Thursday, January 22, 2015

Final Countdown NPCs of Note

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The Watchdog Files

I am compiling a list of the Watchdog files. You can find the links to each of the files in this blog entry. It will also be a link on the side with the other links.


File #R9500: Sato Shinsetsu no Kasai (AKA: Setter Blackpaw)
File #R9509: Angel Mauer.

File #R9526: Kara Nacht (AKA: Kembu Hiryuu) 
File #R9527: Yoshirou Naomichi (AKA: Roan Mitchell)
File #R9528: Heather Morrisson (AKA: Managirl)
File #R9529: Dolores Meegan (AKA: Del)
File #R9530: Trajan Zalmoxis
File #S19530: Mei-Xing
File #S27327: Manu-Nui
File #S5318008: Death Otter

Session 53 - Prison Break

Key Points:
  • Gerry Bronzeknuckle and his crew of dwarves were holding down the armory (and thus the prison) from the Runners. He received some support in the form of four will-o-wisps and their master, a corrupt eladrin referred to as the Watcher of the Night.
    • The Watcher of the Night seemed to be the warden for the prison down here. Managirl later identified that the Watcher seemed to be under the effects of some mana-related drug addiction, thus his constant twitching and blackened veins.
    • Setter used a dual bullet to land a powerful shot against Gerry. The attack dazed the dwarf, but that didn't stop him from channeling his power to teleport next to Managirl and attacking her a staggering four times. Although she was only hit twice, it was enough to bloody her.
    • Setter fired off a retaliation shot against Gerry for his attacks on Managirl. The shot landed, and allowed Managirl a counter-attack, but she missed.
    • The surviving snake burst through the vents to jump scare Roan and Angel. It tried biting Angel, but failed, and received a shotgun blast to the face for its trouble. Roan also fired on the snake; ruining its day further, before braving the mini-tornado in the room ahead to fire on the stealth-mode eladrin.
    • Managirl returned the pain against Gerry; lighting her fists with fire-magic and pummeling him.
    • Kembu furthered his duel with a dwarf named Robert, a demolitions enthusiast. Kembu was able to convince the dwarf to surrender.
    • Aria ended up putting Gerry down this turn by pretending to be Roan; shooting the dwarf in the head with a sniper rifle.
    • Del provided a bastion for the group to recover at; using Kiki and her knowledge of tornadoes to make a save haven while using her spiritual energy to heal Aria and Managirl.
    • The remaining dwarven gunmen and snipers fired on Kembu with poor luck.
    • The Watcher made his appearance. Using an arcane blade of cold energy, he cursed Kembu, and then delivered a potent strike that sent him flying back into the tornado. He then turned his efforts onto Managirl; severely wounding her.
    • Setter kept Kembu alive with some healing magic, then he lead the assault against the Watcher. Followed by support from Angel, Managirl, Roan, and Kembu, the Watcher would be defeated by the group.
    • Once the Watcher was killed, the group found the rest of the dwarves surrendered at the encouragement of Robert. The dwarves were allowed to walk free and leave this place alive.
    • Klein defeated the last snake when it attempted to strike and eat her awhole. She drove her claw through its head.
    • The only survivors left in the room, then, were four will-o-wisps. The will-o-wisps were identified to be (extinct) creatures with chaotic evil tendencies. The creatures often lured people to their deaths out in swamps and marshes, then fed off the energy they produced while drowning and dying. In desperate times, they can feed off the energy of people through electrical shocks.
    • Some of the group seemed uncertain about the creatures, but ultimately Del and Managirl showed them the proper exit of this place to allow a little bit of 'magic' to return back into the wilds of the world.
  • With dwarves, wisps, and eladrin dealt with in some form or fashion, the group looted the armory...
    • Setter found a strange package awaiting him just like the text message said it would. In it, he was able to claim two Genesis Eyepieces; devices often used by ROGUE agents to help them in the field.
    • The rest of the group found a combination of goodies. There were many types of special ammunitions and bombs. There were also enchanted greaves, gloves, and chain shirts that were useful. The group split up the loot.
    • There were also various mundane armors and weapons, if anyone wanted one. (Angel collected a whip when the group wasn't looking)
  • The group then braved the prison area...
    • In the first part of the prison, they found cramped cells filled with more people than comfortably fit in there. The prisoners were of mixed race, though the majority of them were younger females. The prisoners seemed to be drugged to keep complacent.
    • Angel noted that her cousin (Sydney Mauer) and a few people from her hometown were here.
    • A few of the prisoners stuck out as odd, but the group was able to hone in on a female rat hengeyokai named Ran. She was identified as a literal street rat; having past charges on shoplifting, drug trafficking, and assault. She had ties to dwarven, gnomish, and halfling gangs.
    • Ran revealed that she was planted here as a mole to inform the cartel of anything she heard the prisoners share.
    • She shared that the cartel practiced human trafficking in order to set up buyers with slaves. She informed that for some buyers, it was a sex thing. For others, it was a work thing. For Genesis, they were interested in special persons for experimentation.
    • She shared that most prisoners were taken off the street; with the cartels grabbing four or five people at a time. Other people came from more rural areas where entire towns could disappear overnight.
    • Ran revealed that the prisoners kept in the special containment area were all manaborn. She didn't know much about them besides that.
    • When asked what the most important thing she knew was, she reported that she had heard rumors that the cartel's necromancer, Clint, could capture souls.
    • Aria took a moment to taunt the people watching the video feed. She sung a song from her childhood; one that had gained popularity in recent times thanks to the famous singer Hannah. When she was done, she flung a shuriken into the camera to cause a jump scare to whoever was watching.
  • The group decided to leave the prisoners in their cells for now until they could figure out a plan for them. With that, they proceeded into the special containment center. There, they found six special cells with unique individuals in them...
    • The first cell contained Rubik. Rubik is a warforged of unknown origins. According to Genesis Files, Rubik was found in the ruins of where Babylon was founded by the Campbell family many years ago. Through Rubik, Genesis was able to create the majority of their technological advancements.
    • The second cell contained Tanner the Devil. This ten year old tiefling boy was the person Trajan was trying to save by working for the Middleman. The tiefling was like a 'mini hell-boy' in that his tiefling condition seemed to be beyond the normal ranges of most people. It would be more accurate to describe him as a half-fiend, what with his bat like wings, horns, tail, claws, and red skin.
    • The third cell contained Servius Axius. Nicknamed The Dragon, Servius appears to be a middle-aged human with receding slicked back, dark brown hair. Servius was one of the leading psychologists employed under Genesis many years ago. He was always described as brilliant, but otherwise friendly and unremarkable. This ended up being shocking later on as he gained infamy as a serial killer. Servius was suspected of never being caught, but obviously that isn't true given his predicament. Servius' targets seemed random, but each were killed with claw and teeth like wounds.
    • The fourth cell contained a female deva teenager by the name of Brittany Trent. The sister to Lisa Trent, Brittany is the girl that Kembu promised to rescue. She is a beautiful and exotic girl with porcelain skin and strange purple tracings and markings across her body. She has feathered angel wings extending from her back.
    • The fifth cell contained the shapely female genasi soldier named Wisk. She was part of the security team delivering Kincaid to Quiet Mountain. One of two survivors of her team.
    • The sixth cell contained the eccentric male genasi engineer named Kazz. He was part of the security team delivering Kincaid to Quiet Mountain. One of two survivors of his team.
  • As the group examined the prisoners, they learned that each of them were 'remarkable' in one way or another. However, while imprisoned here, they would be knocked out through the use of gas, and then experimented on it. It is believed that their manaborn conditions have 'grown' as a result of this experimentation. Hence, the more fiendish looks of Tanner and the more celestial looks of Brittany.
  • With Aria's assistance, the group went about releasing some of the prisoners...
    • Brittany was relieved and thankful to have been set free. She hugged Kembu--especially when he told her about her sister.
    • Tanner grew angry towards the group, though the connection to Trajan was enough to stay his hand. He was upset at the news of Trajan's death and tried to keep to himself after that, though he had a brief conversation with Managirl where he seemed to recognize who she was. Angel identified Managirl and Tanner as distant cousins.
    • Kazz was released by Aria, Roan, and Setter, though the group quickly found him to be an odd ball. 
    • Wisk was suspicious of first, thinking she had gone nuts when Managirl had attempted to communicate with her via telepathy. However, once left go, she calmed down and thanked the group--seemingly happy to see her companion Kazz again.
    • Rubik was released by Angel, Setter, and Aria. Rubik seemed to communicate through binary and radio signals. It ultimately gave Angel its phone number (or something of the sort) to contact it. It seemed grateful, though the machine-man was so alien that it was difficult to read it or its intentions. It, however, did crave freedom, and left the group shortly after being freed.
  • The group got a little insight into Genesis and Nacht thanks to Kazz and Wisk. The pair seemed to be on friendly terms with Nacht as he was one of their main liaisons at Quiet Mountain.
  • Kembu made arrangements via text for Watchdog--attempting to come up with a plan that would allow the special prisoners and the standard prisoners to be rescued and taken someplace safe. Watchdog agreed to help Kembu in exchange for a future favor.
  • Next time, the group figures out what to do in regards to imprisoned Servius Axius--the infamous serial killer known as the Dragon.
  • x3 Elven Chain Shirt [Managirl, Del, Kembu]
  • x2 Gloves of the Healer [Angel and Del]
  • x2 Greaves of Maldeen [Aria and Kembu]
  • Catastrophic Dragon Eggs [Roan and Managirl]
    x10 Avalanche
    x10 Blizzard (cold)
    x10 Earthquake
    x10 Tornado (cold, lightning)
    x10 Typhoon (lightning, thunder)
    x10 Volcanic (fire, poison)
    x10 Wildfire (fire)
  • Special Ammo (will work with any gun) [Roan and Setter]
    x10 Space-Shifting
    x10 Summoning
    x10 Firesight
    x10 Transit
    x10 Dual
  • x2 Genesis Analytical Eyepiece [Setter and Angel]
Current Objectives:
  • Pursue Personal Goals.
    • Roan: End it.
    • Setter: Revenge.
    • Kembu: Save the girl.
    • Managirl: Be the hero.
    • Aria: Family first.
    • Del: Heal the world.
    • Angel: Scientific pursuits.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Session 52 - Trivia Night

Key Points:
  • The session started with the group speaking to Dr. Klein...
    • Dr. Klein reviewed that she had an outstanding contract with the Mixtli Coatal to treat their leader for mana radiation poisoning. While here for that purpose, two gunmen pulled her into this room and demanded that she perform surgery on them for their wounds. Shortly thereafter, the group busted in on them...
    • Klein informed the group that she was in need of capital in order to fund Trajan's idea of a super prison off the books.
    • Klein's life has been in a decent state since the group parted ways from her, though her protege Kincaid (who was used as a reactor core) had not demonstrated any signs of improvement.
  • Klein knew each party member in different ways...
    • For the majority of the party, they knew her from their second Middleman mission where they escorted her to Quiet Mountain to recover her research and rescue her protege.
    • Angel knew Dr. Klein as her primary physician.
    • Setter knew Dr. Klein from another life--thanks to Klein's connections with the Kasai Caravan.
    • Aria knew Dr. Klein when the doctor was still associated with Genesis--the doctor tending to Aria after her car crash.
  • Setter had been wondering what to do with Danny Bronzeknuckle...
    • When Setter was referred to as 'Sato' by Dr. Klein, he had decided to execute Danny with a gunshot to the head.
    • Some of the party members were surprised, much to Setter's own confusion. He then made perfectly clear why he was present on this mission: to kill the Bronzeknuckle Brothers for an old client of his.
    • Setter also received an important text message which he briefly discussed the contents of to Angel.
  • Angel stocked up on all manners of potions and pharmaceuticals, though it accidentally resulted in a minor explosion (that harmed no one).
  • Dr. Klein shared what she knew...
    • She knew Leonhardt Nacht was present last night as she decided him for numerous words. She did not go into the extent of the damage done to him.
    • She did not know Nacht's current location, though hypothesized he was either in the cartel's prison or with the cartel boss.
    • She had overheard the cartel members mentioning that Nacht was going to be used in a 'big show'. It seems the plan was to inject Nacht with a 'rage virus' and then allow him to fight until he died for the entertainment of the cartel.
    • Klein knew the layout of the base. She informed the group to get to the prison, they would first have to get to the armory which was behind a trapped hallway.
  • Kembu was looking to complete a specific task given to him by a hengeyokai witch. When he had observed blood in a centrifuge, he believed it to be related to that task.
    • Dr. Klein examined the blood when requested, gathered it in a satchel, and offered it to Kembu.
    • Kembu took the satchel with him.
  • The group decided to pursue the prison first in order to rule it out as a possible location for Nacht, as well as help the people there.
    • The group came across a trapped hallway. The hallway would ask trivia questions, and if the person guessed wrong, it would progressively harm the person until it ultimately killed them. The cartel used it as a game to watch prisoners suffer.
    • The group ultimately tried to think of ways to get around the trap (as it could be disabled, but would risk immediate termination) or find the password to bypass it.
    • When one couldn't be thought of that wasn't too great of a risk, the group played the trivia game.
    • Through the group's combined efforts, they passed the tests which consisted of questions from pop culture, religion, history, and nature.
  • With the door bypassed, the group entered the armory...
    • The armory was well protected by Gerry Bronzeknuckle and a small army of dwarves (along with giant snakes).
    • Gerry recognized Setter (after the hengeyokai used his 'alternative' voice). The dwarf refused to surrender, instead offering the group a chance to turn back and leave. It was declined.
    • Combat broke out, Gerry ordering his men to fire...
  • First round of combat...
    • Setter mowed down several dwarf gunmen.
    • Gerry revealed he had mild magical powers; transforming into a sandstorm and firing off two handgun rounds at Setter (wounding him).
    • The large snakes attacked Kembu and Aria. Aria was bitten and dragged into a coil. Kembu dodged the other snake. The last snake went into the air vents and disappeared for now...
    • Roan fired on, and killed, a dwarf sniper in the back.
    • Managirl unleashed her magic down on a snake and some dwarves, then turned invisible.
    • Kembu slayed one of the snakes.
    • Aria attacked the snake coiling her, then broke free from its grasp.
    • Angel shotgunned the snake attacking Aria.
    • Del and Kiki teamed up on the same snake.
    • The gunmen threw in a dragon egg bomb which created a mini-tornado in the middle of the group. The rest of the gunmen then fired on the party to mixed results.
    • The remaining snipers fired on Kembu; having decent success. 
    • Klein pulled Angel out of the tornado, then gave Roan some diazepam. She didn't seem eager to actually fight, but she was always a non-combatant...
    • Setter managed to use his magic to psychically attack Gerry and then disappear from his view; offering the hengeyokai some protection for a bit.
    • The remaining snake missed (only thanks to Kembu using his sword as a toothpick to keep the snake from biting him). Gerry whiffed this round.
    • Angel finishes off the second snake with a shotgun blast to the head. That only left one, hidden snake, alive.
    • Managirl blew up some gunmen, then wounded Gerry. Managirl was happy to be recognized by Gerry.
    • Aria dove for a sniper rifle, but found her aim off.
    • Del took a gunman down by summoning a fiery bird, then healed Aria.
    • Roan blew off another sniper's head.
    • Kembu ran out of the tornado, but failed to land a strike.
    • The gunmen and snipers didn't have much luck this round...
  • Next week is round three, where potential hidden combatants make an appearance...
  • x4 Elixir of Superior Strength (Consumable, Minor Action): Until the end of the encounter, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls for melee basic attacks.
  • x4 Elixir of Superior Aiming (Consumable, Minor Action): Until the end of the encounter, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls for ranged basic attacks.
  • x12 Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds (Consumable, Minor Action): If you have a healing surge, you must spend one. Instead of the hit points you would normally regain,  you regian 2d8+10 HP. If you are bloodied and don't have any healing surges, you still regain the hit points. If neither of these things is true, there is no effect.
  • x3 Level 1 Medic Daily Options
Current Objectives:
  • Pursue Personal Goals.
    • Roan: End it.
    • Setter: Revenge.
    • Kembu: Save the girl.
    • Managirl: Be the hero.
    • Aria: Family first.
    • Del: Heal the world.
    • Angel: Scientific pursuits.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Session 51 - Damn It, Danny

Key Points:
  • The group find themselves in combat with a small army of dwarves and a dwarven priest of the Patron with snake-like features. Dr. Klein, caught in the middle, struggled to figure out how to... navigate the situation.
    • Kembu offered the dwarves a chance to surrender, which they declined by shooting at him. Kembu then cut down a dwarf chain fighter with little hesitation.
    • Angel blasted and bloodied one of the dwarf radicals in the chest with her shotgun.
    • Roan had some disparaging things to say about Dr. Klein, then he shot and killed one of the dwarf radicals.
    • The dwarf priest chanted a prayer to empower his team, then the gunmen fired on the group; wounding various people.
    • Setter returned fire on the group of gunmen in the room.
    • Managirl then entered and did what she does best: blow up some dwarves with her magic.
    • Aria attacked the priest; severely wounding him, but one of the chainfighters came to back him up and tied up Aria. A radical also shot Aria with a shotgun.
    • Del healed Aria, then took out a dwarf with some help from Kiki.
    • Klein ultimately decided to betray her contract with the dwarves in order to help people she cared for. She killed the dwarf she was operating on, then dove for cover.
    • Kembu killed the last chainfighter attacking his sister.
    • Angel killed one of the pistoleers with her shotgun while reassuring Dr. Klein.
    • Roan fired on the snake-priest!
    • Various gunmen fired on party members in the room, while a whole host of gunmen began to come in waves for reinforcements in the hallway.
    • Setter decided, no, the dwarves don't need reinforcements, and by using his shiver-strike ammo, proceeded to mow down two large groups of dwarves. He then came towards the room, and healed Aria.
    • Managirl took down another dwarf, then wounded the priest.
    • The last radical fired on Kembu while Aria stabbed the shit out of the priest.
    • Del and Kiki them took down the priest! ... who then exploded in fiery vengeance and severely wounded some of the group.
    • Kembu wounded one of the dwarf radicals.
    • Angel took down the wounded dwarf radical, then healed up Aria.
    • Roan went outside to find several dwarf radicals coming in as reinforcements. He shot and wounded one of them.
    • A large number of additional reinforcements appeared... a pack of attack dogs followed by a giant mech in the form of a winged serpent.
    • Setter, in the hallway, gunned down numerous charging dogs.
    • One of the Bronzeknuckle brothers arrived... Danny. The muscular dwarf arrived in tactical gear and immediately fired on Roan. Danny and Setter exchanged some banter.
    • The last of the gunners in the main room were taken down by Managirl and Aria. Aria yanked Managirl's KNIGHT armor and activated it for herself.
    • Managirl and Roan got fired on by some of the radicals in the hallway.
    • Del healed Aria again, then moved up to get in the face of the reinforcements...
    • Kembu moved to protect Aria--cutting down one of the charging dogs.
    • Angel put down a radical with a shotgun blast.
    • The winged serpent charged into battle and mowed down Managirl, Kembu, and Aria.
    • Roan attempted to enlist the aid of the hiding Klein for the wounded party members, then shot the mech and caused some ongoing damage to it (thanks to Angel) while weakening it. Roan ended up bloodying the mech with another shot, but it kicked in its reserves and began repairing itself.
    • Aria got taken down by some gunfire from the gunmen present.
    • Setter attempted to wound Danny, but failed with his spell.
    • Managirl pounded the mech with magic, bloodying it, while taking some other enemies out as collateral. 
    • Del managed to pull out her healing reserves to get the group back up into shape.
    • Klein did what she could; healing the most wounded party member while offering Roan performance enhancing drugs.
    • Danny moved into a hiding spot, while the dwarves fired on various party members.
    • Angel began healing Managirl with a special medical device, and then blasted the mech with a shotgun.
    • Kembu's first attack missed, but his follow through ended up taking down the mech.
    • Roan fired on one of the radicals.
    • Setter reloaded, then healed Kembu.
    • Danny came out and sprayed the group with bullets.
    • Del continued to hold off the radicals with Kiki.
    • A super powered Managirl, Aria, and Kembu combined efforts to ultimately subdue Danny.
    • The rest of the dwarves were defeated, leaving the group with an unconscious Danny Bronzeknuckle and an estranged Dr. Vesper Klein...
  • N/A
Current Objectives:
  • Pursue Personal Goals.
    • Roan: End it.
    • Setter: Revenge.
    • Kembu: Save the girl.
    • Managirl: Be the hero.
    • Aria: Family first.
    • Del: Heal the world.
    • Angel: Scientific pursuits.