Friday, August 8, 2014

File #S19530: Mei-Xing [Terra Nullius Lore]

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Subject's Name: Unknown
Subject's Alias: Mei-Xing
Sex: Female
Race: Hengeyokai (Cat)
Age: Unknown (looks to be roughly 22 in human years, estimating in the 100-150 year range.)
Height: 5'4
Weight: 111 lbs
Hair: Black, long
Eyes: Green
Special Characteristics: Serpent tattoo on her skin.
Typical Garb: Black and magenta leather; often word under hengeyokai garbs.
Status: Alive.

Combat Assessment:
Mei-Xing's primary training is in the ancient hengeyokai art of ninjutsu. She is familiar with shurikens, ninja-tos, kusari-gamas, and other traditional hengeyokai weapons. However, she has expanded her horizons and has adapted many modern weapons into her arsenal. She typically carries an assault rifle, a sniper rifle, and several handguns. In addition to being highly proficient in melee and ranged combat, Mei-Xing is a master of poison in and out of combat. While she typically favors poisoning her weapons, she has been known to use it in a person's food or drink. Most concerning of all seems to be that Mei-Xing prefers a single, deadly strike as her combat style. This makes her an apt assassin.

Skill Assessment:
Mei-Xing's primary skill set rests in her acrobatics, thievery, and stealth. It is difficult to detect her presence in a room due to her shadow walk technique; something typically reserved for those with training as a witch or warlock. In addition to being an accomplished sneak and lurker, she has the charisma to carry herself well in interactions. She favors lies and intimidation techniques over diplomacy. Makes sense given her background as a spy, yet it also suggests her unwillingness to compromise and bend. She is inflexible; righteous in her own way.

Most of Mei-Xing's background is a big blank; so I am merely speculating on her history given what I have observed from her and what I know of the Six Serpents (a faction that she belongs to). I'm guessing no family, or a family that didn't want her. Likely grew up amongst a hengeyokai caravan; the safe bet is the Oni Caravan but any caravan could serve for an urchin's home. The hengeyokai take care of their own for the most part, but it is not uncommon for a hengeyokai child without a family to grow up on the streets and follow the caravans.

Likely survived as a pick pocket, little to no connections during this time. Couldn't trust anyone. Something makes me think she picked the wrong pocket or perhaps saw something she was not meant to. However it came to be, the Six Serpents likely found her when she was young.

The Six Serpents is a faction of accomplished assassins. The Serpents can come from any race or upbringing so long as they possess the necessary skills. Many see them as a cabal or an illuminati. The Serpents typically take on clients to fund their organization, but it is said that the Serpents have their own goals and plans. As I understand it, one Serpent is typically assigned to each country and that becomes their base of operations. As I only know of three countries, with a fourth being the rumored island of Musashi, that would leave two without a place to call 'home'. Likely that I'm missing something, though.

The Serpents like to recruit and train children with potential. The organization is known to use these children as followers of the Serpents. Under rare and exceptional circumstances, one of these recruits is brought into the fold of the Six. This typically only happens when an existing member is eliminated in some fashion. Some ambitious recruits attempt to kill an existing Serpent in order to take their place.

So, Mei-Xing likely went through rigorous training of the body and mind by the Serpents. Perhaps she was ambitious enough to kill an existing Six to take their place, but likely one of the Six favored her enough to suggest her for the position when an opening became available. After becoming one of the Six, Mei-Xing was permanently moved to Ezra (if she did not live there already). From that point, we dive into her professional history...

Professional History: 
Records indicate that Mei-Xing's professional career started on the continent of Ezra. While it is believed that her training may have taken her around the world, it is clear that Mei-Xing has been designated to handle Ezra's issues for the Six Serpents. On the, Mei-Xing has been attributed to multiple assassinations and thefts. My research has turned up that she is a junior member within the organization; likely having replaced a previous member that was killed. The Six Serpents don't allow for retirement, after all. You're a member until the day you die and if you can no longer perform your job in old age, well, let's say the Six Serpents have no issues with sending you out to the "Country".

Beyond that, she has been known to go under deep cover. Mei-Xing seems to play up to the "me so henge" stereotype that many people are willing to buy into. Either that or she really is that way. She is cold, calculating, and manipulative though. In addition to being known for her work as an assassin and thief, Mei-Xing is considered to be one of the premier spies within Ezra. As far as I can tell, she has been active in Ezra for at least a decade; likely longer.

There have been multiple attempts to recruit Mei-Xing to the list of Middleman's runners. However, her loyalty is and always has been to the Six Serpents. She is willing to work with other factions, but make no mistake that she will ultimately betray anyone if the job calls for it. I do not recommend further contact with the subject. I have put a lot of work into not being burned and I fear playing with the cat will ultimately lead to that.

Mei-Xing recently made contact with one of my Runner groups. Roan had found one of the hideouts of Leonhardt Nacht and was attempting to kill him when Mei-Xing appeared in the same hideout. Mei-Xing seemed intent on killing Nacht's followers; claiming that she had some grudge against the man. However, as far as my data suggest, the two have never crossed paths. It is possible that Mei-Xing might be on a mission for a client, but I don't think it involves Nacht. In fact, I believe it has to do with my Runners.

That notion disturbs me, but I can't pursue protection for my runners against the Six Serpents without confirmation. I'll have to do some research. Mei-Xing continued to follow my Runners until the defeat of Dionysus and Hermes at which she disengaged from their group after introducing them to the freediver known as Death_Otter. Either Mei-Xing got what she wanted or something more pressing drew her away...

Regardless, I will have to look further into Mei-Xing's true intentions along with that of the Six Serpents.

I can't say for sure if Mei-Xing fights for good, evil, or somewhere in-between. Her motivations are tied to her loyalty to the Six Serpents and thus, the clients of the Six Serpents. She is motivated by getting the job done at any cost to her or to others. Her behavior suggests avoiding unnecessary bloodshed and civilian lives when possible, but I've seen her kill with no qualms before if something stands in the way of her mission. It is very likely that only Mei-Xing knows what truly motivates Mei-Xing.  


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