the dragon, but it is unclear in his writing what he refers to (whether or not it was something he found or made, or whether or not it was something he was given).
With his new found powers, he reported feeling stronger than ever (mentioning his breath weapon, his firebolts, and his teleporting and cloaking talents). However, his journal notes that he seemed to be growing ill at the same time--coughing up black phlegm. Nicknaming himself the Son of the Dragon, Nerva begins to collect followers and names his second-in-command a fire mephit.
His journal is mostly ramblings of revenge at this point, and it was through his dream that he learned who the Red Wolves are and what they did to his brother. Thus, began his revenge, and the creation of the Ghost of Raske.
Nobana [Terra Nullius Lore]
This is the first of a series (of undetermined length) that'll cover something specific in the lore of the Terra Nullius world. It might be something serious like a war or history event, or it might be something mundane like a television show or a book.
Nobana is an anime and manga series created by Daniel Lee that stars a ronin by the name of Himawari. Mr. Lee claims to have gotten the idea from seeing a hengeyokai swordsman in action, then wanting to put it into a more modern context. The likeness of the series' star is identical to Kembu Hiryuu. The reason for this is currently unknown. Some claim that Mr. Lee partially ripped off the idea from a popular comic book series The Knight, which stars a medieval knight doing battle with gunmen in a modern setting.
Nobana has over 100 episodes and even has a full-length featured film coming out soon. The manga series has been going strong for the past several years. It has risen in popularity in the past six months thanks to promotional tie-in events with the Genesis Corporation.
The overall hook for the series is that Himawari is a beautiful swordsman who travels a fictional world righting wrongs. He is said to smell like wildflowers and his scent is his most defining feature. Himawari's overall quest is to find his long lost sensei, though numerous events always seem to prevent him from getting close to the goal in order to extend the series for as long as possible. Himawari has several love interests in the show as well as reoccurring villains, and there is a wealth of fan-art and fan-fiction of the series online.
Nobana is an anime and manga series created by Daniel Lee that stars a ronin by the name of Himawari. Mr. Lee claims to have gotten the idea from seeing a hengeyokai swordsman in action, then wanting to put it into a more modern context. The likeness of the series' star is identical to Kembu Hiryuu. The reason for this is currently unknown. Some claim that Mr. Lee partially ripped off the idea from a popular comic book series The Knight, which stars a medieval knight doing battle with gunmen in a modern setting.
Nobana has over 100 episodes and even has a full-length featured film coming out soon. The manga series has been going strong for the past several years. It has risen in popularity in the past six months thanks to promotional tie-in events with the Genesis Corporation.
The overall hook for the series is that Himawari is a beautiful swordsman who travels a fictional world righting wrongs. He is said to smell like wildflowers and his scent is his most defining feature. Himawari's overall quest is to find his long lost sensei, though numerous events always seem to prevent him from getting close to the goal in order to extend the series for as long as possible. Himawari has several love interests in the show as well as reoccurring villains, and there is a wealth of fan-art and fan-fiction of the series online.
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