Friday, August 2, 2013

Otho & Nerva [Terra Nullius Lore]

The second entry for the lore series I'm doing. This is all the information covered in Otho and Nerva's journals that were translated by Tommik and Trajan.

Nerva and Otho (identical twins) woke up in the Wolf's Woods (near the town of Quiet Mountain) with no memories and no clothing. All they had were one half of a necklace (each, which could be combined into one necklace) and a tattoo of their names on their left hand's wrist.

Neither possessed magical abilities, but both of them were agile, strong, and hardy. Together, the pair discovered Quiet Mountain, and began stealing from the residents. At first, it was basic survival necessities like clothing and food. After they had that covered, they began to steal for monetary value. This went on for months.

Otho and Nerva reported that the residents of Quiet Mountain were weird, stupid, and suspicious. They disliked the residents immensely, and didn't see anything wrong with stealing from them as a result. Both of them thought something was "off" with the residents, and more than once, suspected the entire town being involved in some kind of plot or cover up. The most disturbing part of Quiet Mountain was that an air raid siren would be used, and once used, the residents would get off the streets as quick as possible and hide. Otho and Nerva never learned why, and when they questioned residents about it, the residents grew hostile.

Otho and Nerva noted the Mana Reactor near Quiet Mountain, but felt a subconscious fear of the place. It prevented them from ever exploring the place. They reported bad vibes from it, but didn't elaborate on seeing anything actually hostile about the place.

Otho and Nerva reported having regular dreams about a dragon. The dragon's features were generally obscured, but it did not look like the dragons of the hengeyokai, but instead of the dragons of ancient Augustus. The dreams always took place in the ruins of an ancient coliseum. The dreams were cryptic and vague, but would provide insights into the future for Otho and Nerva. The dreams also subtly guided them to completing tasks that the dragon was interested in seeing come to fruition.

Generally, the dragon only wanted the twins to spy on people, but sometimes it would want something stolen. The twins began to view the dragon as a father figure, although it is unlikely the dragon viewed the twins as anything but extensions of its own will.

As time went on, the pair became obsessed with their dragon progenitor. After acquiring enough resources, the twins split off from Quiet Mountain and went in different directions in order to cover more ground and pull off additional cons. Raske was one of the towns Otho frequently pulled cons at, while Nerva stayed further out.

While in Raske, Otho reported that the town seemed familiar to him, and couldn't help but notice the way members of the Raske family looked at him. At first, he thought it was just the snobbish attitude of the rich, but it seemed more than that after awhile.

Eventually, Otho and Nerva learned of Babylon. Together, they met up again and went into the monster of a city. There, they soon were pointed to the Middleman who could help them discover the answers they were looking for.

Otho and Nerva completed three jobs for the Middleman under the supervision of the Watchdog. Otho and Nerva were tasked with stealing an unknown substance from a lab of the Exodus Corporation. Their second job involved committing arson at a news station. The last job was not mentioned in their journals, outside of a single reference that 'it was done' and that it seemed to scar the pair dramatically.

It is at this point that the pair begin to grow unhinged in their writing. Not into full blown psychosis, but the pair had certainly been changed after their ordeal with the Middleman and the answers they received.

Together, Otho and Nerva got six questions answered.

1) Who is our father?
A: Nero.
2) What color is the dragon in our dreams?
A: Gold.
3) What are the different kinds of true dragons?
A: Chromatic, metallic, gem, lung, ferrous, and independent.
4) Where is our father?
A: The Amphitheatrum.
5) Do we have other siblings?
A: Yes.
6) Why can't we remember our lives before waking up in the woods?
A: Because there is nothing to remember.

Nerva returned to Quiet Mountain and began to try and delve into research about the Amphiteatrum and the different types of true dragons (specifically, gold dragons). Otho left and began grifting and conning again in order to earn the funds to support Nerva's research.

Nerva never learned where the Amphiteatrum was and attempts to work for the Middleman again were denied. In his jounal, Nerva provided limited and basic information on the different types of dragons. Most of this information was taken from folklore and old records. How much of it is true versus how much of it is false is hard to say.

Otho's journal begins to vaguely described that he is onto a big score in Raske, and that is where his journal ends. After Otho failed to report in, Nerva reports having an intense dream where Nero showed him his brother's death. Nerva then makes references that he has accepted the gift of the dragon, but it is unclear in his writing what he refers to (whether or not it was something he found or made, or whether or not it was something he was given).

With his new found powers, he reported feeling stronger than ever (mentioning his breath weapon, his firebolts, and his teleporting and cloaking talents). However, his journal notes that he seemed to be growing ill at the same time--coughing up black phlegm. Nicknaming himself the Son of the Dragon, Nerva begins to collect followers and names his second-in-command a fire mephit.

His journal is mostly ramblings of revenge at this point, and it was through his dream that he learned who the Red Wolves are and what they did to his brother. Thus, began his revenge, and the creation of the Ghost of Raske.

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