Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Session 45 - Civil Discussions

Key Points:
  • And so, the group began to gather their thoughts regarding the Middleman's Answers...
    • Angel asked for Setter's advice and excused herself from the room after receiving it. Having been a little tipsy, she was interested in some of the 'cat-boys' (the male host's at the Lucky Cat Inn), and so, she went to the main floor.
    • Angel would later get a private booth (Setter would later join her) and the pair would have some 'naughty' fun with the two cat-boys: Yruf and Eruk.
  • Aria emerged from the back room as she broke down in her Kembu's arms and cried. Aria began to weave a story, then, for the group...
    • Based on her "memories" that the Watchdog "unlocked" for her, Aria claims to be a memory-wiped assassin utilized by Gwen Morrisson to murder high-ranking Genesis executives and members of Leonhardt Nacht's family.
    • Aria confirmed that based on her memories, Leonhardt Nacht is the father of Kembu and Aria. She also confirmed that their mother was the famous singer Hannah.
    • Leonhardt Nacht had tried to extract Kembu (Kara), Aria, and Hannah from captivity with the Winged Serpents without blowing his cover identity. With the help of Genesis Strike Teams, he hit their transports in mid-convoy. Nacht was successful at extracting Aria and Hannah, but not Kara.
    • Nacht then distanced himself from the Winged Serpents while still running jobs from Genesis. He never gave up looking for Kara, but could never find her. Eventually, his handler died under mysterious circumstances and Gwen Morrisson took over as his handler.
    • Gwen made it clear that she needed Nacht to go back under deep cover with the Winged Serpents, but Nacht refused. He attempted to bail out of Babylon with his family and friend, but was attacked along the way by a Genesis Strike Team.
    • The Genesis Strike Team captured Nacht and his family for Gwen Morrisson. Using Athena, Gwen wiped the mind of Hannah and replaced her memories to create the identity of the 'famous' singer so that she could put her on display, but keep her from Nacht. She threatened Nacht with Hannah's life should he not listen to her.
    • It was also this time that Gwen used Athena to tinker with Aria's mind and begin using her as an assassin.
    • Aria was captured after attempting to assassinate the Campbell Family. Nacht was used to retrieve and rescue Aria, but it blew his cover with Genesis, and he then became a 'Wanted Man'.
    • Using his new found notoriety as an excuse, he began waging a one man war against Gwen and Genesis which would eventually lead to the incident which got Kimberley Meyer killed.
  • Aria apologized to Roan for what Nacht did. Kembu and Aria attempted to convince him to spare Nacht, or at least allow him the chance for redemption. Roan informed them that Gwen's sins did not free Nacht from the responsibility of his actions.
    • After a veiled threat and an ambiguous answer, Roan left the group and sought out the expertise of Death Otter. Roan was able to track down a decryption unit for Otter and would ensure that it was delivered to her in exchange for her services in finding the truth.
    • Otter managed to track down a remote site containing offline data on the events of Meyer's death. Using that location, Roan and Otter borrowed an armored truck from the Watchdog. There, they posed as a delivery team in order to get into the guarded facility. While Roan distracted the guard, Otter stole the data.
    • Roan combed through the data which consisted of radio conversations, interviews, document files, and video review. Through this intel, Roan learned that there was no elaborate set-up. This was just the accumulation of Gwen and Nacht's machinations.
    • Nacht had been searching for the WATCHDOG FILES which he believed could help him safe his wife. While searching for the files, he discovered intel he shouldn't have, and fled before the security team arrived.
    • Caught by a recon soldier (Kimberly Meyer) he exchanged fire with her until disorienting her with a flashbang and capturing he. Nacht claimed he wouldn't kill Meyer if she cooperated, and tried to make his escape on the roof. It was then, that Roan took the shot that killed Meyer and allowed Nacht to fall off the roof and escape.
    • Gwen was sincere in Roan not taking the shot; believing that the security team could take down Nacht on the roof given enough time.
    • Roan learned, then, that it was not easy to place blame on one person. Nacht held a fair share of the blame for using Meyer as a shield, certainly. Gwen had her fair share of blame for driving Nacht to this. Meyer messed up, a botched stealth attempt, and so a little fell to her. And lastly, Roan took the shot that ended her. It was up to Roan to decipher this information how he wanted.
    • However, it was clear that once Roan was held in isolation by Gwen after the incident, that she encouraged him and placed the blame solely on Nacht in order to get Roan to hunt Nacht down.
  • The group discovered that their armored truck had been repo'd by the Middleman.
    • The majority of the group (Setter, Angel, Aria, Kembu, Del, and Managirl) agreed to meet each other at Aria's manor in order to discuss potential moves from here.
    • At the secluded manor in the upper city of the nobility district, the group met Jessica: Aria's maid. She was something of a maternal figure for Aria despite her young age. Supposedly, a family friend of Nacht's and Hannah's. Likely one of the girls who used to be owned by the dwarves.
    • They also met Roomby, a small cleaning automaton.
    • Jessica gave the group refreshments to which only Aria consumed.
    • Kembu made a case for trying to use Nacht to help the group defeat the dwarven cartel and rescue the people they had imprisoned then. He also suggested that stopping Gwen from fulfilling her plans would be beneficial. Setter argued against the Gwen point, claiming that her and Watchdog were similar enough that if you had to rule one out, you had to rule both out.
    • Del also informed the group of a Secret Cabal that ran Genesis and much of the world from the shadows. Supposedly, they're mythical and magical creatures like Dragons in charge of the group that shape the world to their whims. The Mana Reactors were their ideas, but they weren't aware of its poisonous fallout which has poisoned one of the dragons with cancer and has resulted in the Cabal in dividing.
    • Gwen's plans is to take down the Cabal and instill a democracy into the world...
    • The group seemed to be in agreement in taking out the dwarves and rescuing the people captured by them, but it seemed that the group was split regarding Nacht and Gwen...
    • Moreover, it seems Nacht had missed his follow-up call with Setter; prompting Aria to exit the room and try to get a hold of her father... 
  • N/A
Current Objectives:
  • Pursue Personal Goals.
    • Roan: Defeat Nacht.
    • Setter: Revenge.
    • Kembu: Save the girl.
    • Managirl: Find yourself.
    • Aria: Reunite your family.
    • Del: Save the world.
    • Angel: Start a family.
    • Death Otter: Defeat Athena. [COMPLETED]

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