Tuesday, April 21, 2015

File #R9526: Kembu Hiryuu [Terra Nullius Lore]

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Subject's Name: Kara Nacht
Subject's Alias: Kembu Hiryuu (Translation: Flying Dragon Sword Dance)
Sex: Female (often poses as Male)
Race: Human
Age: 16
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 130 lbs.
Hair: Red, long ponytail.
Eyes: Green.
Special Characteristics: Kara has a 'MC' tattoo on her lower back. The winged snake design with it is a mark that the Mixtli Coatal (a Dwarven Cartel) put on their slaves. She received it when she was just a child and was held captive by the cartel.
Typical Garb: Jeans, sneakers, undershirt, and long coat.
Status: Alive.

Combat Assessment:
Kembu possesses above average strength and constitution from the training she has undergone throughout her life. Her intelligence is below average, but that is from a lack of formal education rather than stupidity (though I'm sure there are those who would disagree at this point). What she lacks in formal intelligence she makes up for with her wisdom; capable of examining a problem and figuring out a solution to it.

The thing that makes Kembu stand out the most is her dexterity and unnatural speed. Through the harsh training she has undergone, a training that very few left in this world know of, Kembu has mastered the art of battojutsu (the craft of drawing out the sword). As the modern world grew and adopted the use of the firearm, the samurai from Musashi began to adapt their own ways. Battojutsu began to transform in a style known as Kamigami no Tsurugi (sword of the heavens). The only two users of this style that I know of include Kara and the one who trained her: Borai. As I understand it, the core idea is to be able to close and slay a gun wielder before they even have time to draw and fire a shot. To achieve this inhuman talent, the user's body is pushed to the limits. Even at Kara's young age, I can see the stress and toll her body has already undergone to practice this style.

Before an opponent is even aware of what is going on, Kembu can be in front of them and drawing her sword in a single, deadly strike. The momentum carries her and her weapon in a way that is difficult to guard against it. For my own interests, I have dived within Kembu's mind (with her permission) and acquired an intimate understanding of her swordsmanship style. I hope to mirror it and utilize it for my own purposes.

Skill Assessment:
Kembu's physical skills (athletics, acrobatics, endurance) should be considered at the peak level for a human, if not beyond that. She is capable of leaping supernatural lengths; from one building to another. Hengeyokai that I have spoke to suggest a talent like this would come as a result of mastering one's ki. Additionally, she has a high tolerance for pain, capable of fighting until truly dead.

Beyond those features, Kembu is good at reading situations and people. Whether it is examining a room for danger or picking up on the body language of an opponent, nothing seems to get past her eyes. Finally, while Kembu prefers to negotiate in most situations, her uncompromising morals often find her in scenarios where she must utilize intimidation to get to a peaceful solution.

Kembu Hiryuu is the alias for a young woman born under the name of Kara Nacht. Her father is the infamous Leonhardt Nacht while her mother is Hannelore Steinway. Nacht had been assigned to infiltrate the dwarven cartel scene and act as a double agent on behalf of Genesis. As part of his duties, he was required to acquire prisoners for the Mixtli Coatal's human trafficking services. The cartel used women as sex slaves.

One of the women kept entrapped by the cartel was Hannelore Steinway. Nacht made the mistake of getting too close to a mission that he was supposed to harden himself from. During his tenure with the dwarves, he became attached to Hannelore and fell in love with her. Nacht seemed to be Hannah's one point of light in her dark world, and as a result, grew closer to him. The two eventually consummated their love which resulted in the birth of Kara and her sister, Aria.

When Kara (and Aria) were born, they were taken away from their mother early on. It was a common Cartel tactic to shuffle girls around different hideouts. Nacht would often watch out for Kara and Aria, and report what he knew of the girls to Hannelore when he could. However, it was mostly up to the girls around the hideout that Kara was kept in to lookout for her and keep her safe. Although Kara was shielded for many things, the horrors that went on among the cartel and their sex slaves no doubt left an impression on her mind for years to come.

Nacht would eventually get Genesis to agree to the extraction of Kara, Aria, and Hannelore. When Kara was a child, she was transported in one of the cartel caravans to a new hideout where she would finally begin her life as a true sex slave. Her caravan was hit by a Genesis Extraction team, and chaos erupted. The dwarves seemed to be well prepared for it and fought intensely. Neither side expected a third party to arrive on the scene--a hengeyokai swordsman by the name of Borai.

Kara, spurred on by fear and a will to live, lashed out at the dwarves that tried to carry her off. She even fought against the Genesis Extraction team. Surprisingly, Kara killed a few men with a knife that she ripped off of one of the dwarves. The majority of the women were killed; either in the chaos or in attempts to protect Kara. Ultimately, despite Kara's fierceness, she would've been killed in the crossfire if not for the intervention of Borai. The swordsman ultimately won the three way standoff.

Borai offered her a chance to live; seeing the fire in the young girl's eyes. He gave her the chance to become his pupil; something he had never offered anyone else before. Kara agreed, for what else was there to do? After burying the dead, the two of them left into the countryside of Ezra to begin their training.

In order to hide Kara from the world, and to avoid any unwanted animosity, Borai forced Kara to adopt the identity of Kembu Hiryuu and live her life as a boy from then on. It was then the two of them traveled from caravan to caravan; allowing Kara to become immersed in hengeyokai culture. With renewed purpose and finally free for the first time in life, Kara embraced everything that she had been given by Borai.

At the end of this time period, Kara would become a teenager with a deadly set of skills. Trained in the ancient art of battojutsu, a swordsman style few people know, fewer in Ezra, she would adopt the honor system used by the samurai of Musashi. Kara ultimately wanted to help people and make the world a better place while further developing her own skills. Eventually, she would part ways from her master for a time, so that she could explore the world on her own.

When this time came, Kara would eventually find herself on a horse-drawn bus to the city of Babylon...

Runner History:
Upon arriving in Babylon, Kara would find a little girl by the name of Lisa Trent. Her sister, Brittany Trent, was kidnapped by the Mixtli Coatal. The girl was kidnapped due to her unique heritage (a descendent of celestials) and mutation (more celestial than deva); perfect for Genesis' Project Rebirth. Kara began taking care of Lisa Trent and sought out the gang that kidnapped Brittany Trent. Eventually, her leads would run dry, and she would be pointed in the direction of the Middleman.

Unlike many of the runners that come to us, Kara made it clear that she would not take missions that would result in, more or less, 'evil actions'. From killing innocents to theft, Kara made her morals and honor clear to us. This made it difficult for the Middleman, though I found myself intrigued. It is rare to find someone who stands by their convictions in Babylon, let alone someone who's moral compass also swings to the side of 'good'.

Yet, this also made Kara inflexible in some regards; something her teammates would find out, and that would prove difficult in their missions. Nevertheless, I paired her with a team that I felt would be able to get along with her; people that shared similar interests in doing good. In their first mission, Kara proved that her training provided her an excellent foundation of skills and abilities that would make her a great asset to the team.

Kara's role on the team was simple: a striker. Someone capable of moving in quickly and killing a target when it needed to be killed. She had no qualms of killing a person who deserved it, often giving people the chance to surrender or stand down. Those who didn't often found themselves wishing they had in their last moments.

When their second mission took them away from Babylon and to Quiet Mountain, Kara began to grow anxious; believing that Brittany's life hung in the balance and that the girl was at risk everyday of dying (or something worse). As I knew where Brittany was and what she was going through, I did not worry. At Quiet Mountain, Kara would make friends with Dr. Vesper Klein, though as time went on, Kara became more cautious of Klein given the doctor's cold demeanor to human life.

At Quiet Mountain, Kara would cross swords with a fabled Oni. The demon ended up being absorbed into Kara's blade when she sealed it, and it spurred her on to take more lives. She found herself unable to stay her hands from a killing blow. Frightened that she was beginning to like the taste of death, Kara eventually sought out a witch in Babylon who provided her a charm that neutralized the spirit. The spirit would eventually be unleashed again during the climatic confrontation with the Cartel where Kembu would be free of its corruption for good.

The last mission would prove her hardest: Pandora's Box. In addition to being mixed up with the politics of her family (such as the reunion with her sister, and the growing feud between Nacht and Roan), Kara found herself fighting some of the strongest men and women alive. At the end of it, she (with the help of the other runners) would save Babylon from Athena's total destruction...

The first of Kara's questions to the Middleman involved the whereabouts of Brittany. Easy enough; I gave him the address. The second question was who was behind the kidnapping. It was a long answer, but the short of it was Leonhardt Nacht. He arranged the kidnapping of the girl while working with the Mixtli Coatal. This was of course before everything went to shit between Genesis, Nacht, and the Dwarves. Finally, Kara questioned what the ultimate goal of the Middleman was. A complicated answer, but in short, the Middleman seeks to bring Ezra into a new golden age. He wants to banish the corporatocracy and bring about a democracy so that the people can take back their lives.

Kara also took it upon herself to take on the charge of her deceased teammate, Trajan. Kara offered to take on the responsibility of saving Tanner, the little tiefling boy Trajan had been looking for before he passed away (his reason for seeking out the Middleman). Tanner, Brittany, and countless other captives would eventually be saved as a result of the strike Kara and the other runners performed against the Mixtli Coatal.

During her time as a runner, Kara sought to develop a relationship with me. At first, it seemed one of necessity; I could keep Lisa Trent safe and help her with questions that she had. As she learned more of me, I believe the notion of friendship began to develop. When I look at her now, I can sense that there is more complicated feelings there; ones that she doesn't fully understand herself yet. I know those feelings too well. The way she looks at me is the way I once looked upon my own mentor; when feelings of admiration grew into something more...

Kara is primarily motivated by honor and duty. She wants to do the right thing, help people, and make the world a better place. In the quest for this, she is rigid and inflexible. She will not bend to the demands of other people and refuses to compromise; she will not do bad things for a good cause. With everything that has happened during her time as a runner, Kara plans to draw from that well of experience and try to transform Babylon into a better place for the people that live in it.

On the side, Kara is likely looking to fix her family, but given the dynamic of it... it seems all but impossible to me.


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