Friday, August 8, 2014

File #R9529: Dolores Meegan. [Terra Nullius Lore]

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Subject's Name: Dolores Meegan
Subject's Alias: Del
Sex: Female
Race: Human
Age: 19
Height: 5'6
Weight: 125 lbs.
Hair: Blonde, short.
Eyes: Blue.
Special Characteristics: Accompanied by three creatures... Graal (spirit), Kiki (bear), and Jergo (blink dog).
Typical Garb: Heavy and sturdy leathers and furs; explorer's outfit.
Status: Alive.

Combat Assessment:
Del's wisdom and constitution is exceptional, though she is lacking in other areas. She is capable of fighting in melee combat with her darkwood staff; able to modify it in different ways through her primal magic. Her ranged combat capabilities reside entirely in her magic. I have seen her summon tides of water as well as birds of fire to harry her foes. Beyond that, she possesses healing magic through her druidic training. Del has the added benefit of never being alone on the battlefield either; capable of using Graal (a primal spirit), Kiki (a bear), and Jergo (a blink dog) to great effectively. A literal wall of fur. The creatures seemed bonded to her; often being whisked away before being killed permanently.

Skill Assessment:
Through training rather than raw strength, Del has above average capabilities in jumping, climbing, and swimming. Her rural upbringing has provided her with a tough fortitude and endurance; capable of carrying on for extended periods of time, well after others have grown tired. She possesses particularly keen eyes and ears; a greater perception to her than most. Her tutelage under Goodwife Maggie has afforded her a thorough understanding of nature; animals, herbs, terrain, and primal magic. She knows an equal amount of first aid, though lacks a medical education. Most of her knowledge of the healing arts comes from herbs and home remedies.

Dolores Meegan, nicknamed Del by her friends, was born and raised in the rural framing and logging community of Potom Falls. The area is primarily a wetland and it has escaped development from Genesis so far due to the cost involved with draining the area. Where machines can't go, humans still make a meager living through logging. The Mitran Forest nearby, however, had been cleared out long ago to make room for farming.

Her parents are simple and unremarkable. Good people, but... ultimately unremarkable. Farmers and ranchers by trade. Dolores spent most of her life on the prairie hills looking out to Babylon as many rural folk do. Sources tell me that Del liked to keep busy; running errands for people around the village to the remote little pockets nearby that were otherwise hard or time-consuming to reach.

Her main contact seems to be a crone of a woman referred to as Goodwife Maggie. Despite being associated with Potom Falls, her hut was quite far from it, deep within the heart of the wetlands. Maggie lived in the area where the sea mixed with the fresh riverwater; creating a unique swamp. Maggie was known for keeping to herself, though she earned a living by selling charms or spells to the farmers. She partook in a yearly ritual to bless the soil for the coming harvests. I would suggest that this is all superstition, but... that would be false. Goodwife Maggie does possess primal magic; a rarity in Ezra these days.

Del happened to be delivering a bag of herbs to Maggie when the young girl came across the witch performing a magical ritual. Most of my knowledge of this event is bled off of the memories of Del; as I have not sought out Maggie due to her location. However, based off of Del's memories of the event and my own knowledge, I hypothesized that Del came across a spirit summoning ritual. Del, in awe of the event, disrupted it by mistake. Through instinct and innate talent, Del managed to tame the spirit that Maggie was attempting to summon. Referred to as Graal, the spirit seems to just be the suggestion of... the wild. Animal teeths, claws, hair, red and yellow eyes, something simply... angry. Not a true animal by any means.

Del's apprenticeship under Maggie began then. Del's hardworking and earnest background served her well in developing an affinity with spirits and nature. During her training, she came across another companion: Kiki. Only a bear cub when Del found her, Kiki was found near the corpse of her mother. Under Del's tutelage, Kiki grew into a powerful ursine and serves the druid well to this day.

Then, she had a run in with Genesis, it seems. I knew the moment I observed her group of animal companions. A spirit? Rare. A bear? Not impossible. A blink dog? Now, that was impossible. Del's third companion, Jergo, is a young blink dog. Records indicate that the creatures are primarily extinct with potential pockets of them in remote regions. However, I am well aware of Genesis' Project Rebirth.

I looked up the incident through a report by ROGUE Agent Lukas Baer. Seems he was a part of a transportation team delivering what is simply referred to as 'cargo' from the Quiet Mountain facility to the Babylon facility. Either an accident or sabotage occurred, and the truck lost control and flipped on a road near... you guessed it... Potom Falls.

Del had happened to be watching the road near that time. She went to the crash site and removed the driver and the passenger from danger, but the truck was on fire and in danger of explosion. Del used her druidic magic to rip off the truck's back door and began removing strange animals from their cages. I don't think she really knew what they were, why would she? Mostly things lost to time; rarities to be sure. To think most of them are now surviving out in the wilds of Potom Falls is amusing, though I imagine Genesis may have sent a team of taggers to try and retrieve what they could.

Eventually, the driver and passenger regained consciousness and then began threatening Del since she was letting all the animals go. It was only due to Jergo, a blink dog amongst the experiments, that Del was able to avoid being shot and killed by the Genesis men. Using the powers it was named for, Jergo blinked Del away from harm. When she tried to return later to the scene of the truck with some help, the truck was already long gone.

Genesis would've given priority to a Project Rebirth truck; likely cleaning up the mess as quickly as it was caused. No doubt Baer was reprimanded for his failure since he is one of the main ROGUE Agents involved with Rebirth; charged with the acquirement of subjects and specimens.

A few months later from this incident, Maggie released Del from her apprenticeship. Del had passed all of her initiation tests and it was time to cut her loose. The darkwood staff that Del carries is likely a gift from teacher. The looks about it is ancient, an older, dormant type of magic within it. Darkwood is difficult to find these days; likely as extinct as many of the animals and monsters Genesis is trying to revive.

Feeling that there was something waiting for her in the city, Del left Potom Falls for Babylon with her three amigos: Graal, Kiki, and Jergo. And that is when I crossed paths with her...

Runner History:
One of the Grell Street Urchins sweet talked Del into buying him a soda. Rover, I think it was. The boy pointed her towards the Middleman after she started inquiring about Genesis and the president. When I first sized her up, I was unsure. I don't like hiring runners that aren't adults. Too much of that child soldier vibe. I know what that's like. Some people don't take no for an answer. Del's spirit is much older than her actual age, however.

After assessing her combat and skills, I figured she would make a decent enough Leader for a group of Runners. Her healing abilities and motherly demeanor would be welcomed amongst Runners. I assigned her to the team of Trajan, Roan, Kembu, and Managirl. She has demonstrated remarkable survival skills and for the most part has kept her team alive; barring tragic incidents like Trajan's death. She provides a good balance to the team; keeping Managirl in line while offering wisdom to the others.

The training facility in her first mission didn't hinder her much, though she seemed to take a personal interest in the Quiet Mountain mission with Dr. Klein. Perhaps it tied into her motivations of discovering what Genesis is doing to the world. Regardless, she has had to take a hiatus from working with the Middleman due to pressing matters at Potom Falls with Goodwife Maggie... despite her promises to return, I'm uncertain if she will. Babylon might be a cancer that can't be healed. Better to stay far from it.

Her trio of questions ranged in difficulty. Through some workarounds, I could have it arranged for her to sit down with the leaders of the Genesis Corporation and attempt to share her advice with them. Getting them to listen to what she has to say wouldn't be hard. Getting them to do it? Certainly much harder. The second question was easy enough; why do they keep those animals in cages? Ties into Project Rebirth, really. I'll wait to elaborate on it with her. Finally, she seems to be as clever as some of the other Runners; asking what the Middleman is after. The same thing we're all after, I suppose...

Del's motivations primarily tie into "saving" the world, as silly as that is to say. She has seen what Genesis is doing to the earth and she wants to stop the world from coming to further harm; perhaps even heal the world. The rest of her motivations is tied into her family, friendships, and a general desire to do good deeds. Dolores has a good heart, and its those hearts that often find themselves getting stomped on in Babylon. Time will tell if Dolores is successful in her goals. I can't decide if I want to admire her or pity her for her idealism. Do all witches start out this bright-eyed and bushy-tailed before the world turns them into miserable crones?


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