Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Session 26 - Bloodied and Battered

Key Points:
  • After firing on Managirl, Nacht immediately made good on his escape: taking a route through the sewers underneath the hideout.
    • Manu-Nui and Roan breached from the north wall while Del and her animals breached from the south wall.
    • Roan didn't waste anytime--chasing after Nacht into the basement and ignoring the men Nacht left behind.
    • Roan was briefly impeded by a female gnome named Felicia (who he would later remember as someone he once apprehended while working for Genesis). The gnome got in a good stab, but Roan with the clever use of a sleep grenade was able to hinder her long enough to make good on his escape after Nacht.
    • Manu-Nui helped revive the dying Managirl before turning the very environment against Ciro (a male dwarf) and several thugs.
    • Managirl found that the rounds Nacht used prevented her from using her arcane powers--as a result it left her as a mundane person. Nevertheless, she teamed up with Manu to combat Ciro and the thugs.
    • In the mean time, a half-elf gunmage (Jared) and a tiefling psycho (Eveni) prepared to engage Del and her animals.
    • It was then a strange hengeyokai woman appeared. She seemed to be a well armed assassin of some type, as she used a chain and dagger to dispatch Jared with little issue.
    • Eveni put up more of a fight, but in the end she was dispatched as well thanks to Mei-Xing, Del, and Kiki.
    • Ciro would eventually be killed as well by a well-placed shot from Managirl.
    • The majority of the thugs were also killed in the crossfire of the events.
    • Felicia (the gnome) would attempt to dispatch Manu-Nui, but when the tides turned against her, she vanished into thin air thanks to her race's innate invisibility technique and made good on her escape.
    • The group would later chase after Roan after Managirl receiving a call from him. Mei-Xing seemed unwilling to leave the group (claiming to have a vendetta against Nacht as well).
  • Elsewhere...
    • Roan began his chase of Nacht through the sewers. Roan knew his prey very well at this point--spending almost all of his spare time in studying Nacht in order to hunt him. The chase eventually ended at the Eight Ball Bar.
    • The Eight Ball Bar is meant for Genesis technicians and mid-level businessmen who live in the lower city of the Nobility District.
    • After inquiring within the bar, Roan found Nacht was hiding at a table. Either he was laying in wait for Roan, or he had been caught red handed in hiding.
    • After contacting Managirl with his location, Roan sat down to have a talk with Nacht...
    • It seemed both men hated each other, although Nacht claimed that the vendetta wasn't justified. Nacht said he'd stop trying to kill Roan, if Roan would only stop trying to kill him. Managirl caught bits and pieces of the conversation thanks to Roan leaving the phone on.
    • Eventually, Nacht decided that Roan was stalling, and attempted to make his exit. Roan wasn't willing to let Nacht go, no matter what, and so he released a sleep grenade in the middle of the bar when Nacht moved to leave.
  • Elsewhere...
    • Kembu retired at the house where little Lisa stayed in--running into the Watchdog who he had asked to watch over the girl.
    • The Watchdog probed Kembu's mind for information on Kembu's swordsmanship style (with the blessing of Kembu). The Watchdog also revealed the nature of his abilities (The SEED Initiative) as well as the nature of Freedivers in general. He would also share that he was an idealist--Kembu getting the sense that he was a man with good intentions.
    • After revealing some startling information, the Watchdog disappeared. Kembu would settle in for the night, only to be awakened by a cellphone call from Del to meet the group at the Eight Ball In.
  • Elsewhere...
    • Setter Blackpaw, a male (dog) hengeyokai gunmage, is in the process of completing his second mission for the Middleman.
    • Everything went south. His entire team was wiped out and in the confusion of it all, he managed to escape in the truck with the cargo (experimental drugs from the Exodus Corporation) he was supposed to collect for the employer: Mr. Johnson.
    • Chased by an unmarked black SUV, Setter used a combination of perceptive eyes to make it to a checkpoint station. Then, with natural charisma, he tricked Genesis into taking care of the SUV (with Exodus goons) for him while he made good on his escape.
    • Arriving at the meeting point (The Green Goblin Strip Club), Setter made the delivery of the goods in exchange for the payment promised to his team.
    • It seems Mr. Johnson wasn't the cause of Setter's team being set-up. But he definitely couldn't shake the feeling that his team was set-up to fail. He'd have to look into who caused it... or maybe he just was cursed.
    • The Watchdog confirmed that Setter completed his mission after Mr. Johnson reported in to the Middleman. Setter took a moment to himself in the empty strip club of the Green Goblin before being contacted to help out the team of runners he would be assigned to now that his old team was dead...
    • With that, Setter set out to the Eight Ball Inn.
  • At the Eight Ball Inn...
    • Everyone more or less arrived at the same time to the unfolding clusterfuck of events.
    • The patrons of the bar screamed and tried to get out of the cross fire.
    • The majority of the party rushed in--either attempting to deal with Nacht or to deal with the three henchmen that Nacht had in hiding there.
    • The henchman's combined gunfire from their pistols was enough to leave Roan bloodied and dying. He would later be revived thanks to some healing from Del...
    • Nacht would unload his pistol into Manu-Nui, literally splattering him and leaving him dying on the floor. Roan's sleep grenade took effect, though, knocking Nacht out.
    • The henchman and the party exchanged blows...
    • Setter arrived on the scene with a splash--firing on one of the henchmen as well and assisting the party.
    • However, just as the round of combat ended, things took a bad turn for the party. Felicia arrived along with a small army of dwarven cartel members with the sigil for the Mixtli Coatals...
Current Objectives:
  • Complete the Middleman's Third Job: ???
  • Receive the Middleman's Answers.

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