Saturday, August 16, 2014

File #R9528: Managirl. [Terra Nullius Lore]

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Subject's Name: Heather Morrison.
Subject's Alias: Managirl.
Sex: Female.
Race: Tiefling.
Age: 14.
Height: 5'2.
Weight: 100 lbs.
Hair: Fuchsia, long.
Eyes: Green.
Special Characteristics: Red skin; displays signs of abnormal amounts of mana radiation.
Typical Garb: Reinforced leather and kevlar in the design of a superhero costume.
Status: Alive.

Combat Assessment:
Highly dangerous. Capable of using magic since birth, Managirl has recently hit her stride and developed her skills tremendously while conducting herself as a Runner. While fire seems to be her primary element, Managirl is capable of channeling air, water, and earth. She should be considered highly dangerous as a ranged combatant and more than capable of holding her own in melee as well with her quarterstaff. Single target or multiple targets; Managirl is easily capable of turning the tides of any battle in her favor with just a few powerful blasts. She recently has adapted several pieces of technology provided to her by Dr. Vesper Klein as conduits for her ability.

Skill Assessment:
Living in the lower city of Babylon has afforded Managirl with several skills typically reserved for scoundrels; she is capable of picking locks, pick pocketing, and disabling traps. She is an adept liar; a defensive mechanism that she had to acquire. Her athletics and endurance skills are through the roof as well; likely as a result of the magic in her soul. Managirl has picked up other little tricks here and there; she also has a keen mind to take any advantage she can get whether that is through a magical item, a piece of technology, or just about anything else.

Before getting involved in the history of Managirl, one must first look at the history of the Morrison family. During the foundation of Genesis, the Klein family focused on new developments and research while the Morrison family focused on the testing and applications of the Klein's works. The Morrison's were generally considered to be 'lesser' scientists than the Klein's, but they made up for it with their ass kissing and charisma. For that reason, the Morrison's are generally well liked and hold a lot of clout within the Genesis corporation.

While the Morrison family is diverse at this point thanks to hundreds and hundreds of years passing since the foundation, the current living relatives that are relevant to Managirl include James Morrison and Liz Morrison. James was the head of a division at Genesis called "Applied Mana Exploration Sciences" while Liz was his assistant. It was one of those mentor falls in love with their student type things; though the age difference is not enough that it would make one sick to think about.

The couple's first child was Gwen Morrison. Gwen was ambitious even as a child; receiving the highest passing grades in all of her classes (through a combination of her own smarts, but from 'playing the game' with her teachers as well). Gwen's ambition and ruthlessness is not to be understated because it was what directly impacted the life of Managirl the most.

Born Heather Morrison, Managirl was a tiefling. The Morrisons were entrenched deep into the social stigma of Ezra; a tiefling was a bad omen for their house and it would bring shame to the entire family. Despite this, James and Liz seemed willing to raise Heather as they kept the girl for several years by using a discrete babysitter. However, this was not to last, as Gwen would not allow it. Early on, Heather displayed that she had an affinity and innate ability for sorcery which resulted in several rooms of their home being caught on fire. Through various manipulations and machinations, Gwen used this event as a catalyst to remove Heather from the Morrison household. Her mother ensured that Heather would have a golden signet ring with her; a wolf that represented her status as Ezran nobility.

Gwen arranged for Heather, a mere toddler at this point, to be dropped off in the slums and left to die. It was then by the grace of the Gods that a man named Syler found her. Syler was once a famous comic book artist, but he fell into the wrong crowd, so to say, and it resulted in him losing his job, falling out of favor in the industry, and ending up in the slums of the lower city. He had invented the comic book hero known as the Knight, though his company retained the rights and properties to it.

Syler, having no family of his own (well, his family was alive, but after falling into the wrong crowd, he had a falling out with them), decided to take Heather in and raise her as a daughter. As Managirl's manifestations and magical outbursts became more prominent with age, Syler attempted to help her control them, though he himself has no magical background. Rather, he focused on helping her control her emotions, as her feelings seemed to be triggers for her powers.

Managirl was unfortunately forced to grow up in a hurry. Even as early as ten, she was running around the slums performing various odd jobs. She primarily worked as a delivery girl, but she was known to run con games and run with gangs. The gang that she ran with was busted for narcotics, though Managirl luckily avoided being there when their hideout was raided. Since then, she has tried to avoid being involved in the criminal element.

Rather, I believe that event encouraged her to follow her passions. Syler had a lot of comic books around their meager domicile and so that was one of Managirl's only forms of entertainment. Through those comic books, Managirl began thinking of ideas on how she could become a superhero, and thus, is how her alias of 'Managirl' came to be.

I have found that her sister, Gwen, keeps tabs on her. Perhaps Gwen isn't as cold of a bitch as she pretends to be, because she has yet to kill her sister off. It is clear that if Heather was revealed to be a Morrison, that she would have some claim and in to her family unless James and Liz were willing to denounce her in front of the world. That would require acknowledging her as their child, though. It is more likely that the Morrisons would deny that Managirl is a relative of theirs as there is no birth certificate thanks to a clever Gwen.

At the very least, Managirl identifying herself as a Morrison would be big trouble for Gwen. It would hurt her public image a lot. If there is one thing important to Gwen, it is her public image. After all, that is everything in her line of work as a ROGUE agent.

Prior to becoming a Runner with the Middleman, Managirl was primarily focusing on her job as a delivery girl and her attempts at becoming a superhero. Despite her background, she seemed to be generally happy with her life and held a great affection for Syler. She had little to no other friends, in fact being a target for ridicule amongst the community she lived in... kids can be cruel.

Runner History:
Managirl did not seek me out; rather I went after her. My eyes and ears around the city suggested that if she had proper training or was placed into dangerous situation, that her abilities would grow. It was my hope to get her to stop 'playing' hero and to actually be one. As such, I arranged for her to be the delivery girl to Leonhardt Nacht, a client and former Runner of mine. Seeing that she could keep a cool head in a suspenseful situation when delivering Nacht a rail pistol, I decided to extend her an offer with the Middleman. It was easy to attract her to the life with some monetary incentive given her and Syler's... lack of funding.

Though it went against my code of not wanting to involve or use child soldiers, I felt it necessary in this case; especially with Gwen Morrison keeping tabs on Managirl. I decided that she would be an excellent Striker for a new team that I was putting together with Kembu, Trajan, Roan, and Del. I figured that Del would be capable of reeling Managirl in and that Roan might be able to instill some of his professionalism in her.

In their first mission, the training facility gave me an idea of the potential Managirl could unlock. From there, the Quiet Mountain mission would test Managirl; giving her a real taste of life and death. She took a shine to Dr. Klein; enough to get the good doctor to outfit her with some real equipment for the superhero that she wanted to be. The Quiet Mountain Mana Reactor intrigued Managirl given her own nature. Too bad the girl didn't know that she was more or less sitting on top of the truth of her past there. Ah, well, how was she to know?

Managirl has had complex relationships with her teammates. Del was something like a sister to her and when Del was forced to leave their company, Managirl took it particularly hard; shutting down. Perhaps it was that pain that caused her to seek out the affection of Kembu further, but that is a stint of looking for love in the wrong place. There is a clear issue here; Managirl fearing abandonment on many levels.

She stuck it out on her third mission regarding Rickenato and Pandora's Box. Her journey as a runner has taken her from a girl frightened of her own powers to a young woman who might just find enough self confidence to truly be great. She certainly has the attitude when she wants it, but I fear that she is still an insecure teenager, as we all were at that age, and that will continue to hold her back until she becomes more mature. I fear that Death_Otter may be stunting that progress in a way... but, alas, it is something I should stay out of it. In the end, though, I prefer being an observer... with just a side of meddling from time to time. Opportunities, that's what I offer...

Rather than ask the Middleman real questions, Managirl instead played a practical joke from a movie. I'm unsure whether to answer them and let it be a lesson in humility for her, or to offer her a chance to ask me real questions. A dangerous prospect; given that I'd have to answer on the fly rather than coach myself as I normally do in the Middleman's answering sessions.

Initially, Managirl was primarily motivated by money. She wanted to give back to her foster father as well as afford the things that she never had. Well, after working as a Runner, she'll more or less have enough money for her and Syler to live comfortably. Beyond that initial motivation, I would say that what truly drives her is a desire to be accepted. I believe that she thinks that by being a superhero, that by saving people, that everyone will come to love her. That she will have the friends that she didn't really have growing up. That she won't have to deal with the factor that her real family abandoned her because they didn't want her. A psychological issue, to be sure, but I think we all crave acceptance... Managirl, well, just craves it a little more than everyone else.


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