Thursday, August 8, 2013

Session 11 - Come One, Come All

Key Points:
  • Klein spent the morning educating Kembu on his PDA. Kembu spent the morning educating Klein on his swordsmanship.
    • Kembu revealed his motivation for working with the Middleman (to rescue a little girl's sister).
    • Klein seemed familiar with the gang Kembu talked about as well as the lack of involvement of the authorities part.
    • Kembu used his PDA to ensure the little girl would receive groceries from the Watchdog.
  • Roan, Trajan, Del, and Managirl spoke with Sheriff Oku together.
    • The sheriff gave them some details on the Raske family.
    • The sheriff gave the group permission to check out the public police records. Del gave a false address for the forms she had to fill out.
    • The sheriff gave the group a letter of reference for them to give to Sheriff Jimbo up in Quiet Mountain, should they need it.
    • The sheriff scared the crap out of Managirl (who was contemplating under aged drinking).
    • The sheriff seemed happy with Nerva and Otho's journals, but is unsure if even they will be enough to convict Cindra and Knute. She is worried the Raske family will call in favors and get the trial taken to national court, where they have a better chance of getting off scott free thanks to their wealth and connections.
  • Bill, the sheriff's overweight right-hand man, took Managirl, Roan, and Del over to the town's records.
    • Along the way, Managirl hit up the gas station for some goodies.
    • Bill had good impressions of the elder Raske, but not so much of the daughter. He seemed a good ol' townie, and he's lived here all his life. His father works in town as a cobbler.
    • Once looking through the records, Del learned that the town is over six hundred years old (being founded in -300 BU).
    • She learned that a barbarian tribe used to live on the land that was once Raske. Mr. Raske, the elder of the family at the time, with the help of Mr. Campbell (of the family that was the main founding father of Genesis), dueled the barbarian's leader and (unfairly) won the leadership of the tribe thanks to the use of a flintlock pistol.
    • After the duel, Mr. Raske forced the barbarian tribe to settle into what would become the town of Raske. Mr. Raske then filed several business licenses. An agricultural business, the Red Eye Inn, a trading post, and a mysterious organization called Knight.
    • The purpose of Knight had been left vague, but there could be a connection to the Genesis military arm: KNIGHT.
  • Roan did a little digging of his own, and seemed upset by what he learned in the records' office.
  • Trajan spoke with Igam, and attempted to turn the dwarf and get her to testify against Cindra and Knute. Igam seemed (stupidly) loyal to her fellow Red Wolves, so Trajan found it difficult to get her to turn on them.
    • He suggested to Oku to let Igam go, see if she goes back to Cindra and Knute, and try to stir up tension and trouble between them.
  • The group leaves Raske...
    • Klein gets her candybars. Yay.
    • Halfway into the day's travel, the group comes across a Genesis checkpoint. They're able to pass without incident after the guards check their IDs and paper work, and the group pays the toll.
  • In the later afternoon (5ish), Klein forced the group to take a detour to the Kasai Caravan.
    • The Kasai Caravan is a hengeyokai caravan famous for their fireworks. It is a medium-sized caravan, in comparison to the other hengeyokai caravans.
    • The Kasai Caravan has a very festival and carnival-esque atmosphere.
  • The group splits up, and the DM learns how crazy he is trying to run five chats while he's tired.
    • Del is talked into playing a carnival game by a male carp hengeyokai named Aoi. The carnival game is trying to catch a small mechanical fish in a swimming pool. He claims none has ever caught the gold fish (the mystery prize), and yet Del pulled it off with her first try. Impressed, Aoi gave Del a gold coin from Musashi and told her to take it to a man named Akio, who will give a prize of her choice in exchange for the coin.
    • Trajan went to the tea house, where he ordered himself the cheapest tea and noodles possible. He ended up sitting next to a nauseating hengeyokai hare couple who made baby-talk at each other.
    • Roan sought out a chiropractor to help him with his aching back.
    • Managirl went to the flea market to hunt down some deals, where she came across a badger hengeyokai who is willing to sell some (illegal) arms and armor.
    • Kembu accompanied Klein to her business meeting with a crane hengeyokai. The pair exchanged briefcases, and Klein ended up with the necessary blueprints and maps for the mana reactor at Quiet Mountain as well as a rain pistol.
Current Objectives:
  • Complete the Middleman's Second Job: Escort Dr. Klein to Quiet Mountain to investigate the mana reactor there.
  • Complete the Middleman's Third Job: ???
  • Receive the Middleman's Answers.

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