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Subject's Name: Aria Nacht
Subject's Alias: Aria Jager
Sex: Female
Race: Human
Age: 16
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 115 lbs.
Hair: Black, Short (Natural Color: Red.)
Eyes: Green.
Characteristics: Aria has a 'MC' tattoo on her lower back. The winged snake design with
it is a mark that the Mixtli Coatal (a Dwarven Cartel) put on their
slaves. She received it when she was just a child and was held captive
by the cartel.
Typical Garb: Private school uniform - skirt, stockings, blouse, boots, and tie. Aria likes to wear arm warmers and a baseball cap with it. (Previously utilized tactical gear suitable for an assassin.)
Status: Alive.
Combat Assessment:
Aria's previous strengths were good hand-eye coordination, athleticism, and limberness. She possessed great dexterity and constitution; having a high tolerance for pain and the ability to keep up a strong pace over extended periods of time even after sustaining severe damage. Her physical strength was below average, but she overcame that through intense training so that she would be able to quickly scale buildings either through climbing or jumping. Her intelligence, wisdom, and charisma were either average or slightly above average. Her talents rested in reading people and deceiving them when necessary.
Kyou, a skillful hengeyokai monk, trained Aria in hand-to-hand combat as soon as she was freed from the cartel as a child. While at first it seemed like simple self defense lesson, Kyou was actually training Aria in the ancient art of ninjutsu. He was instilling in her the skills that she would need to evade trouble, but to strike swiftly and without mercy if it became necessary. Aria is skillful with weapons like the ninja-to, shurikens, and the kursari-gama. She is also familiar with more modern weapons like pistols, sniper rifles, assault rifles, and shotguns.
Since the accident in the final run that she participated in, an explosion that left Aria with severe nerve damage in her legs, she has been slowly attempting to regain her skills through physical therapy. She is at the point where she can walk for extended periods of time, but she can't yet fight at the level she used to. It is unsure if she will ever be capable of that again, and as a result, she is pursuing other avenues for her skills. She's looking for a tutor to teach her how to become a Freediver... and rumor has it she found one in the infamous Death_Otter.
Skill Assessment:
Aria's physical skills were at the peak of human level when she was at her best. She was capable of easily scaling walls and buildings, leaping from place to place, and avoiding attacks right before they hit her. As mentioned previously, Aria trained in deception, deceit, and misdirection. She was poor at diplomacy and intimidating, but knew how to redirect things in her favor. Either she could turn someone against someone else with her words, or convince her to help them by redirecting their anger.
Like her sister, Aria possessed keen eyes that were capable of picking up miniscule details in her environment or reading a situation; often with the goal to determine how someone might react to a certain course of action. This allowed her to anticipate threats and control the situation as necessary. She also had a fine understanding of computers, traps, and locks that allowed her to to get in and out of places she wasn't supposed to be. To top it all off, she knew how to utilize stealth tactics to go about undetected; from the shadows to a crowd, Aria was hard to detect. She made for a perfect assassin when all was said and done with.
Aria Nacht is a young woman with a torrid past; born into sex trade of the dwarven cartels. Her father is the infamous Leonhardt Nacht while her mother is
Hannelore Steinway. Nacht had been assigned to infiltrate the dwarven
cartel scene and act as a double agent on behalf of Genesis. As part of
his duties, he was required to acquire prisoners for the Mixtli Coatal's
human trafficking services. The cartel used women as sex slaves.
One of the women kept entrapped by the cartel was Hannelore Steinway.
Nacht made the mistake of getting too close to a mission that he was
supposed to harden himself from. During his tenure with the dwarves, he
became attached to Hannelore and fell in love with her. Nacht seemed to
be Hannah's one point of light in her dark world, and as a result, grew
closer to him. The two eventually consummated their love which resulted
in the birth of Aria and her sister, Kara.
When Aria (and Kara) were born, they were taken away from their mother
early on. It was a common Cartel tactic to shuffle girls around
different hideouts. Nacht would often watch out for Kara and Aria, and
report what he knew of the girls to Hannelore when he could. However, it
was mostly up to the girls around the hideout that Aria was kept in to
lookout for her and keep her safe. Although Aria was shielded for many
things, the horrors that went on among the cartel and their sex slaves
no doubt left an impression on her mind for years to come.
Nacht would eventually get Genesis to agree to the extraction of Kara,
Aria, and Hannelore. When Aria was a child, she was transported in one
of the cartel caravans to a new hideout where she would finally begin
her life as a true sex slave. Her caravan was hit by a Genesis
Extraction team lead by Leonhardt Nacht. His team was able to rescue Aria safely. He had received word that Hannelore had been rescued as well, but Kara was missing in action as a result of the intervention of a hengeyokai swordsman (a fact that Nacht would not learn until he came into my service as a runner briefly).
Aria and Hannelore were brought to the city of Babylon by Nacht. At that point, the three family members were able to start life semi-anew in a mansion. Using the wealth he had acquired from his tenure at Genesis, Nacht acquired the life that he had always promised Hannelore. It was there that the Nacht family attempted to rebuilt, but the scars of the past ran too deep.
Aria had a relatively normal life; her mother watched over and sung her songs. The two bonded, and Aria knew the love of a mother. Nacht's friend, Kyou (a hengeyokai martial artist), along with another sex slave that had escaped with Hannelore (Jennifer), lived with the Nacht family. Jennifer helped take care of the family day-to-day while Kyou began an intense training regiment with the home schooled Aria.
However, through Aria's childhood and transition into her teenage years, Nacht became obsessed with locating Kara. At first, he was optimistic and pursued the goal at all cost. However, he became worn down overtime when all of his leads became dead ends. Both Aria and Hannelore would ask about Kara. At first, Nacht gave them hope--but as time went on, he soon turned his frustrations upon the pair. Every time he was asked about Kara, it was like being stuck with a knife.
Over the years, the turmoil in the house of Nacht grew worse and worse. Hannelore grew frustrated at Nacht's inability to locate Kara and his growing distance and anger turned into resentment towards her. What is worse, Nacht's old handler in Genesis who was attempting to extract him from all cartel business had died suddenly, and was replaced by the ambitious Gwen Morrisson. Looking for results, Gwen refused Nacht's request to withdraw from cartel business.
This pushed Nacht into a corner--he vowed to save what was left of his family. Hannelore hoped that by getting away from Genesis and the city, that their family would be healed as well by the growing turmoil and stress caused by the loss of Kara along with the continued business with the cartel. However, upon their attempt to escape the city, Genesis intervened and help the family captive.
From there, well, the rest gets blurry, as you'll find in Aria's Runner History...
Runner History:
Aria was never an official runner of the Middleman. I had kept tabs on her as a result of her connection to Leonhardt Nacht, but beyond that, I did not have much interest in her as she grew up. However, upon seeing her sister, Kara (Kembu) on the news during the skirmish between the runners and their doppelgangers (courtesy of the Olympians), Aria left her cushy home life to seek her out at all costs; thinking that she was doing her father a favor by finding their long lost sister. In her heart of hearts, she knew that it was her sister when Nacht had not been able to piece it together yet; blinded by rage as he was.
Given that I was fully aware of the delicate home life that she came from, along with the interest other parties had in the girl, I decided to intervene and make myself known to her. I provided her with the details necessary to locate Kara; which Aria managed to at the Bulette's Brawl. From there, Aria assisted the runners with the take down of the Olympians and the acquirement of Pandora's Box for their client Rickenato.
Aria proved herself to be a useful asset on the team; initially utilizing the hand-to-hand combat she was trained with, but once her memories unlocked of her other skills, she truly became a deadly force that specialized in one-hit kills...much like her sister. Aria was primarily motivated by reuniting her family, so she had little stake in the mission. She did grow a dislike towards Gwen Morrisson for her assumed role in 'ruining' her family as more of the 'details' came out about the situation from various sources (both reliable and unreliable).
After the mission, when I was giving the Runners their 'rewards', Aria pressured me into providing her insight into her unique situation. As a favor to her for the service she had performed for the Middleman, I decided to oblige her and unlocked the memories that I had discovered within her mind. The memories that I viewed in her mind detailed Aria's life growing up in Babylon under the care of Hannelore (her mother), Nacht (her father), Kyou (her training instructor), and Jessica (her maid and caretaker).
I saw that upon trying to flee the city in order to escape the pressure of Genesis, Nacht and his family were captured by Gwen Morrisson. According to the memories that I read, Gwen Morrisson utilized the Freediver known as Athena to wipe Hannelore's memories and keep her as a hostage to force Nacht to do what Gwen wanted. Beyond that, it seemed that Gwen also used Athena to mind control Aria and use the girl to assassinate high priority targets within the Genesis infrastructure that were in Gwen's way. To be frank, these memories seemed suspect to me, but I couldn't find anything within Aria that out-right contradicted it. Her mind is quite wounded and damaged, from both physical and psychological trauma over the years. An untrustworthy narrative, if you will, possibly because of Aria herself, but also likely because of tampering from another source. My money is on Athena.
Beyond that, she had also learned that Leonhardt Nacht had acted as a Runner for me in the past. In exchange for his services, I gave him information regarding Hannelore and Kara. He unfortunately did not ask the right questions that would lead to Kara, but it gave him an idea on how to rescue Hannelore. Additionally, he had me 'lock' the memories Aria had within her own mind in an attempt to give her a normal life. You saw how well that worked when the bleeding effect began when Aria encountered Kara.
Moving on... Aria snapped upon learning the information that I shared with her, finding it difficult to accept. Driven by revenge, and a desire to reunite her family still, the girl agreed to go with the group to take down the Mixtli Coatal. On her own, she began making plans that would allow her to rescue Leonhardt Nacht (captured by the cartel), rescue her mother, and kill Gwen Morrisson. Let it never be said that Aria was not ambitious...
Aria was the driving force behind the execution of the Bronzeknuckle Brothers (a crew that Setter Blackpaw wanted dead for their role in the destruction of his Caravan Team). She at times displayed her sister's impatience, but she was often tempered by her training and kept in control of the situation. Things went wrong for her at the final confrontation. She had attempted to jury-rig a suit of KNIGHT armor to explode with C4; a self-propelled rocket to kill the cartel leaders should negotiations go south. However, a wire was crossed at the wrong time, and Aria found herself faced with the choice of ruining the negotiations by launching a preemptive missile at the dwarves, or attempt to disarm it.
Rather than risk her father being killed if the negotiations went south, Aria tried disarming the bomb she created, and failed. She managed to kick away the bomb at the last moment, but it left her legs shredded and useless when it detonated. Her team (Angel in particular) was able to save her, and salvage the chaos that unfolded soon after... in the end she was successful in reuniting with her father, and introducing her father to her sister. Whether or not the Nacht family is truly reunited with the mother remains to be seen...
Aria is primarily motivated by family and friendship. She grew up with an absent father who doted on her, a mother that that babied her, and servants that catered to her whims. Her master, Kyou, managed to keep her grounded on some level with the result being that Aria puts a big stake in her family and friends. In her early years, she was obsessed with finding her long lost sister. Upon finding her, the two seem to have a strong relationship, even if they disagree on somethings.
When that family was shattered and torn apart, Aria put all of her effort into healing it. Now that she has her father and her sister, she will likely pursue her mother. From what I know of the situation, I am unsure if Aria will be successful in her goal of reuniting her family. I wish her the best of luck with it, and I can see her becoming increasingly interested in the well being of this city. She, like many runners, may become a major player in the politics of this city down the road...
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