Sunday, December 14, 2014

Session 49 - A Serious Health Concern

Key Points:
  • The group began to recover, heal, and rest in the courtyard while they interrogated the dwarven gang members that had surrendered. The group learned the following...
    • The local gang members lived with their families and friends in the top portion of the building ahead. The actual cartel members lived in the bottom portion; a high tech facility. The gang members didn't know much about the lower portions since they weren't allowed down there.
    • They informed the group that a set of stairs and an elevator could take them down. They warned the room before that was not 'pretty'.
    • The gang members mentioned that diplomacy might be possible with their leader since he mostly wanted to keep operating untouched down here.
    • The gang members didn't think that the group could defeat their leader. They warned that the cartel had access to Genesis Tech, Cultural Artifacts, and a powerful Necromancer.
  • The group tried various means of diplomacy and intimidation. In the end, the group didn't learn much beyond that the situation in the slums were desperate and the dwarven gang members thought they were doing good work by serving their homeland cartels while earning money to support themselves and their families.
    • The group let the two thug members go free afterwards.
  • The group found the entrance door to be trapped when they tried to breach it; a shotgun tied to wires. Aria received the brunt of the shot.
    • Once inside, the group made an effort to disable security cameras, but they seemed plentiful, and eventually gave up on disabling each one.
  • The group found that the hallway had blood smeared leading up to the door said to contain the elevator behind it. Those trained in arcana could sense some bad mojo behind it.
    • The group breached into the room and discovered that the room was covered in dead bodies, severed limbs, gore, and viscera. A message written on the walls in blood read 'Not all serpents get their wings, ja ja ja.'
    • The group seemed disgusted by it, but this was a clear message to those who failed the cartel.
  • The group soon found that many of the body parts were animated and that there was a flesh golem, a blood ooze, and a blood elemental present. All of them seemed to serve the cartel's necromancer: Clint Bronzeknuckle.
    • The elemental offered the party a chance to flee, but they declined, resulting in combat.
  • Rather than go into detail about this initial round or two, the two groups exchanged blows with the only deaths being on the enemy sides; the zombies with the heavy hitters hanging on until the next session where the combat continued...
  • N/A
Current Objectives:
  • Pursue Personal Goals.
    • Roan: End it.
    • Setter: Revenge.
    • Kembu: Save the girl.
    • Managirl: Be the hero.
    • Aria: Family first.
    • Del: Heal the world.
    • Angel: Scientific pursuits.
    • Death Otter: Defeat Athena. [COMPLETED]

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