Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Session 25 - Barrel of a Gun

Key Points:
  • The group gathered in the lounge of their inn for breakfast...
    • On the news, the group heard that the Genesis Foundation Parade would be taking place within the next couple of days.
    • Klein explained that she would try a detox treatment for Kincaid once they got back to Babylon.
    • Manu-Nui offered his services and amazingly enough managed to absorb some of the saturated radiation in Kincaid. It turned him to a healthier shade, though the shock of it kept the man unconscious all day.
    • The display did garner some unwanted attention from the (freaked out) locals and tourists.
  • While avoiding the screaming people who saw Manu-Nui walking in his 'unique' form, the group exited the Kasai Caravan...
    • On the outskirts, they found a tiefling musician playing at the entrance of the caravan. He sang an anti-Genesis song.
    • The group found a parking ticket with a hidden message in it: THE EARTH QUAKES. JOIN BEFORE THE FALL.
    • Del asked the musician who left the note for them. He told her that it was a woman wearing a Genesis security uniform who headed for the town of Raske.
  • The group left for Babylon...
    • ...but on the way stopped at Raske.
    • Before arriving in Raske, the group heard that Babylon was experiencing power outages as a result of an unknown issue with one of the remote power facilities.
    • In Raske, the group stocked up on gas, food, and other goodies. Manu-Nui went a little overboard, spending 500 GP worth at the gas station in misc. what nots.
    • The group stopped at the tailor to pick up Managirl's costume.
    • The group found that Ruby (The EARTHQUAKE member who could steal and grant life, as well as alter her own age) was inside the butcher shop. There, they confronted her about the note...
    • The note was left for them on behalf of Macklemore. She revealed that she was no longer with EARTHQUAKE (having been 'fired' after her last debacle) and that leaving the note for them was her last mission. She gave them a contact to which to get in touch with EARTHQUAKE by at the Treant Theater in the lower city of sector four. She exchanged this information in return for leaving her alone in the future.
  • The group got to Babylon in the late evening...
    • There they discovered a whole host of people trying to get in for the parades. From the largest hengeyokai caravans to representatives of the dwarven cartels to high elven nobility.
    • Roan knew one of the guards stationed at the gate. Randy. A nice family man. He was willing to turn a blind eye to all the strange misgivings of the party due to his past comradeship with Roan.
    • Once inside the city, the group parted ways with Dr. Klein at her makeshift labs. She expressed her sincere gratitude for what the party helped her accomplished and allowed them to know that her services would be open to them should they ever have need of them.
    • Kembu was dropped off at the Monorail Station. He took the monorail to visit Lisa in the sector five slums. There, the Watchdog had been watching over her. In exchange, Kembu allowed the Freediver to roam around in his memories for the events that occurred in the past year.
    • Del, Roan, Managirl, and Manu-Nui decided to check out the hideout of Nacht. Managirl had the address (she was supposed to deliver a package there, after all).
    • Managirl went in alone where the package was delivered. Nacht didn't honestly suspect a thing. His external cameras didn't pick up on the group hidden outside nor could he pierce through the lies Managirl was telling. However, the information that she let slip--the name Roan--was enough to set off the man into knowing that something was wrong. Despite having offered her a job to perform a very specific, very fishy task, he decided to turn his gun on Managirl to see if he could draw out the hidden Roan...
Items Found:
  • 500 GP each. (Accumulation of various knick knacks and rewards from Quiet Mountain)
Current Objectives:
  • Complete the Middleman's Third Job: ???
  • Receive the Middleman's Answers.

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