Sunday, October 6, 2013

Session 14 - Welcome to Quiet Mountain

Key Points:
  • Captain Nate, leader of 'Alpha Team', a Genesis Security group, approached the party armed to the teeth. (A dozen men, and two humvees with machine gun turrets).
    • Del wanted to leave before they arrived, and Klein was worried about being exposed.
    • Roan stepped up and handled it. He delivered the prisoners (Jaunt and misc mercenaries) along with the cargo they were trying to steal to Captain Nate and his men.
  • A helicopter arrived onto the scene...
    • Emerging from it was ROGUE Agent (First Class) Darrell Johnson, AKA: The Poker. He is known from breaking the rules from time to time, and when he gets something in his head, he doesn't let it go. 'Poking' at something until he uncovers it.
    • His personal bodyguard was KNIGHT (First Class) Luna. A short woman wielding a cyber suit and a high-tech katana.
    • The soldiers that accompanied them escorted the prisoners and cargo onto the helicopter.
  •  Roan was cooperative, and shared what information he knew with Agent Johnson. The two seemed to have a history with each other.
    • It was revealed that Ruby, Jaunt, and Tucker were all members of EARTHQUAKE. Johnson seemed to have profiles on them all. The cargo they are after is unclear to the party, as they did not inspect it.
    • Johnson seemed (aware) of these terrorists, their names, etc. and was mostly confirming with Roan that they were indeed present.
    • Johnson began to hassle Roan over what he was doing out here with Klein. 
      • The agent attempted to embarrass the scientist and her history, which he managed. More or less, it sounded like Klein's father is abusive (towards her, and her mother), and that he 'bailed' Klein out of trouble multiple times while she worked at Genesis. Klein stole some equipment when she was fired, and had it stolen back by Genesis.   
    •  Klein was honest with the basic premise of her journey to Quiet Mountain with the Agent, but she did not elaborate on much of it. 
    • Once the Agent was satisfied, he parted ways from the group, and offered to pay Roan (and co.) the bounty on the EARTHQUAKE members.
    • Johnson also made a passing offer that if Roan needed work, he would pay good money for his services.
  •  Luna spoke to the infatuated Managirl...
    • Luna was friendly enough, even speaking of an attraction to Kembu. She bonded with Managirl over comics and magic. As a result, Luna learned Heather's name, her guardian's name, and that they lived in Babylon. They exchanged emails.
    • Luna tried to place a tracer on the truck, but Roan later found it and removed it.
  • The party loaded back up in the truck, and passed the wreckage of the train attack...
    • On the news, there was no information on the attack. However...
    • ROGUE Agent Gwen Morrisson (teal-haired woman from the OGRE press conference), was giving an interview on a news station over the terrorist Leonhardt Nacht.
    • The radio station was accepting callers, the first of which asked if the video featuring Nacht taking down ten-armed and readied soldiers by himself was real. Gwen insisted that it was falsified by the Watchdog.
    • Managirl decided to call in with a 'hot' tip about Nacht's location and revealed that she had delivered a package to him pre-campaign. She tried to weasel some money out of Gwen, who grew angrier and angrier with her. In the end, Managirl revealed her superheroine name, and ended the call.
    • Roan was angry with Managirl, but he had made his own phone call as well. He asked why Nacht needed an EMP bomb, to which Gwen took the radio off the air.
    • In a private conversation, Gwen swore she would bury Roan if he got in the way of her and Nacht.
    • Roan gave Managirl a stern chastising, mentioning that her information could've let Nacht avoid capture by publicizing it on the radio.
  • The group drove the rest of the day to Quiet Mountain...
    • Along the way, they had to make a pit stop for gas.
    • At the gas station, the elderly attendant tried to warn them not to go to Quiet Mountain, but he was ignored.
    • There was also a woman by the name of Sarah Bloom there, who was an aspiring musician / comedian. She had no money for gas, and seemed sincere, so the group offered to pay for her gas, and take her and her moped up to Quiet Mountain, where she promised to pay them back after she completed her shows at Skeeter's Bar. They were all invited to come and see her perform.
    • The group and Sarah seemed to get along well... everyone gave her suggestions on stage names to go by.
    • Klein refused to come out of her trailer after the incident with Agent Johnson.
  • By nightfall, the group made it to Quiet Mountain...
    • The town itself seems to be covered in a perpetual fog and mist.
    • The group almost hit a boy in an orange hoodie. He was playing with a ball with his friends in the woods near the edge of town.
    • The town is built with all the businesses on a single main street with residence homes being behind those businesses.
    • The main street had government buildings, a police station, restaurants, a school, all kinds of shops, etc. It was a small and quiet mountain town.
    • The townspeople ranged from indifferent to unfriendly.
  • The group parted ways from Sarah Bloom. Trajan, Kembu, Roan, and Klein went to check in at the Grand Hotel.
    • The grand hotel is a dilapidated estate run by a very strange man...
  • Managirl, escorted by Del, went to deliver the package from the Hengeyokai Caravan.
    • The gunstore owner was far from helpful, threatening to shoot and kill Managirl when she used Jergo to teleport in. Luckily, she escaped, despite being shot at...
  • A strange foghorn blasted like an alarm throughout the entire village, catching the party off guard.
    • It seemed to warn against a strange snow storm that came down from the top of the mountain towards the town.
    • Trajan, Kembu, Klein, and Roan are safe from it--indoors in Klein's room.
    • Managirl and Del, however, have been caught in it outside...
New Items:
  • 100 GP Each. (Agent Johnson's Payment)
Current Objectives:
  • Complete the Middleman's Second Job: Escort Dr. Klein to Quiet Mountain to investigate the mana reactor there.
  • Complete the Middleman's Third Job: ???
  • Receive the Middleman's Answers.

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