Thursday, August 7, 2014

File #R9530: Trajan Zalmoxis [Terra Nullius Lore]

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Subject's Name: Trajan Zalmoxis
Subject's Alias: N/A
Sex: Male
Race: Dragonborn
Age: Unknown (appears to be in his early 20s)
Height: 5'7
Weight: 210 lbs.
Hair: Black, long dreads.
Eyes: Blue
Special Characteristics: Green, blue, and silver scaling on his neck, temples, torso, and legs.
Typical Garb: Red tank top, blue jeans, and dirty sneakers.
Status: Deceased.

Combat Assessment:
Trajan possesses above average strength, endurance, and dexterity. Trajan has honed his unarmed fighting style on the streets; mixing in punches and kicks with grappling and submission holds. After observing Trajan, I have noted that he seems capable of mixed martial arts that he would not have been taught given his street life. Likely this is a result of his dragon blood; harking back to something encoded in his memories or DNA. Along that same train of thought, Trajan is able to tap into his dragon blood and cower his foes in fear with a presence that is typically reserved for dragons of true blood.

Skill Assessment:
Trajan's athletic abilities (jumping, running, climbing) are above average. He possesses a keen charisma as well; having access to diplomatic skills and knowledge of the street. His connections with the homeless community allow him knowledge of comings and goings that the majority of people aren't privy to. His short comings include his intelligence and wisdom; not particularly insightful or knowledgeable about arcana, history, religion, or dungeoneering.

Trajan's history is... a blank. Trajan seems to have amnesia of a sorts; I sensed no memories of a childhood or teenage years. Difficult to get the truth of the man's background. As far as I could tell, he simply showed up in Babylon one day as if spawned from nothingness. His associates can tell that he is eccentric, but none really saw in him what I saw. As with all my Runners, I touched his mind, and saw glimpses of his dreams. Dreams of a terrible, powerful dragon that resides in a broken down coliseum. I couldn't get much more beyond that, as if some force fought against me. Likely, they're just dreams, but perhaps they're... more.

Trajan tested positive for dragon blood; marking him as a dragonborn. His best friend seems to be a shelter volunteer by the name of Christof Took, though he has passing associates within the homeless community as well. In fact, many of the homeless seem to act as Trajan's eyes and ears around the city.

Genesis likely has a file on him, but I've yet to try and find it. I've learned that ROGUE Agent Lukas Baer was asking questions regarding special interest subjects and Trajan was one of them, though I believe Genesis to have only known him by name rather than appearance as Baer passed by Trajan without any recognition. Baer is well known for his... acquirement of special interest subjects, so it would've likely not been good for Trajan had Baer discovered him. It seems Baer was attempting to put pressure on Took to notify him of any specialized manaborn that visit the shelter.

Runner History:
Prior to his employment with the Middleman, there are no records of Trajan acting as a Runner. I did not seek out Trajan; rather he came to me at the request of a street urchin named Jabs. In fact, Trajan had been completely off of my radar before this. I am not sure if this is because he kept a low profile or if because someone deliberately tried to keep him hidden. I assessed his skills at a glance and took a look into his mind; catching glimpses of his true potential. I couldn't turn him away after that.

Despite his unprofessional demeanor, I thought setting him up with Roan, Kembu, Managirl, and Del would do well enough. Trajan's psychological profile suggested that he would do everything he could to keep his fellow runners safe; a true Defender. In his first mission at the testing facility, he demonstrated his capabilities well enough. However, I believe that the events in Raske surrounding Nerva and Otho unnerved him. Nerva and Otho being his first real contact with others of his species. The incident distracted him, if you will, because he was unable to survive his next combat encounter: the attack by the yeti's on the Runners trip to Quiet Mountain. The yeti's were formidable foes, but I feel Trajan could've survived, had fate just been a little... different. However, his psychological profile was spot on... he protected his allies at the cost of his own life.

I can't help but feel an important person was cut down in their prime. Sad, but all too common in this world, I'm afraid. Upon being notified of his death, Kembu, his teammate, requested that I make the answers to Trajan's questions available to him. As much as Kembu's heart is in the right place, I am hesitant to do so. Likely, his team will receive the answers together as a group, as I have a penchant for fairness. Better than letting them fade into obscurity and damning good people.

Trajan's questions were simple enough. I located where the boy, Tanner, is. A street urchin, a leader of a gang of boys. Kidnapped by the Mixtli Coatal, it seems. His second question regarding the protection of the homeless shelter ran by Christof Took is a little more...complicated, but I have a way to take care of it. Too bad he never had a third question...

Trajan seems to be motivated by a genuine interest to do good and improve the lives of others. That is not to say he is a saint by any means, as Trajan is willing to use underhanded techniques to accomplish his goals. However, he attempts to help those found in the slums of Babylon; a noble enough cause. Along with that, I believe he is either consciously or subconsciously motivated by the dragon that he dreams of. Whether this dragon is real or a hint of a disturbed, sick mind... I couldn't say, but I believe that Trajan would likely pursue whatever the dragon in his dreams told him.


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