Monday, October 14, 2013

Session 15 - Paranomal Events and Songs About Dicks

Key Points:
  • Trajan, Kembu, and Roan delivered Klein safely to her room in the Grand Motel.
    • Roan decided to secure the room--checking exits and entrances.
    • Trajan acquired some whiskey from the full bar and ended up lifting an expensive silver fox fur coat before (at the request of Dr. Klein) checking on Nerva in the trailer.
    • Kembu decided to go look for Managirl and Del.
  • While Trajan checked on Nerva...
    • He found that Klein had harvested some flesh and all the organs of Tucker, the burnt terrorist.
    • Nerva was cold, but otherwise fine (in his medically induced coma)... Trajan covered him with some blankets.
    • A boy in an orange hoodie (Lenny) tried to peer in at what was going on, but Trajan soon shooed him away.
    • Trajan resisted the effects of the foghorn...
  • Kembu and Roan fell prey to the effects of the foghorn...
    • The two were suddenly and jarringly brought into some sort of shared hallucination--a paranormal event.
    • The inn transformed into a run down, half-burnt wreck.
    • Kembu had been caught on the first floor when this happened. He encountered strange creatures with the faces of people from his past. Terrified, he fled upstairs.
    • Roan on the other hand heard a woman's voice calling him, which drew him to the second floor where he met the fleeing Kembu.
    • The pair investigated the voice and discovered that it was the terrorist Leonhardt Nacht holding a woman in a security uniform hostage.
    • Roan fried at Nacht's hand, disarming him of his weapon, and then put five bullets into the man's face.
    • Kembu had arrived in melee range--knocking Nacht onto his back.
    • The woman cried Roan's name, before the effects of the foghorn faded...
    • Roan seemed emotionally upset at the least, seemingly to have known the woman.
  • Out in the snow storm, Del and Managirl wandered...
    • The two of them attempted to get back to the hotel after the delivery at the gunshop went awry.
    • When the foghorn blared, the two of them were seperated...Del remained in the 'real' world while Managirl entered the paranormal event.
    • Managirl was lost in the snowstorm where she came across horribly mutated versions of her birth parents. They claimed that they didn't want to give her up, that it was her sister's fault, but Managirl was too terrified at their abnormal and hideous appearance to make too much more sense of it.
    • Del searched for Managirl, and eventually found her when she returned to the real world with the help of her animal companions Kiki, Jergo, and Graal.
  • Kembu, Trajan, Del, and Managirl ended up meeting at the hotel after all that.
    • They briefly shared their experiences, and decided that it would be best to check on their new friend and hitchhiker (Sarah) since she would be performing soon. Kembu went ahead, while Del, Trajan, and Managirl rested for a moment in the hotel lobby. When they were ready, they soon followed after them.
  • Roan stayed behind to check on Klein...
    • Klein reasoned that these events were a result of the mana reactor (and the group would later learn that foghorn came from the reactor itself by asking the locals).
    • After speaking of the paranormal events, the two of them briefly got into Roan's background with Genesis. It seemed personal to him, but it was clear that he had a vendetta against the terrorist Leonhardt Nacht.
    • After having a drink (or two), Roan was feeling better, and he accompanied Klein to Skeeter's Bar and Cocktails to meet up with the rest of the group and see Sarah Bloom's concert.
  • Prior to arriving at Skeeter's Bar and Cocktails, Kembu ran into the boy in the orange hoodie (Lenny) who Roan almost hit coming in, and who Trajan shooed away earlier.
    • Kembu asked Lenny some questions in exchange for a gold coin.
    • Lenny said that the foghorn comes from the mana reactor and it warns the town when to hide. He claims that the visions can hurt and even kill (Lenny mentions having died numerous times in the visions, but always waking up in his bed safe and sound with everyone else having no memory of his death). Lenny says the more you have the visions, the longer you get stuck in them (sometimes for days).
    • Lenny claims that if you're ever lost in the vision, that playing carousel can get you out (told so by his friend Aric). He claims another friend (Lyle) says Aric is full of shit and that carousel doesn't work.
  • At Skeeter's Bar and Cocktails...
    • Kembu arrived first and met with Sarah Bloom in the back. She was acting odd, but that seemed normal for her as the group discovered. Sarah hadn't seen anything strange going on, but she didn't quite dismiss Kembu's belief of supernatural things going on. She ended up getting him to zip up her dress and kiss his cheek (albeit, he was embarrassed to do so it seemed).
    • Trajan, Del, and Managirl arrived together. Managirl seemed to shrink away as the gunstore owner (Jumbo) was drinking here. She ended up slinking into the back, and Trajan followed her (after getting two rums to drink).
    • Trajan thought Sarah might've been drugged or something (by her weird behavior of asking everyone for good luck kisses), but determined that she was just bizarre, and quickly parted ways from her.
    • Managirl poked around in the barkeeper's office, but found nothing of use. She then spoke with Sarah privately in the changing room, and the musician convinced Managirl to announce her on stage.
    • Roan and Klein arrived together, where they both sat with Kembu and Trajan who had finished their encounters with Sarah.
    • Del, in the mean time, approached Jumbo the gunstore owner, and tried to see what he remembered of the event earlier. He introduced her to his friend (Ed) and while the two initially came off as unfriendly to Del, they eventually warmed up to her. It seemed that Jumbo is aware of the foghorn and the mana reactor, but not of any strange events. To him, the delivery earlier seemed to go normal. 
  • Conversations were had...
    • Trajan revealed that he was hoping that Klein and Roan would do the horizontal shuffle in an effort to prove that they were both human. Klein was horrified, Roan was his somewhat angry as well.
    • Del, after her conversation with Jumbo, rejoined the group. She shared what she knew about him.
    • Most of the group got drinks (ranging from alcohol to hot chocolate).
    • Managirl introduced Sarah in a somewhat amusing and inappropriate way.
    • Sarah came on stage, wearing a faux princess gown of blue and white along with makeup and a fake tiara and jewels.
    • Most of the party was cheering for her, though the locals seemed to think this was a joke (and that is what they mostly thought for Sarah's entire performance).
  • Sarah sang her songs...
    • Somewhere between comedy and music, Sarah's first song was about a breakup she had, and how afterwards, all she could do was post pictures of her ex's dick on the internet in different ways.
    • After a request from Trajan (as a way of an apology to Klein, who he also gave an appletini too), she played a song about a doctor who tears apart people's heart, soul, mind, and body. Klein accepted the apology.
    • Sarah's last song was about her dying of an illness known as Jazz Fever (really syphilis). She acted out dying on stage at the end of the song, then sold t-shirts and CDs for the rest of the night. The group was the only one who bought anything... 
  • Kembu ended up getting some air during the performance, where he and Roan briefly shared what the two of them knew about what was going on in the town.
  • The group attempts to get through the night without another incident, and complete their work at the mana reactor.

New Items:
  • N/A
Current Objectives:
  • Discover the secrets of Quiet Mountain.
  • Complete the Middleman's Second Job: Allow Dr. Klein to research the Quiet Mountain mana reactor and its effects on fauna and wildlife.
  • Complete the Middleman's Third Job: ???
  • Receive the Middleman's Answers.

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